
Higher Education in Colleges in China


Added on  2023-04-10

19 Pages2335 Words362 Views
K12Higher EducationLanguages and Culture
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Higher Education in Colleges in China
In the following essay, the purpose will be to discuss about the development of the higher
education scenario of China from 1949. This year 1949 has been remarked as a very crucial year
in the overall history of China. The education, especially higher education has changed a lot in
these years.Before the year 1949, th percentage of Chinese literacy was only around 15 to 25.
However, the Communist victory andsetting up People’ Republic of China has been highly
evident in this juncture since Chinese Government launched many educational campaigns that
would be helpful for literacy campaigns (Hayhoe: 46).The purpose of the communist Chinese
Government was to establish a literacy program so that the lives of common people of China
could be enlightened with literacy and the country could achieve a greater economic growth. The
aim of Chinese Government was to achieve the best rates of education for the young people of
the country. On the other hand, they were quite aware of the fact that this factor will surely
increase their business prospects and their GDP will grow because of educated people getting
jobs in multinational organizations and contribute to country’s economic growth.
Thesis Statement
This essay will look to introduce growth of college education in China that paved way
for rise of China as a global superpower.
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2Student’s Name
Education has become a factor of huge priority in China in the last few decades. This is
why it has become competitive as well. In this scenario, the education system of China begins
with pre-primary and primary education systems. Education has occupied a really crucial role in
China since it is associated with the development of the country from economic, social and
cultural aspects. The national agenda of China is to aggravate the rates of literacy so it can cater
to social transformation and getting rid of superstitions among individuals (En.moe.gov.cn).
In the Chinese education system, it has been seen that children have to study for six years
in primary schools, and then get admitted to lower middle schools for three years. After the
completion of lower middle school studies, they go on to get admitted in upper middle schools
for another three years (Hayhoe: 46).Next, the young people have to take their education at the
university level for four more years. Therefore, the total span of Chinese education is of sixteen
years. There are pre-primary and primary schools in both rural and urban sections of China.
Therefore, the Education department looks after the issue that no one from any corner of country
miss out from their opportunities of education (Li: 135).Apart from establishing schools at
different parts of the world, Communist Government of China has also looked into appointing
high quality teachers or instructorsso students could be taught well. The instructors have focused
their attention on teaching the values of honesty and morality to the students for their cultural
betterment (Epstein: 78).
The secondary education system in China also aims at well being of its students. There
are generally two sections of secondary education China. The first one is the junior secondary
section and second one is the senior secondary section. In this manner, junior secondary section
comprises of 39 weeks for teaching as they keep one week for reserve (Hayhoe et al: 78). They
also keep rest 12 weeks for holidays and spending vacations. On the other hand, the senior
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3Student’s Name
secondary section of Chinese education comprises of 40 weeks for their teaching, one or two
weeks in reserve and 10 or 11 weeks are kept for vacations and holidays. So, secondary
education is a very crucial in secondary education system. The Government implemented the
Teaching Scheme for Full Time Primary and Secondary Schoolsin the year 1993 that was indeed
very much valuable for students (Epstein: 78).
The syllabus of this education system is divided in two categories such as subjects
arranged by state and subjects arranged by local authorities based on their culture. The subjects
that are taught in these schools are mainly categorized between obligatory subjects and optional
subjects. Hence it is proved that the educational system of China is divided into different
categories and well maintained as well (Hu and Li: 14).
In the next section, several dark and bright sides of Chinese education would be
discussed. This implies the several positive and negative sides of education system that China
has implemented (Chen and Danyan: 93).Every education system in the world has their positive
and negative sides. These are really important to judge how effective this education system can
be in terms of betterment for their people. One of the most important positive sides is the fact
that Chinese students focus more on theories and exams that is a part of Asian culture. They do it
much more than focusing on practical projects. However, numerous foreign students have
complained against this system (Hu and Li: 14).
This issue can be countered by saying that there is indeed a big reason for this to exist in
this education system. This education system is in practice since it has a very special place in
keeping with the domestic status quo of China. There are many students in different undeveloped
rural areas of China that they are unable to receive quality education from urban institutions.
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4Student’s Name
This quality education requires spending a lot of money so students cannot afford it thatbelongs
to low income families (Chen and Danyan: 93).This kind of education system is cheaper for
them as books does not cost as much as instruments needed for research work. If the students go
through process of examinations, they would feel stress-resistant to a higher level (Henry: 97).
This factor might either encourage or discourage students. However, this is the only thing that
everyone should endure (Levin: 48). On the contrary, this exam system is full of stress and they
go on to spend their spare time in studying for exams. Thus students do not get enough time to
practice sports and this has resulted in obesity for Chinese students. It is a big health problem
indeed (Chen: 47).
In this paragraph, the topic of discussion will be on the connection between education
system and economic growth of China. Education has always been considered as the strongest
weapon for economic growth of China. The literacy rate in China is an indicator that education
in the country is on the right track for progress (Levin: 48).
China is still considered as a developing country from some aspects as it will still need
some human capital and gain in productivity. Several laws and regulations have been
implemented in this process so China could achieve very high economic growth in many ways. If
the young people get their education at the right time, more jobs would be created in this
discourse (Chen: 47).
More jobs will generate higher profits and this will surely cater to the economic growth
of China. The proper distribution of educational resources will surely improve the economy of
the country in an immense manner. In a similar manner it can also be said that low economic
growth will have a negative impact on resource allocations for education in different
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