
EN 2480 - Matching Definitions and Answering Questions on Environmental Topics


Added on  2023-04-26

13 Pages1983 Words268 Views
Environmental Science
EN 2480
Assignment 1
Topics 2, 7, 8, 9, 10
Section 1 2 3 4 5 (Please circle your section number.)
Student Name: ____________________
Student Number: __________________
Student Name: ____________________
Student Number: __________________
January27th, 2019
Due February 3rd, 2019
TOTAL: ___/60
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EN 2480 - Matching Definitions and Answering Questions on Environmental Topics_1

Match the correct definition to the words below (15 Marks)
Words Definitions
Decomposers 11 1. When sound reaches harmful levels
Abiotic factors 9 2. the end of a group of organisms
Soil erosion 5 3. geographical area where a group of interdependent
organisms are under the influence of similar
environmental conditions
Ecosystem 3 4. region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the
Sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation
12 5. the washing or blowing away (by wind or water) of the
top layer of soil
Extinction of Species 2 6. feed on the plants, or on each other.
Global warming 8 7. all of the living organisms in an ecosystem.
Ozone Layer 4 8. increase in the temperatures of the earth due to release of
greenhouse gases
Land Pollution 13 9. rain, wind, temperature, altitude, soil, pollution,
nutrients, pH, types of soil, and sunlight.
Eutrophication 10 10. the excessive fertilization of lakes, rivers and bays.
Noise pollution 1 11. feed on dead waste material and make things break down
and rot.
Biotic Factors 7 12. rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation,
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and non-renewable resource depletion that can be
continued indefinitely
Consumers 6 13. Any activity that lessens the quality and/or productivity of
the land
Point Pollutant 15 14. Using basic sound level meters to determine how “loud”
of noise pollution is occurring a single location.
Spot Check 14 15. A water pollutant that belongs to a single source.
Instructions: Answer all5 of the questions below. Each question has a value of 9 marks each(45
marks total)
Topic 2 - Environment
Question 1: List3 major effects thatindustrial activitieshave on the environment and
brieflydescribe each one.(9 marks)
1. ______Water Pollution_________________________
The generation of the waste from the industrial activities and the dumping of that into the rivers
or oceans or lakes are significant in reduction of the quality of the water 1. The excessive amount
1 Greenstone, Michael, and Rema Hanna. "Environmental regulations, air and water pollution, and infant mortality
in India." American Economic Review 104, no. 10 (2014): 3038-72.
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of waste disposal and the toxic elements present in them, produces considerable amount of
difficulty to the underwater creatures in living.
2. _______Air Pollution____________
The excessive amount of disposal of the toxic smoke with the presence of harmful
elements in the air, decreases the quality of the air and at the same time, it produces notable
amount of problems to the humans in breathing. Along with this, the disposal of the toxic smoke
is notable in creating lung disorders for the older persons.
3. ________Consumption of the non-renewable sources of
Almost each and every industrial organizations consider the non-renewable sources of
energy for their activity. With that, the availability of the non-renewable energy sources like coal
is in deep threat. The ecological balance and the equilibrium in the sources of energy is in deep
crisis with the increasing industrial activities.
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