
Business Research Analysis Reflection Report: Australian Restaurant Sectoa


Added on  2020-05-08

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MarketingData Science and Big DataCalculus and Analysis
Running head: BUSINESS RESEARCH ANALYSISBusiness Research Analysis
Business Research Analysis Reflection Report: Australian Restaurant Sectoa_1

BUSINESS RESEARCH ANALYSIS2Reflection report1. Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experienceThis research is valuable for me as it has developed my research and technical skills. This research has developed my knowledge regarding threats and opportunities, and application of social electronic commerce in the context of Australian restaurant sectors. From the introduction chapter, I have learned that Social Electronic Commerce is a division under the electronic commercial type of business, where the shopping is exercised through websites and online media. It is analyzed that one of the key advantages of using social e-commerce is that it helps business to engage the customers as per the social behavior and buying trends (Turban, et. al., 2015). As a result, this experience is valuable for using social e-commerce practices in the corporation. 2. Explain how this learning process will be useful to youFrom this research, I have also developed an understanding regarding online selling. In this way, it can be stated that there are different online social users who get attracted towards the particularbrand because they are aware of the products and services (See-To, et. al., 2014). I have pointed that scaling of social e-commerce has involved in different kinds of operational aspects. As a result, I am able to enhance my professional and personal career in the future by using the social e-commerce. Through this research, I have learned that the e-commerce is a form of business which aid to connect the restaurant with the target set of customers. It is also observed that the use of social media is popular due to effective technological infrastructure within Australian nation (Qu, et. al., 2015). Consequently, it enables me to connect the people with the digital world. From the literature review, I have also observed that an impulsive attitude can be created among consumer
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BUSINESS RESEARCH ANALYSIS3by using social media marketing in the Australian sector. Further, this strategy can force the customers to buy the unhygienic products in food market (Nadeem, et. al., 2015). But, this strategy could be beneficial for me to sell my any products in the market through social electronic e-commerce technology. I have also learned that proper critical evaluation is required to assess the impact of social electronic commerce on Australian restaurant sector. It is a key issue of the literature review as this learning experience was beneficial to mitigate this issue in further research. From this research, social commerce is mainly focused on the integration of online vendors and aspects regarding social shopping. It also integrates virtual online groups which are created by online shoppers. In addition to this, I have observed that digital technology is improved in the 21st century because online shopping and E-commerce is flourished in all part of the society. 3. Describe objectively what happened in the learning processI have read about the social media tools like Facebook and Twitter which is used by maximum business sector. I have seen that people post the picture of food products that they have eaten in any restaurant on their social media. As a result, this learning experience was beneficial for me toattract the more customers towards their restaurant. I have also heard about the social capital. It is an essential part of social electronic commerce which provides a network to an individual who is active users on social media. Moreover, application of social media marketing builds a favorable image in the mind of customers (Rahayu, and Day, 2015). But, at the same time, I havedeveloped my understanding regarding the issue of social media marketing. In this way, it is analyzed that privacy of data is a major cause of SMM where data about the company can be damaged via electronic commerce. Along with this, personal data of the users may be revealed through the application of social media (Sharma, and Crossler, 2014). As a result, I am
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