
Link between Employee Satisfaction and Service Quality


Added on  2019-12-17

23 Pages5739 Words275 Views
Data Science and Big Data
Research project1
Link between Employee Satisfaction and Service Quality_1

Executive summaryIn the present scenario it is essential for the organization to deliver effective services tocustomers that would mainly enhances the overall productivity and profitability of theorganization that further support in satisfying their employees. Therefore, through this it can bestated that there is relationship between employee satisfactions with delivery of effectivecustomer services.In the light of organization employee satisfaction benefit in enhancing the retention ofemployees along with this, organization does not focuses on training their staff repeatedly thatavoid unnecessary expense of the company. The factor mainly include brand name or brandimage of the organization that plays significant role in influencing the satisfaction level of theiremployees and staff. The employees are highly engaged towards the organization if they possesshigh brand image in the competing retail market. On the contrary to this, high brand image orname of the store may also negatively impact the satisfaction level of the employees as alongwith high brand image it is required by management to provide adequate working conditions thatoutcome in satisfying the employees. Moreover, it has also focuses on all the research specifications that is required by theresearcher in order to successfully conduct the research. The research methodology mainlyinclude assessing all the approaches and design that is used by them for conducting the properresearch in ethical manner. 2
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TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................3CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................5CHAPTER 3- METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................9CHAPTER 4-RESULTS AND ANALYSIS......................................................................................11CHAPTER 5- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................16REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................183
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CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTIONBackground of studyIn the present scenario it is essential for the organization to deliver effective services tocustomers that would mainly enhances the overall productivity and profitability of theorganization that further support in satisfying their employees. Therefore, through this it can bestated that there is relationship between employee satisfaction with delivery of effectivecustomer services (Piriyathanalai and Muenjohn, 2012). The key background of the study is tomeasure the employee satisfaction level within the retail industry as it directly impact theservices of staff and employees those who are rendering services within the organization. Thechosen organization for this topic is Tesco Kensington Store London one of the giant firm thatensure proper satisfaction of their employees. Rationale of the studyThe key rationale of conducting the study on employee satisfaction is that in thecontemporary scenario it is the topmost priority of the top level authority to ensure that theiremployee’s are satisfied or not. Employee satisfaction is directly link with the overallperformance of employees along with the delivery of services to the ultimate customers(Claycomb and Martin, 2013). The satisfied employees are more committed towards theactivities of organization therefore, they will results in delivering Research aims and QuestionsAim-“To analyse the impact of employee satisfaction on delivering customer service- A study onTesco Kensington Store London.”Objectives- To understand the significance of employee satisfaction within Tesco Kensington store.To assess the link between employee satisfaction and delivering customer services withinthe company. To recommend effective ways through which Tesco can deliver better customer servicesthrough enhanced employee satisfaction. To assess the factors those are influencing employee satisfaction within the organization. Research Questions-4
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What is the significance of employee satisfaction within Tesco Kensington store?What is the relationship between employee satisfaction and delivering customer serviceswithin the company?What are the ways through which company can enhance the satisfaction level ofemployees?Analysis and frameworkResearch approach- It is an effective element within the methodologies that is used bythe researcher in order to develop the theory on the ground of this data is collected. Inorder to successfully conduct the research the selected research approach will beinductive research approach. Research design- Research design is termed as structural canvas of the actions andactivities through which investigator can successfully conduct the research (Amaratunga,Baldry and Newton, 2002). For conducting the research the selected research design willbe descriptive research design that would ensure in-depth or detailed analysis of the topicso that necessary recommendations must be made by the management in order to enhancethe satisfaction level of their employees. Research philosophy- It is considered as belief or notion in which the relevant dataregarding the experience and event will be gathered and analyzed so that it may results inattaining the valid solution or conclusion. The chosen research philosophy will beinterpretivism as the collected data and information would be interpreted properly to gainadequate outcome. Research methods- The research method focuses on the way through which theresearcher will easily accumulate the data (Bhattacharyya, 2009). For the presentproposal the selected research method will be qualitative technique through designing thequestionnaire survey so that researcher will gain adequate information related with themanagement topic. Data collection methods- The last research framework include data collection methodthrough which researcher or scholar would gain reliable and accurate information. Thedata collection method that will be used to conduct research must focuses on primarysources in which researcher will collect data through designing the questionnaire on the5
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basis of which themes will be prepared (Creswell, 2013). On the other hand, secondarysource of data collection will be also used by the researcher to revise and regain the pastinformation for conducting the research in effective manner. Plan and implementationActivities Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Drafting aims andobjectives for theresearch Conducting literaturereview of the topic Stating methodologiesDrafting questionnaireAccumulating the data Data analysis Recommendations andconclusion CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEWConcept and significance of employee satisfactionEmployee satisfaction in the present context is consider as an effective approach in whichthe staff are satisfied and happy with the provided working environment and activities within thestore. As per the view of Yee, Yeung and Cheng (2010) organization is not able to accomplishtheir stated goals and objectives if they do not have adequate or correct set of satisfied staff. Theemployees or staff are consider as key element that determine the success of firm in the retailindustry. Accordant with that it has also depicted that employee satisfaction plays pivotal role inenhancing the level or performance of the individual. If the organization wants that their staffsdeliver effective outcome in terms of delivering customer services within the store then managermust focuses on providing effective practices to them so that they can satisfy the requirement oftheir employees. 6
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