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Management and Operations in a Supermarket


Added on  2023/06/17

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This report examines the different roles and characteristics of leaders and managers in supermarkets, along with various leadership theories and management approaches. It also explores how these apply in different situational contexts. The report concludes that leaders and managers play important roles in the growth and success of an organization.

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Operations In A Supermarket

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This report will examine about various differentiates between leaders and
manager in supermarket and characteristics of leader and manager.
While also explain role of leader and manager with having the different
situation context and various leadership theories and management
approaches along with the strength and weakness of different theories and
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While this could be seems that various role and characteristics of given
leader and manager and also the concepts of leadership and management.
Moreover, management reflects the managing the organization
effectiveness in keeping profits and non-profits organization.
While the enhance the strategy for effective coordination for
accomplishing the objective through the high availability of resources and
managing the organization effectively.
Leadership is practical approaches for accomplishing the Tesco for the
ability of the entire organization.
The different roles and characteristics
of a leader and a manager
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The role of leader and function of manager by effectively applying:
Manager Leader
The objective of manager is for set
the role in organization
The foremost objective of the
leader for guiding the employee in
the Tesco.
The communication of the
manager will be done due to have
policies regulated to leaders.
The leader keep their responsibility
with many other employee as per
having policies of Tesco.
Manager emphasis on keeping
things and activity of Tesco.
Leader keep the emphasis on the
entire employee in Tesco.
Manager allocate the work of
Leader motivates the employee
work done in the Tesco.

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The role of leader and function of manager of management in Tesco and
while this could led with having the improvement and changes in
operation of the company.
This concepts allows the change for the factor that initiate the knowledge
of the managerial activity. Here are some of the role of leader and their
function of manager with various situation :
Stable situation:-
These situation consists of the Tesco that will not prone to any
further change that will keep influence in the organization purposes and
maintain the stability of the results. For example, if there is no changes
arise including the inflation, recession or boom, the market that could
inform then the situation will be stable and will not keep the affected in
The role of a leader and the function of a manager
apply in different situational
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Slow to moderate changing situation:-
While Tesco, keep the competition will not be offended then the
situation will not be offended then the situation will not raise and keep the
slow results while changing past experience that factors moderately
changed in Tesco purposes. For example, the market the inflation rise then
the changing situation will be moderate that emphasis on the results.
Fast changing situation:-
This situation is currently the most rapid situation in keeping
Tesco purpose as it drawn down fast changing condition according to the
market environment. For example, stock market there are being rapid
changes driven according to the fluctuation like NSE, BSE and this could
influence on the investors.
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This assignment portrays shifted hypotheses and including the model of
the methodology that identifies with different parts of the organization
purposes and impact on the relative viewpoint that has been attracted the
fitting way and the ramifications of the action that has been driven the
The Situational influence hypothesis is drilled by Paul Hersey and Ken
Blanchard that start the authoritative conduct and working for the
This is otherwise called Life cycle hypothesis of the outcomes. This
authority style as per the presentation training of the strategy.
TESCO empower to embrace the situational hypothesis for the factor and
assessment of differed circumstances all together for suggestive of the
different activities taken for the powers.
Leadership theories and management

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The framework hypothesis incorporates the wonder of the association that
wins to different frameworks that wins to different performance to be
followed including sort and fleeting size of the business.
Framework, hypothesis mirrors the interdisciplinary arrangement of
outcomes that slot in activity.
Framework hypothesis emphasis on the ideas and shows and incorporates
two framework dynamic and latent frameworks.
In TESCO bunch representatives are roused to very much stretched out
outcome as per the development that workers are inspired to outcomes for
the overall degree.
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A possibility hypothesis clarify impact the association purposes for impact
the decision taken.
It is subject to ideal situation for the unexpected position.
It moderately profoundly position for the right circumstance in the
This hypothesis in the TESCO bunch impacts the decision taking care of
taken for viewpoints the relative with the current position.
In this methodology changed qualities impact that reflects of framework
direction and contingency approach for the fluctuated after effects of the
perspectives that has been attracted the association purposes for universal
situation for the expansion.
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From the above report it had been concluded that, leader and manager that
could keep important for the organization.
This could keep the growth and play the role for completing the estimation
about how usually this work and manage their proper growth.
As this could keep the source available for the situation context.
Leader and manager come to know about how this could react with many
things and try to ensure about various situational context.

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