
Sustainable Business Management Report


Added on  2020-11-23

11 Pages3527 Words148 ViewsType: 148
Business DevelopmentFinanceLeadership ManagementPhysicsEnvironmental SciencePolitical Science
Sustainable BusinessManagement report
Sustainable Business Management Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK ..............................................................................................................................................1Overview.....................................................................................................................................1Recommendations.......................................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7EFERENCES...................................................................................................................................8
Sustainable Business Management Report_2

INTRODUCTIONSustainable Business Management refers to the process through which firms managetheir social, environmental and financial risks, opportunities and obligations. It is a futureoriented track that specific knowledge on responsible and sustainable business management,involving sustainable supply chain, sustainability culture or CSR reporting. It movement mainlyemphasize on ensuring that social, governance and environmental issues have been unified intostrategies and operations of business (Adams, 2017). This report is based on University ofBedfordshire which is located in England and engaged in sustainability management. This reportcovers the way business can influence environment and how it run environmentally sustainableoperations. Apart from this, various threats and opportunities are explored and appropriaterecommendations are made. At last, suggestions are given on how business can engagestrategically with sustainability by its staff and leadership. TASK OverviewSustainable Business refers to the firm that has less negative impact on local or globalenvironment, economy, society or community – that strives to mitigate triple bottom line(Cosgrove and Rijsberman, 2014). In today's world, sustainability becomes more important as itprovides real benefits to business when conscientiously integrated in firm's operations. Globallyand locally, sustainability is becoming progressively important to firm's long term strategies, itsstakeholders and customers. From increasing natural resources demand to climate change andeconomic disparity, firms are now facing complex array of risks and trade offs across their valuechains. Sustainability can creates various opportunities and values for business. In relation to thegiven case study, it has been observe that University of Bedfordshire is using sustainablebusiness management system named as PSI555 as it is more manageable and provides benefits toit in terms of increasing productivity, reducing waste etc. For reducing level of carbon emission,institution provide limited car parking space within campus that can only be used by staff. Nostudent can use car parking facility of University. They also have roof that absorbs high heat atthe time of winters and repels heat at the time of summers which assists in keeping theinstitution's building cool (Doppelt, 2017). University is mainly focuses on reducing carbonemission by adopting various sustainable business management practices like waste disposal,rain water harvesting, solar panel etc. 1
Sustainable Business Management Report_3

Mentioned below are certain environment sustainable practices that are adopted byuniversity that provides immense opportunities to the firm to attain growth, higher profits andsustainability in this dynamic business environment: In house waste disposal: Waste management or waste disposal are the activities andactions that are undertaken by a firm to manage and treat waste from its origin phase to its finaldisposal (Enoch, 2016). It usually deals with all kinds e of waste created in form that arebiological, household, industrial etc. Waste management is subject to a process of collection,transportation,treatment and disposal of waste along with its proper monitoring and control. Incontext to universities of Bedfordshire firm is using waste disposable technique where incompany segregates its campus waste in to types. Recyclable waste compromising biodegradable wastes such as paper, cardboards, tissues and food wastes. The other types consists ofgeneral waste that requires specific technique high temperature gasification. Thus by treatingthis waste university produces electricity that it uses for fulfilling its own electricityconsumption. Also electricity manufactured from general waste is supplied to nations likeNorway, Sweden, Finland that are not self sufficient to produce electricity to fuel up its energyplantsSolar Panel system: This system consumes solar energy of emitted by sun and convert itinto thermal energy that is used to generate heat and electricity (Evans and et. al., 2017). Inreference to university of Bedfordshire the use of solar panel helps institution to generateelectricity around 24000- 26000 volts that it use in heating boilers, in various appliances andcooling systems and for genearl light consumption. The most peculiar feature of this system isthat it do emit carbon and thus helps university to reduce down its carbon imprints. Rain water harvesting System : It refers to the practice of collecting and storingrainwater for reusing on site rather than allowing to run off and get wasted. It forms one of themost simplest, traditional and efficient methods of self supply of water for fulfilling the waterconsumption requirements. University of Bedfordshire make use of rain water harvestingtechnique where in it accumulates around 60000 meter cubic water in a year. This water besidebeen used for drinking purpose it utilize in all other activities comprising washing clothe,flushing toilets, watering plants etc. This has reduced down universities expenses to aconsiderable amount as institute is self sufficient to fulfil its water consumption requirements toan extent (Hesselbarth and Schaltegger, 2014).
Sustainable Business Management Report_4

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