
Problems and Issues for Tourism Development in India


Added on  2023-01-09

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Assessment Task...............................................................3
Problems and issue for tourism Development in India.3
Stakeholders role in sustainable tourism developement5
Problems and Issues for Tourism Development in India_1

Alternative forms of Sustainable tourism.....................7
Sustainable tourism is the tourism which helps in minimising the cost and increases the benefits of
local communities & natural environment and can be carried out without damaging the resources its
dependent on. It is benefit to the economic advantages also as if people do not travel there will be no
tourism so they both are linked to mobility also. India is a developing country with a thousand of places
in the country itself to go and is a well favourite place for many tourists as the tourism is a huge sector
in India’s development. Sustainable tourism can be beneficial in India as the tourism cost is low and the
profit is high in the country to work. The purpose of the report is to raise the awareness of issues in
tourism with stakeholders. In this report discussed the overview of development in tourism and heir
analysis and evaluation practices with alternative forms of consideration to be explained (Hall,2019).
Assessment Task
Problems and issue for tourism Development in India
There are many problems associated for tourism development in India for exam lack of
government policies and laws to support eco- tourism industry. However, tourism plays a significant
role in economic growth of the country. Another problem is lack of local people interest for tourism
and many of people boycott such activities in their area because of conservative mind for example
Mandvi beach in Bhuj fails to gain local support as they do not like western short clothes and
considered it as traditional destruction and young mind brain wash (Sanjeev and Birdie, 2019).
Government Plans and Policies
Government fails to conserve tourist sites in different part of the country and very less
investment to protect it. After 1947 many of palaces and forts comes under government property for
example Sitamau fort of Madhya Pradesh. It is one of the beautiful forts with and masterpiece of Rajput
and mughal architect but government lack of awareness, investment and protection destroy the Heritage
property. Government supported funds for tourism entrepreneur opening is very less and again heavy
Problems and Issues for Tourism Development in India_2

taxes on it and hence many tourism organization fails to operate in India. It will become difficult to
become tourist guide in India because of lobby and nepotism of old tourist union and again local
leaders support so this again affecting new tourist leaders in the country. Government is not focusing
on breaking tourism lobby which again affect new minds entries for tourism development of the
country. Most of support for heritage conservation comes from UNESCO and other international
organisation but because of corruption in the country very less amount reaches to support conservation
of tourism sites in the country (Ghosh and Siddique, 2017)
India’s many of heritage property which can become attraction for tourist and support
development of tourism in country are suffering from Maintenance of building and monuments in
tourism site is another problem for the country as lack of funds available from the government. Again,
very few people take interest in building career in Heritage conservation because of lack of scope and
money and hence it will difficult for tourism development in heritage sites. Rural tourism of India has
bright scope but government and lack of public attention, it will difficult to progress such kind of
tourism in the country. In the rural places of India lack of infrastructure and hotel industry involvement
and hence it become difficult for such tourism growth in the country. Taj Mahal which is one of world
heritage site is losing its shining because of pollution but government fails to take any strong measure
for it
Community Awareness:
Lack of awareness in local people for heritage conservation of the country is another problem of the
country. India is developing country, but large number population is of illiterates and hence
superstitious leads to closing tourist sites for example Bhangarh fort remain closed because of
superstitious among people and hence it will difficult to attract local tourist in the country. There are
many monuments on tourist sites in the country which are destroyed or about to destroy by local and
uneducated people. Government take very less interest for such culprits and very few people punish for
it, as most people easily escape because of lack of police searching in such cases.
Technological advancement:
India is developing country and hence has limited resources for technological changes in
the tourist sites for example electric vehicle to reduce pollution in tourist site are not possible for the
country. There are very few security system available on tourist sites and hence it become difficult to
ensure tourist security. Internet services and connection are poor in tourist area so it is another
disadvantage to attract the customer. Ministry of tourism spent very less on Digital marketing and other
to attract the tourist in different places of the country. Virtual tours are limited with few tourist sites to
Problems and Issues for Tourism Development in India_3

attract the customer (Namdev, 2020).
Security of tourist:
It will become difficult to secure tourist in the country as many of tourist sites are far away
from the city and hence police numbers are very limited. This kind of problems and negative feedback
of tourist for the sites decrease tourism development in the country. Wallet and other items stolen in
many of tourist sites are common in the country. Tourists are cheated by guides and hoteliers, take
higher prices than the real one. Rising criminal cases in the country again create problem for the growth
of the industry. Government investment is very less in instalment of CCTV and other security system at
different of the tourist sites.
Stakeholders role in sustainable tourism development
There are number of changes by different stakeholders for tourism growth. Government
increase its budget for supporting entrepreneur and development of eco parks. Organisation invested in
eco tourism activities for example walking and cycling tours. Voluntary organisation increases
awareness among local people for Heritage conservation. GOOD.
What are the government doing to promote or develop
sustainable tourism? Is it working?
(Government started increasing its budget for tourism
industry. There are many projects started by government to
increase tourism industry in the country for example recently
Problems and Issues for Tourism Development in India_4

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