
Tourism Development: Sustainability and Culture


Added on  2020-02-05

17 Pages5655 Words190 Views
Sustainable Tourism
Tourism Development: Sustainability and Culture_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Research on Travel and tourism at Chumbe Island...............................................................11.2 Advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector partnership.....................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Analysis of tourism development planning...........................................................................32.2 Evaluation of interactive planning system.............................................................................42.3 Methods of measuring tourism impact..................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................53.1 Sustainable Tourism..............................................................................................................53.2 Factors affecting development of sustainable tourism..........................................................63.3 Steps involved in sustainable development of tourism..........................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................94.1 Problems in development planning and resolution................................................................94.2 Supply and demand..............................................................................................................104.3 Moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism........................................................................11TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................125.1 Issues associated with tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations...........125.2 Future development of tourism at both countries................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
Tourism Development: Sustainability and Culture_2

INTRODUCTIONChumbe Island is a forest reserve which is situated in East Africa. It is the public sectorpartner of revolutionary government of Zanzibar. This partnership helps Chumbe Island ineducating local public about ecosystem and invites them to support the sanctuary. These benefitthe local people by providing them with employment opportunity. Chumbe Island helps Zanzibargovernment in generating large revenue. It is a new destination for travellers which completelysupport ecosystem. These help in increasing the number of tourist at Zanzibar. With thedevelopment of Chumbe Island, all tourism related activities were also developed such as socialculture, economic development and environmental conditions (Richards and Van der Ark, 2013).These factors play vital role in development of Zanzibar. TASK 11.1 Research on Travel and tourism at Chumbe IslandMany people are depended directly and indirectly on growth of Chumbe Island.Following are the stakeholders who participate in the development of island:Tourist – These are the important stakeholders for Chumbe Island and Zanzibar governmentbecause it is the main source of revenue generation. These are directly related with thedevelopment of tourism. Tourist wants better services in return of their money.Government –Government is another stakeholder for Chumbe Island because it helps largenumber of people in providing employment. Government generates revenue by inviting morevisitors at Chumbe Island. Government set their policies according to locations of tourist so thatthey can attract more tourists. Government responsibility is to take care of these Islands andmaintain them (Muhanna, 2006). For creating awareness among local people to saveenvironment, government can start social educational programmes.Tourist organisations – These organisations include hotels, restaurants, travel companies, etc.These types of organisation directly depend on the tourist. If large number of tourist comes tovisit then it will directly help these organisations in generating revenue. Tourism helps suchorganisations in attracting more customers.Planning of this development helps in growth of economy. These also cover many areaswhich could affect the planning (Hall, 2011). They are as follows:1| P a g e
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Improve employment opportunity – This development of Chumbe Island attracting moretourists and it directly improved employment opportunity for local people.Generation of revenue – Development of Chumbe Island helps the government bodies ingenerating long term revenue by making more people aware.Economic development – Zanzibar can improve its economic condition by developing this plan.It could be long term source of income for authorities and it will help Zanzibar in identifyingitself at global level as the developing country (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007).1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector partnershipPublic and private partnership is basically the association between government and privatefirms for the purpose of maintaining sustainable tourism at the particular country. The main aimbehind this type of partnership is to provide good quality of services to the tourist. Participationof government helps in enhancing culture of the country. Government appreciates these culturalactivities in attracting more people from different locations. Public private partnership helps eachother in effectively utilizing resource in order to enhance effectiveness (Boukas and Ziakas,2013). There are some advantages and disadvantages of this partnership, which are as follows:AdvantagesPublic and private partnership helps in exploring resources within them which can help inproviding better services to the tourist.These help the government in arranging fund for investment.It also assists in achieving greater efficiency in service quality for tourist.It provide base for the future planning for the tourism sector.This can be used as a way of increasing capabilities of private sector through jointventure with local firms such as cleaning services, and facilities management.It creates opportunity for small size business to establish itself with the help ofgovernment authorities (Liu, Tzeng and Lee, 2012).It facilitates promotion of particular location on the global level.DisadvantagesIt will increase the responsibility of the government which can cost to the country.This can affect conflict between private and public firms and resulted to lack ofcoordination.2| P a g e
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