
Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis


Added on  2024-05-21

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Sustainable Tourism Development
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Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_1

Task 1- Leaflet.........................................................................................................................................................4
Task 2- Report..........................................................................................................................................................9
P 2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels with reference to the Qatar........10
P 2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development with
reference to Qatar...............................................................................................................................................12
P 2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to Qatar........................13
Task 3- presentation...............................................................................................................................................15
P 3.1 Justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development with reference Qatar.. 15
P 3.2 Analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development with reference to Qatar......20
P 3.3 Analyse different stages in planning for sustainability with reference Qatar...........................................21
Task 4- magazine article........................................................................................................................................25
P 4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future wellbeing of a developing
tourism destination such as Qatar......................................................................................................................26
P 4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand with reference to Qatar...............................27
P 4.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism in Qatar..........................................................28
Task 5- report.........................................................................................................................................................30
P 5.1 - Compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging
destination where the impacts of tourism are different. Your report should be professionally presented such as
using comparative tables....................................................................................................................................31
P 5.2 – Evaluate, with recommendations, the future development of tourism in these chosen destinations.. . .33
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This report deals with the sustainable tourism development of Qatar. In the current era, it can
be seen that tourism is the fastest growing industry which has a large impact on the economic
factor of the host country. The purpose of this assignment is to achieve the understanding of
the logic and dissimilar methods related to planning and development of tourism along with
sustainable tourism and concerns of tourism. Basically, this task is divided into five tasks.
The first task will focus on the understanding the basis for planning with the tourism and
travel sector. The different tactics related to tourism scheduling and growth will be discussed
in second task. The third part of the unit will present a power-point presentation for
understanding the need for development for sustainable tourism. In the fourth part of the
study, existing issues linked with tourism development planning will be discussed effectively
and efficiently. The last part of the study will explain the impact of various factors in
emerging destination and developing countries.
(Source: Maggio, 2016)
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Task 1- Leaflet
This leaflet will discuss the
advantage of stakeholder for
the planning of tourism
development in Qatar. The
pros and cons of private and
public division tourism
planning will be explained in
the context of Qatar.
P1.1 Discuss how
stakeholders can benefit
from the planning of
tourism developments with
reference to Qatar.
As per the words of
Dabphet (2012) stakeholder
is defined as a person who
can affect or is affected by
the success of
organisational goals and
purposes. The UNWTO
recognised stakeholders in
travel as tourism
P1.2 Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of
public/private sector tourism
planning partnerships
drawing examples Qatar.
The collaboration of private
and public sector helps in
enhancing the destination
effectively and efficiently. In
the context of Qatar tourism,
the pros and cons of
private/public partnership for
making a considerable planning
for Qatar tourism are as
The combination of
the local and private
sector will be helpful
in collecting a large
amount of funds and
resources for
managing the
development. The
legal issues,
From this leaflet, it is
concluded that the
stakeholder is playing a
tremendous role in
improving the tourism
development planning.
They also used to provide
funds and resources for the
development of tourism
sector. This will be helpful
in achieving the
competitive advantage
from the sector for
developing the availability
of resources.
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specialists, public
consultants, media and
others who are related to
the tourism development.
The benefit of development
within the Qatar tourism
sector also goes to the
stakeholders or funders
who provide funds and
resources for the growth
and development of
tourism authority in an
effective and efficient way.
The three main
stakeholders who provide
benefit to the QATAR
tourism are local and
national government,
institutions which are
engaged in financing
tourism project (Duarte
Alonso and Nyanjom,
In the context of Qatar
tourism development,
different stakeholders come
together for achieving the
common goal. The benefit of
stakeholders in the tourism
planning decision of Qatar
are as follows:
community integration
will be managed
The partnership
between public and
private division will be
helpful in improving
the employment rate.
The partnership is so
effective that it can
attain the maximum
growth speed and good
quality management
(Mariani and Kylanen,
The ideas and
strategies can be
combined for
improving the
planning decision of
Qatar tourism.
The private and public
partnership also assists
in distributing the
power to the
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Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_6

improved employment
Opportunities- The tourism
development will be helpful
in providing job
opportunity to the local
people. It also provides an
opportunity to grow
according to the economic
development. For an
effective planning of
tourism development, the
stakeholders can hire new
employees who can be able
to improve the planning
decision effectively (Duarte
Alonso and Nyanjom,
Protection and
conservation of wildlife-
The stakeholders also work
for the protection and
conservation of wildlife.
For an effective planning of
tourism development in
Qatar, they used to
organise a different
employees equally.
These will assist in
managing the issues
related to management
(Rodriguez, 2018).
Basically, the
collaboration between
public and private
sector will develop the
local places for
attracting a large
number of customers.
With the help of
private and public
partnership, the high-
quality level of
tourism can be
The main disadvantage
of a public and private
partnership is that the
employees have already
a perception about their
colleagues which can be
responsible in hindering
the work.
The involvement of
different parties with
different objectives and
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campaign for saving the
flora and fauna of the
Resources and funds- The
planning of tourism
development require a
huge amount of money and
resources. The
development also assists in
providing assets to the
country for improving the
tourism services in an
operative way. The overall
development will be helpful
in improving employment
rate of local people. The
funds and resources
provided by the
stakeholders can be used
for the development of
Qatar tourism sector. The
stakeholders of Qatar
tourism consists of media,
tourism professionals or
investors (Ellis and
goals can create a clash
of interest.
The main demerit of
private and public
partnership in the
context of Qatar tourism
is the bidding of higher
cost (Rodriguez, 2018).
The decision-making
process of Qatar tourism
will be affected when
there will be less
involvement of private
and public sector
Increase in competition
among private and
public sector employees
can be responsible for
affecting the planning
decision of Qatar
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Sustainable Tourism Development in Qatar: A Comprehensive Analysis_8

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