
Globalisation and the Corporate Structures of Large Multinational Companies


Added on  2021-02-21

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Table of ContentsTITLE .............................................................................................................................................1Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................1Chapter 2: Literature Review ..........................................................................................................5Chapter 3: Research Methodology ..................................................................................................9Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation ................................................................................11Chapter 5: Discussion ...................................................................................................................22Chapter 6: Reflection & recommendation for alternative research methodology. ......................24Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................25References......................................................................................................................................26Appendix .......................................................................................................................................28
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TITLE The impact of globalisation on the corporate structures of large multinationalcompanies and the major challenges they face.Chapter 1: Introduction Overview of the Research Economic process is principally positioned for the outgrowth of a global system ofeconomic system. In its simplistic form, globalisation is determined to the widening, deepeningor speeding of global connectedness which promotes international trade among individuals,businesses and governments (Beikkhakhian and et. al., 2015). Globalisation is mainly concernover creating new request in the economic, political, and cultural features which a business musttake into consideration for wider expansion of business operations and attain growth.Globalisation is a significant term which encompasses over providing opportunities to thebusinesses to develop inside the world wide centre by the implementation of work in a plannedway. Globalisation promotes corporate structure of wide transnational businesses, thereforebusinesses that are active in international business are known as multinational businesses.Multinational businesses are mainly depending over one region but has enterprise functions inseveral areas. However, for better execution of international trade it is important for thebusinesses to conduct business operations within corporate structure in respect to suitableexecution if the operations. Thus, corporate structure performs huge function in systematicimplementation of organisational operations, that leads towards achievement of significantposition within commercial centre. In the present study area GlaxoSmithKline is the selectedbusiness (Brambilla, 2015). It is a British transnational pharmaceutical business, which has itsglobal operations. The report is based on the analysis of the report supported to the evaluation ofthe impinging of economic process on the artefact of business. For providing support to thework aim and objectives are created that covers the major intention of an investigation.Literature review is developed for administration of detailed evaluation over the selecteddependent area. Proper selection of methodologies is also made to support the activity inpotential manner. Along with this information evaluation will be interpreted through the supportof primary investigation and at the end recommendation has been provided over the outcome of1
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the work and reflection has also been taken place over the personal experience of theinvestigator. Background of the Research Globalization mainly motivates businesses to internationalise and to considerablydevelop the range and sort of cross-border operations in products, facilities and funds. Also, theeconomic process assist to regular spreading and natural action of goods, technology andknowledge in the globe, irrespective of the origin (Crane and Matten, 2016). Globalisation isreferring as a global drift, through that economies in the world lose their boundary line andconnect with all at global basis. GlaxoSmithKline is a seizable British internationalpharmaceutical business with its base office is in Brentford, London. Company has startedoperating from the year of 2000 by the integration of GlaxoWellcome and SmithKline Beecham.The company is operating in pharmaceutical, vaccines, oral healthcare, nutritional products, overthe counter medicines. The revenue of the firm is around 30.821 billion which is attained throughits worldwide operations. The key motive of GlaxoSmithKline is to performing internationaloperations in accordance with the corporate structure for the intention of implementing wellplanned operations of business. A proper corporate structure assists the firm in accomplishmentof organisational objectives through the proper classification of organisational operations. Rational of the Research The inquiry work into proper action is corroborated over influence of economic processon the embodied structure of wide international businesses and the issues that they countenance.This is a broad sphere of research area on that research execution is effectual in processing thein-depth cognition related to the area of economic process and how it affects the corporatestructure of multinational business (Debicki and et. al., 2016). The major aim of administrationof an investigation based over the individual involvement or willingness, thus investigation onthe particular area is being conducted to developing the cognition and acquirement of theresearch. This study is effective for individual learner, researcher and the students who arecurious towards the related section of investigation or wants to acquire their personal andprofessional acquirement in respect to the domain of globalisation. This study is efficacious inassisting a person in enhancing their individual and professional capability that leads towardsachievement of potential position. The major reason for choosing the study on the impact ofglobalisation on the corporate structures of large multinational companies and the major2
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challenges they face is that it is a very crucial aspect in today's business environment. Thereforethis study is effectual for in providing suitable knowledge in regards to the element ofglobalisation as it creates value for the individual who are having their future growthprofessional in the same area. The study area is so wide and helps in exploring the knowledgewhich could be effective for an individual in attempting their future goals in more effectivemanner. Research Aim Research aim defines as the direct thought of the investigator is to create an intention onthat the general inquiry is dependent. This part of investigation is effectual in transfer out theresearch operations in effective manner to creating potential results (Doppelt, 2017). The keyaim of this particular investigation is "To determine the impact of globalisation on thecorporate structures of large multinational companies and the major challenges theyface". A case study on GlaxoSmithKline. Research Objectives The key objectives of this particular investigation that covers the aim of the investigationare associated as below: To understand the concept of globalisation in the context of multinational businessorganisation. To identify the significance of corporate structure over the effective operations ofGlaxoSmithKline. To analyse the influence of globalisation on the corporate structure of GlaxoSmithKline. To study the challenges faced by GlaxoSmithKline in the implementation of globalbusiness operations. Research Question The major research questions which support the literature of this specific investigationare determined as underneath: What is the concept of globalisation in the context of multinational businessorganisation? What are the significance of corporate structure over the effective operations ofGlaxoSmithKline?What is the influence of globalisation on the corporate structure of GlaxoSmithKline?3
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What are the key challenges faced by GlaxoSmithKline in the implementation of globalbusiness operations?4
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Chapter 2: Literature Review This evaluated as the key part of an investigation area, thus, literature is effectual inconducting detailed evaluation over the study area to developing the knowledge base (Flick,2015). This part of investigation is encompassing over secondary sources as in this sectioncommunication taken place through determining the views and perception of generator andauthors with the support of auxiliary origin like journals, books, published investigation articleetc. Literature review is effectual in processing conjectural possibility that aids the activity insignificant way. The concept of globalisation in the context of multinational business organisation.According to the opinion stated through, Didem Buhari Gulmez, 2017, globalisation hasreached at the continuous pace in the current decades. It consists as an improvement that hassignificant implications for the control and regulation of multinational organisation andinvestment portfolios. Globalisation is mainly referring as a central action and desegregation oforganisations or individual at worldwide basis. Globalization is usually applied cause in theorganisational script, Therefore, it recognised as a procedure of conjunctive to the globe bydistribution of an organisation, sentiment, application or workforce. Globalisation has includedwider receptiveness within the international economy, an integration of markets on a global basisand a movement towards a borderless globe, all of that have aids to increases in the global flow(Hanson and et. al., 2016). The term multinational enterprises are referring as a corporation orenterprises which possess significant point and execute multiple enterprise functions with thehelp of a network of brand that are placed in antithetical geographical areas and each divisionform its organisational scheme that are depend on the assorted marketplace. In the context ofmultinational corporations, globalisation is trenchant in developing chance for the businesses todevelop their business functions at worldwide level for the reason of reaching at the competitiveedge. The significance of corporate structure over the effective operations of GlaxoSmithKline.From the views stated through Brain Hill, 2019, business corporate structure is mentionto a business of various segments or an enterprises unite within a business. Organisationalstructure is basically works as the foundation of an enterprise, which is effectual in rendering aproper outline specification to the business operations that leads towards reaching at the potentialresults and outcomes. GlaxoSmithKline is a famous and leading pharmaceutical company which5
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operates at global level. As a large multinational company the key focus of GlaxoSmithKline isto work within corporate structure as to keep effective running of structure operations. However,a corporate structure promotes systematic execution of business operations and reaction theprocesses of issues and ambivalence. There is multiple importance of corporal structure on theeffectual function of GlaxoSmithKline, in which few are described as below: Systematic operations: This is the key benefit which is mainly attained by GlaxoSmithKline, bythe appropriate performance of business operations within corporate structure. Thus corporatestructure is efficacious in rendering significant aid to the businesses to transfer out theiroperations in suitable way (Jenkins and Williamson, 2015). As a pharmaceutical company, it isquite essential for GlaxoSmithKline to implement a good corporate structure for the purpose ofimplementing systematic operations. Higher opportunities: This also refers as another key importance of corporate structure,therefore, this is effectual for the firm in proper execution of business operations and properexecution helps the firm in attaining higher opportunities within market. A proper corporatestructure is effective in decreasing the substance of mistakes and struggle and this could beresulted for GlaxoSmithKline in attaining higher opportunity within the international market. The influence of globalisation on the corporate structure of GlaxoSmithKline. According to the opinion of Andrew Button, 2018, Multinational corporations arereferring as the agents of globalisation, thus the occurrence of transnational organisations arebased on globalisation. Therefore, organisations are focuses over using globalisation as their planof action source of exploring their business operations at wider level. Globalisation has immenseinfluence over the bodied artefact of international businesses. GlaxoSmithKline is the largeinternational medical specialty organisation, that has its global transaction (Kumar, 2019). As alargest pharmaceutical brand it is quite necessary for the GlaxoSmithKline to apply all theenterprise dealing within the embodied artefact in respect to implementing organisationalfunctions in a planned way. Globalisation have affirmative impinging on the business structureof GlaxoSmithKline, thus economic process is hard-hitting in rendition chances to theorganisations to explore their functions at global scale and as a pharmaceutical brand company isdepend over the execution of business operations within the corporate structure in which suitableimplementation of the operations are made under the expertise guidance. Organisationalcorporate structure is referring as a complex issue which is requires to be considered by the6
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