
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM


Added on  2023-06-18

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Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component
of HRM
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_1

The present report is about different talent management strategy used by the companies that contribute towards employee performance.
Also, with the help of quantitative study, different talent management strategies have been defined that is used by ASOS. Further, the
research is also based upon the primary and secondary data collection methods in order to identify the benefits and challenges faced by the
company while implementing talent management strategies. However, the key findings also entail that employees of ASOS satisfied with
the talent management strategies adopted by company and also shows that there is a positive impact over the company’s performance.
Overall, it can be stated that talent management strategies assist company to improve the retention rate and provide positive working
environment as well.
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_2

Research Questions................................................................................................................3
LITERAURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................3
METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION.....................................................................6
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS.....................................................................7
RESEARCH OUTCOMES........................................................................................................7
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................7
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_3

The concept of talent management refers to the scope of HR processes in order to attract, develop and retain the high performing
employees. In simple terms, it aims at improvising the business performance and productivity through the way of engaging into highly
productive and engaged employees in order to make the business profitable (Poisat, Mey and Sharp, 2018). ASOS is taken as an organization
which is a British Online fashion retailer. In this research project, the researcher aims at effectively analysing the different talent management
strategies which are being utilized by the organization in order to achieve higher succession opportunities. For conducting this research
quantitative research method is being utilized which has helped in drawing better conclusion. This has research method has helped in answering
the various research questions along with the stated rationale.
The aim of the research is to effectively analyse the talent management strategies used by business to attain high succession opportunities, a
study on ASOS.
To understand basic conceptual framework of Talent management strategies.
To investigate different strategies within talent-management used by ASOS.
To analyse issues faced by ASOS while implementing Talent-management strategies within organisational functions.
Research Questions
What is the basic conceptual framework of talent-management strategies?
What are the various strategies used by ASOS within talent-management?
What are those challenges and issues faced by ASOS during implementing talent-management strategies within organisational functions?
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_4

The reason behind selection of this topic is determine and evaluate the various talent management strategies which are being used by
the businesses for the purpose of getting greater succession opportunities. This research is associated with the dual aspect which are personal and
professional needs. It will help in identifying the key challenges which are being faced by the organizations pertaining to implementation of
talent management strategies.
Theme 1: Conceptual framework of talent-management strategies.
According to Ganaie and Haque (2017) the talent management framework can be simply conveyed as the custom designed structures
which are built for the purpose of meeting up with the various human capital needs within a business entity. The core purpose of customisation is
to enhance the efficiency levels of the talent pool which results into retaining and attracting large group of talented employees. Author further
stated that recruitment and training programs involves incurring huge amount of expenditure to the organization and along with it involves
demanding considerable amount of time for executing the same. Thus, the talent management framework helps enabling the organization to
clearly determine the skill gap along with the human capital requirement in order to effectively fulfil the business goals.
As per Muriithi and Makau (2017) there are various reason which results into making it highly desirable for the people to attract the
best talent which results into making it possible for the organization to set the higher target which its talent pool can achieve. In addition to this,
the talent management framework also results into providing highly engaging and motivated employees which helps in effectively maintaining
the desired workplace environment which boosts the morale of the employees. This engaging environment and motivated employees
consequently lead to accomplishing the desired goals and objectives through the way of increasing or enhancing the performance of the
employees. This is very much important to understand that the highly motivated, engaging employees with the appropriate skill sets, led to
meeting up with the desired goals in a better and effective manner (Savanevičienė and Vilčiauskaitė, 2017). Therefore, the talent management
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_5

framework works on recognising the link between the employees and the organizational outcomes. In addition to this, aligning these aspects will
certainly leads to differentiation in a business entity.
Theme 2: Various strategies used by the organization within talent-management.
In terms of talent management strategies which are being utilized by the organization for the purpose of meeting with the desired goals
and objectives. The main objective behind using multiple strategies is to attract, retain and develop the best employees in the market. According
to Maben and Uchil (2019) there are number of strategies which are being used by the organization which involves making use of the power of
job description. This defines the organization’s success. It also outlines from where to get the right candidate. It involves job title, overall duties,
necessary skills, tools and equipment’s used and the salary benefits. This helps in making sure that the potential candidates for the job
specifically meets with the stated job description which helps the management in undertaking better decisions. Another strategy is assessing the
candidates cultural fit to the organization. This can be little tricky but a very useful strategy as it helps in determining whether the employee
would be able to able to adjust with the organizational culture. In order to analyse the right candidate based upon this strategy which involves
tone of voice, language, passion and the personal values.
As per Ayed and et.al. (2017) another strategy which is being used is the training and development opportunities which is being
provided by the employees which results into making them equipped with the latest changes and skill requirements. This talent management
strategy considered to be most important in regard to acquiring, retaining and developing the talents within an organization. The inability of the
company is to identify the relevance of it pertaining to the talent management results into losing of the talented employees. Thus, it is very much
crucial for the organisation to take account of this. Lack of understanding about the negative implication it can have over the business in terms of
talent management is very risky as there are chances that the organization might not be able to retain the top performing employees. This will
also together affect the overall productivity of the employees and the performance of the entire organization.
Theme 3: Challenges and issues faced by the organization during implementing talent-management strategies in an organization
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_6

According to van Zyl, Mathafena and Ras (2017) there are certain challenges which are being faced by the organization in regard to
implementing the various talent management strategies in an organization. One of the major issues faced is in respect to resistance to change
management. As with time, there are change in ways talent is being managed and carried out by the business. There is upgradation in the
technology which results into making it easier for the talent handling team for implementing the right set of strategies which helps in effectively
finding and hiring the right candidate. But sometimes, staff fails to adopt the change in system which results into posing as a challenge for the
organization. Along with this, implementing strategy has a challenge that it might affect the organizational culture. A new strategy is also an
upgradation to the existing and in the process of introducing the change in the organization, then there are chances that it might result into
affecting the behaviour of the existing employees which in turn is having an implication over the entire organizational working environment.
These two are the main causes behind the cropping up of challenges in the process of implementing the talent management strategies in an
organization. It requires undertaking relevant action at the right time helps in overcoming such issues and making it easy for employees to
effectively and readily adopt the changes.
Research type: There are mainly two types of research, one is qualitative and the other is quantitative. The qualitative research
involves, analysing the opinions, thoughts of the people in carry out the research while the quantitative research involves analysing the numerical
data, facts and figures in conducting the research (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). In this research, the researcher is using quantitative research which
will help in gathering relevant information using the research questionnaire.
Research Approach: It states about the way in which the information is being gathered and evaluated by the researcher. The research
approach is of two type, inductive and deductive. The inductive approach is sued under the qualitative research while the deductive used for the
qualitative research. This approach explores the already known theory and tests that whether that theory is valid under the various situations. In
simple terms, it involves formulation of hypotheses. In this research, the investigator has used deductive research approach which helps in
deriving desired outcomes for the research questions.
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_7

Research Philosophy: It involves stating the process which is being utilized for the purpose of evaluating the data pertaining to the
research topic. It is of two types, interpretivism and positivism. The positivism involves believing that the society shapes the individual and
incorporates making use of the quantitative methods while on the other hand, interpretivism is used in which individuals shape the society and
involves using qualitative methods (Ryan, 2018). In this study, the researcher is using positivism research philosophy as it assists the researcher
in gathering more appropriate in-depth knowledge pertaining to the research topic.
Data Collection: In respect to data collection, the research is making use of both primary and secondary sources of data collection.
Pertaining to the primary it is being collected through questionnaire and the secondary data is gathered through literature review. The usage of
both these data collection method has helped in gathering more detailed and accurate data which helped in carrying out the research in a better
Sampling: It is defined as the process through which the sample is taken out form the large population. There are mainly two methods
for it, one is probabilistic sampling methods in which the sample is collected randomly while in the non-probabilistic sampling sample is pre-
determined. In regard to this research, the scholar has used probabilistic sampling method which involves collecting the data form the 30
employees of ASOS.
Data analysis: In respect to data analysis, there are two approaches, one is thematic analysis which involves analysing the data gathered
through the way of categorizing the research topic into various themes which helps in covering all the relevant dimensions or aspects of the
topic. On the other hand, is the SPSS, which is statistical tool or technique which is involves software packages used for carrying out the
statistical analysis. This is mainly used while conducting the quantitative research. Thus, in this research study, SPSS is used for effectively
analysing the data collected and gaining valuable from this which is used for drawing conclusion.
Ethical consideration: Pertaining to this study, the research has complied with all the required and relevant ethical code of conduct
(Knottnerus and Tugwell, 2018). In respect to the primary data collection, the researcher has taken prior consideration and written consent from
the participant and has also provided them with the option to even backout if they want to. In addition to this, confidentiality of the information
is also maintained by the researcher of the research participant and has also complied with the Data Protection act.
Unit 11 Talent Management – A Key Component of HRM_8

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