
Technology in Organizations: Big Data, IT Security, and Cellular Networks


Added on  2022-11-29

14 Pages3843 Words246 Views
Technology in
Technology in Organizations: Big Data, IT Security, and Cellular Networks_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1–CASE STUDY.............................................................................................................................3
Evaluation of BIG Data and its role in Arden university with examples of two departments..................3
State the benefits of organizations after adopting Big Data.....................................................................5
Question 2 – Security and Privacy...............................................................................................................5
IT security and data privacy measures that an organization must implement..........................................5
Key provisions of GDPR.........................................................................................................................7
Question 3 Telecommunication and spreadsheets.......................................................................................8
Define cellular network & its principle components................................................................................8
Principles of Cellular Network................................................................................................................9
Cellular Networks benefits....................................................................................................................10
Technology in Organizations: Big Data, IT Security, and Cellular Networks_2

On the basis of modern era, it is generally is that this generation is totally depends upon
technology's. Technologies are utilized by each and every organization which can help full
smooth functioning in each and every operational area (Aghajanian and et.al., 2020).
Technologies in organizations provide various benefits like ok it can help to improve the
efficiency level productivity level and performance level of their employees so that they can
reach the high rate of success. For this report, the organization is considered that is Arden
University which is most famous private University that providing various type of courses and
programs for the development of their students. The main motive of this project is to discuss
abound big data and its role in context of Arden University. This report also determines various
benefits of big data. Moreover, this report identifies the significance of information technology e
and data protection. Lastly, this report also discuss about the cellular network and its benefits.
Evaluation of BIG Data and its role in Arden university with examples of two departments
Big data
Big data considered as the group data which maintain specific growth on particular time period.
This data is is in large size as compared to the other normal data. This data is helpful to manage
specific facts and figure as compared to the traditional data. Big data use specific component
which can help full to process of all the business activities on a specific time. Big data can
consider three kind off mode such as unstructured, structure & semi-structured. Big data is
helpful to making appropriate decisions in term of business operations (Bae and et. al., 2018).
Big data can provide various opportunities to the organization so that they can maintain high
level of information and data effectively. Arden University maintains all the consideration of big
data which can help full in a specific situation in which they can provide good facilities to their
students. With the help of big data Arden University can effectively maintain confidential
information about their students and faculty members. Big data work like a safeguard for the
Technology in Organizations: Big Data, IT Security, and Cellular Networks_3

Arden University so that University can protect and save all the information and detail of their
members and students.
six V’s of Big Data
Big data contain specific six V's which can maintain the working of big data in an effective
manner. The description of all six V's are discussed below-
Velocity - It is helpful to measure the high speed processor in term of eight seasons which
can provide effective speed in a proper manner so that specific data generation is
maintained good knowledge about health & infrastructure and improve its efficiency.
Volume - Big data contain effective volume which can help full to monitor the specific
technological advancement in an appropriate areas (Bukharina, 2018).
Variability - This V maintain the variability of the big data which can help full to
evaluate specific health procedure and diseases. This kind of data is useful to maintain
the information in term of seasonal health issues. Variety - variety can provide specific sources which work in unstructured form of data
which can help full to manage frequency & also specific heterogeneous taxonomies.
Value - Big data maintain their value you and provide longitudinal studies which can
help full to manage relevant information in an adequate manner.
Veracity - Big data provide specific qualities and remove unreliable information sources.
Big data is helpful to analyze uncontrollable environmental factors and give appropriate
Role of Big data
There are various roles performed by big data in term of various factors of the Arden University.
Big data helpful to maintain all the specific consideration related to the personal and professional
information about the students and teaching staff. The description of the role of big data in
context of Arden University are discussed below-
Examination department - In context of examination department of the Arden
University , big data helpful to trace the performance level of their students which can
Technology in Organizations: Big Data, IT Security, and Cellular Networks_4

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