
Negative Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy on Future Chances


Added on  2019-12-03

37 Pages11854 Words486 Views
I am greatly thankful for all those persons who have provided appropriate
guidelines and support to completing the whole dissertation in systematic and
ethical manner. I want to give special thanks to my mentor who has suggested me
this topic for research. Furthermore, I specially thanks to my family and friends
who helped me in all possible accords for attaining all objectives in effective
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Impact of teenage pregnancies
on education, health, housing
and employment in London.
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Teenage pregnancy can be defined as a teenage girl, usually within the age of 13-19 becoming
pregnant. Major aim of the current research is determining the major impact of teenage
pregnancies on education, health, housing and employment in London. For attaining this aim the
research study has focused on different aspects of teenage pregnancy and its impact on education
and health of teen mother. Further, focus has also given on determining the different effects of
teen pregnancy on employment and housing facilities of teen parents. Further, determining
different ways for reducing the negative effects of teen pregnancy was also considered as major
objective of this report. Researcher has used the secondary data collection methods such as
literature review for obtaining appropriate facts and figures. Including this, there has also been a
usage of appropriate tools of research methodology for conducting whole investigation in
effective manner.. Findings of the current investigation has reflected that major reasons of
adolescent pregnancy in London are peer pressure, lack of parental guidelines, inadequate
knowledge, sexual abuse and rape, teenage drinking habits and different social and economic
factors. All these factors decline the academic performance and health of pregnant woman who
is in teenage years. Along with this, it has also reduced the career opportunities for them.
Overall, teenage pregnancy has adverse impact on whole life of the teen parents as well as child.
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chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................................................................................7
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................7
1.2 Problem statement..................................................................................................................7
1.3 Project rational.......................................................................................................................8
1.4 Aim and Objectives................................................................................................................9
1.5 Research question..................................................................................................................9
1.6 Focus and Purpose.................................................................................................................9
1.7 Dissertation structure...........................................................................................................10
1.8 Framework and Analysis.....................................................................................................11
1.9 Significance of the research.................................................................................................12
chapter 2: Literature Review..........................................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................13
2.2 Teenage pregnancy..............................................................................................................13
2.3 Reasons behind high rates of teenage pregnancy in London...............................................14
2.4 Social disadvantages of Adolescent pregnancy...................................................................15
2.5 Impacts of teenage pregnancy..............................................................................................16
2.5.1 Teenage pregnancy and its impact on education of teen parents..................................16
2.5.2 Adverse effects of teenage pregnancy on health of mother and child..........................17
2.5.3 Impact of teenage pregnancy on housing .....................................................................17
2.5.4 Positive or negative aspect of teenage pregnancy on employment ..............................18
2.6 Role of government of UK towards teenage pregnancy......................................................18
2.7 Different ways for reducing the high rates of Teenage pregnancy......................................19
2.8 Research gap........................................................................................................................21
chapter 3: Research methodology..................................................................................................22
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................22
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3.2 Research philosophy............................................................................................................22
3.3 Research Approach..............................................................................................................23
3.4 Research Design...................................................................................................................23
3.5 Research technique..............................................................................................................24
3.6 Data collection methods.......................................................................................................25
3.7 Data analysis........................................................................................................................25
3.8 Research Limitations...........................................................................................................26
3.9 Ethical issues and considerations ........................................................................................27
chapter 4: Data Analysis................................................................................................................28
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................28
4.2 Thematic analysis.................................................................................................................28
4.3 Findings and analysis...........................................................................................................31
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations..............................................................................33
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................33
5.2 Recommendations ...............................................................................................................34
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1.1 Background
In teenage pregnancy females become pregnant under the age of 20 till the pregnancy
ends. It is a serious social issue in British culture. A research study has disclosed that in the
developed nation teens have had sexual relationship at least once between the ages of 15 and 19
(Viner et al., 2012). According to the facts and figures London has high teenage pregnancy rates
as compared to other countries, so government of UK needs to pay specific attention towards this
social problem because it has very adverse impact on social and economic position of the
country. It increases the birth rate of the country which affects the population and economic
position of the whole nation.
Different research studies have concluded that there are different traditional approaches
which play important role in reducing teenage pregnancy rates. These include sexual education
and qualitative sexual health services (Wilson, 2012). But, at present teenage pregnancy is have
various social disadvantages such as unemployment, poverty, discrimination and poor health
conditions, etc. Therefore, for addressing these entire issues researcher has decided to conduct
research study on determination of impacts on teenage pregnancy on education, health, housing
and employment in London.
1.2 Problem statement
There are different research studies which have concluded that teenage pregnancy is one
of the major social problems in London which affect the whole society. Teenage pregnancy is
very crucial problem In the United Kingdom as compare to other developed nation. So,
researcher has chosen the area of London for the whole investigation. It is a problem for UK
because rate of teenage pregnancy is increasing year by year (Minnis et. al., 2013).
Major reason behind this issue is lack of sexual education in schools so, there is
requirement of reevaluation on the subject of teenage pregnancy. Along with this, it is also
considered as economic, educational and health issue for United Kingdom. It increases the
economic cost of the nation as well as it has also had negative impacts on health of teenage
mother and new born child. Including this, it reflects root problem of education system of
London. Therefore, high rate of teen age pregnancy has reflected that government and education
system needs to pay specific attention towards the reducing the rate of this problem because it
has huge impact on different sectors of the economy, health and education (Duflo et al., 2014).
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So, researcher has decided to conduct research study on impact on teenager’s pregnancy on
education, health, housing and employment in London.
1.3 Project rational
What is the major issue?
Adolescent pregnancy is a worldwide social and educational concern for developed,
developing and underdeveloped countries. UK is facing the problem of high rate of teen age
pregnancy. It is an issue for teen age mother, child, society and whole economy. It ruins the
future prospect of the mother as well as it can create serious health issue for teen age mother and
child (Black et. al., 2013).
Why it is an issue?
Pregnancy of teenagers is an issue because it has negative impact on mother, baby and
whole society. Due to the adolescent pregnancy mother cannot complete their education and
more likely to be a single parent. Along with this, birth of a new baby to a teenage girl also has
negative impact on mother’s and baby’s health (Chin et al., 2012).
Why it is an issue now?
It is an issue now because, as per the current investigations rates of teenage pregnancy
has increased by 40% in current year (Shore, 2014). Along with this, government of the nation
has also invested huge amount of money in reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy by improving
the existing education system of the country (Pazol et al., 2015).
Research will shed light on?
For addressing this issue research will shed light on major impacts on teenager’s
pregnancy on education of teen age mother and father. Along with this, it will identify the effects
of pregnancy on health of mother and baby. In addition, focus will also be given on impact of
adolescent pregnancy on housing and employment in London (Kane et. al., 2013). It will help in
attaining all objectives as well as resolving the research problem in an effective manner.
1.4 Aim and Objectives
The major aim of proposed dissertation is to identify the impact of teenage pregnancies
on education, health, housing and employment in London.
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To understand the major reasons behind the teenage pregnancy in London.
To identify the impacts of teenage pregnancies on education and health.
To assess the adverse impacts of teenage pregnancy on housing and employment.
To recommend appropriate actions to resolve the issues of teenage pregnancy in London.
1.5 Research question
1. What are the impacts of teenage pregnancy on education of young mother and father?
2. What are the negative health outcomes that a young mother and its baby can get during
and after pregnancy?
3. How the teenage pregnancy impacts the housing and employment?
4. What is the level of awareness among young generation regarding negative impacts of
teenage pregnancy?
1.6 Focus and Purpose
For attaining aim and objectives, the research will focus on different reasons of the
teenage pregnancy in London. It will help in determining the major areas which encourage this
serious issue in London. Along with this, study will also focus on effects of teenage pregnancy
on education and health of mother. Further, focus will also be given on impacts on this crucial
issue on housing and employment in London (Viner et al.,2012).
Determining the adverse effects of teenage pregnancy on education of teenage parents is
one of the major purpose of this study. Along with this, purpose of this research is determining
that how teenage pregnancy affect health discrepancies for child and mother. In addition,
identification of impacts of adolescent’s pregnancy on employment and housing in London is
also one of the major base of entire investigation. The above mentioned focus and purpose will
help in attaining aim and objectives of the research in effective manner. Along with this, these
are also effective for resolving the research in appropriate manner (Wilson, 2012).
1.7 Dissertation structure
The whole dissertation will be completed in a systematic structure which will comprise of
different chapter. A brief discussion of every chapter is described as under:
1. Chapter 1: Introduction: In this chapter, researcher will include the outline the whole
investigation. Along with this, it will also describe the major concepts of teenage
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