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Contemporary Hospitality Industry: Business Types, Services, and Operational Units


Added on  2022/11/24

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This report provides an overview of the contemporary hospitality industry, including different types of businesses, services, and operational units. It explores the impact of licensing and franchising agreements on global development and discusses the contribution of the hospitality sector to the local, national, and international economy.

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Contemporary hospitality

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Different kinds of business in hotel industry as well as wide range of services and products for
Range of functional as well as operational units in hotel business.............................................2
Knowledge of support of hotel sector to local, national along with international economy......3
Review of interrelation of functional and operational unit in hotel sector.................................4
Examine of how usage of licensing as well as franchising agreements has created influenced
to global development in hotel business.....................................................................................4
Analysis of global growth, licensing as well as franchising developments supported too
growth of economy in hotel business..........................................................................................5
Range of various operational functions in hotel business...........................................................5
Identification of skills required for duties in hotel business along with recent skill shortages.. 6
Review of skills differences in hotel business in context of range of several operational duties.
Evaluation of impact of skill differences in hotel businesses along with recommended
solutions for addressing deviations.............................................................................................7
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Hospitality industry is one of the most growing and successful sector of service in industry,
this sector consist huge customer base and provide services to impress the guest and their
customers. This industry provides effective services and understands the needs of the customers
so that it can provide them efficacy in the productive services. Hospitality industry one of the
most independent sector that focus on providing better customer experience with the effective
eservices they provide in the market. with the effective customer base businesses in the
hospitality also give employment to the larger population. This report is based on Central park
hotel, the hotel provide care full selection of four luxury hotels located in the different location
in London. The hotel focus on providing luxury services to its customers with the guest room
that are individual decorated and with the comfort fabrics. This report includes information about
different types of businesses in the hospitality sector. Different range of operational and
functional department of the hospitality, contribution of hospitality sector in the growth of local,
national and international economy. Also this includes importance of franchising and licencing
agreement etc.
Different kinds of business in hotel industry as well as wide range of services and products for
Hospitality sector consist high range of the services and product they offer into the market.
Hospitality businesses focus on proving effective services for the effective satisfaction of the
customers. In the terms of Central park hotel, they provide services with the luxury and comfort
that benefits the loyal customer base in the business. Below is the explanation of services and
product hotel provides to its customers;
Accommodation: Central park hotel, provide its guest high level of comfort and
satisfaction from the various services they offer in the hospitality industry. They provide rooms
with different décor and comfort fabrics for the better customer satisfaction. Also
accommodation services to the guests from the travel group can help them to stay at the hotel
and gain effective experience of the services Central park hotel, provide to them.
Food and beverages: Central park hotel, provide effective restaurants and dining facility
to the guest with the high quality food and beverage items as per the choice of the guest. They
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provide fresh and quality food product so that customer can experience high level of satisfaction
from the hotel. Central park hotel, hire highly qualified and trained chef in their kitchens to gain
better customer experience and growth of loyal customer base. Also the food and beverage
department of the hotel maintain the hygiene and take care of all the necessary precautions they
need to take in order to provide their guest fresh and healthy food and drinks.
Range of functional as well as operational units in hotel business.
In the hospitality sector there are different range of functions and operational department
that focuses on the effective services of the hotel so that effective growth of customers can be
achieved. Also different functions and operational units in Central park hotel, ensure that they
perform in most appropriate manner so that popper improvement in the services and product of
the hotel can be gained.
Operational department:
Human resource department: Central park hotel, have larger number of the employee
working for the effective development of the customer base and productivity for the hotel
to gain better growth in the future. the human resource department focuses on the hiring
and selecting the right candidate in the hotel so that they can perform the given task and
activities in most effective way. Also the human resource maintains the chart sheet that
ensures the presence of the employee in the hotel.
Security department: Central park hotel, focus on provide safety and security to its
guest to make them feel safe in the hotel. For that security department of the hotel is
responsible for all the safety and security of the guest of hotel. They work day and night
to provide effective services to the guests so that they can feel comfort and relaxation in
the hotel.
Functional department:
Housekeeping department: Central park hotel ensure the safety and hygiene of the hotel
and all the department of the hotel so that they can provide better experience to the
customers and ensure their safety. Housekeeping department ensure that they meet the
hygiene and safety needs of the guests so that effective services can provided to them/

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Front desk department: Central park hotel, ensure that they greet and meet their
customers with the effective communication that can help them to know about the hotel
and the services they provide to them. front desk department of the hotel ensure the
effective communication at the time of check in and check out of their guests so that they
do not find any difficulties about the hotel and other department of the hotel.
Knowledge of support of hotel sector to local, national along with international economy.
Hospitality is one of the most growing and developing services industry in the worldwide
that provide profitability to the government and provide development to the economy of the
country and international economy as well. Economic growth of the nation and international
level is provided by the various sectors in the country and hospitality is one of those sectors.
Below is the description of the contribution of the hotel industry in the local, national, and
international economy.
Local economy: Providing employment in the local areas of the hotel industry and country
helps in the development and growth of the local economy. It helps the employee of the
organization to develop effective level of standard of living. With the support to the engagement
of tourist in the country so that it can help the local vendors to develops effective customer base
and growth in the market. for the better growth and enhancement of the local economy hotel
sector perform effective role.
National economy: Central park hotel, works on the high level with the effective customer
base and growth in the market to achieve the objectives of the hotel in the market. they focuses
on providing growth in the domestic product of the country so that growth to the national
economy can be achieved. Paying taxation according to the governmental norms also help the
national economic growth in the country.
International economy: Central park hotel, focuses on providing their services at the
national and international level to achieve the objectives of growth of business in the industry.
They provide their effective services in the global level of gain effective achievement of goals
and objectives in most effective way. With the operation in the many countries hotel also ensure
the growth of national and international economy.
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Review of interrelation of functional and operational unit in hotel sector.
There are various operation and functional department of the hotel that ensure the effective
gathering of the services of the hotel to achieve the aims and objectives that hotel industry have
in the market. Below is the explanation of the various functions and operational unties and their
Housekeeping and security department: Both are the units of Central park hotel that
works together to achieve the common goals and objectives of the hotel. The housekeeping
department of the hotel work for the hygiene and safety needs and of the guests to provide them
appropriate services that they need from the hotel. Whereas the security department of the hotel
ensure the safety of their luggage and suits so that guests can gain effective experience of the
hotel. Both the department works together to achieve the safety and security needs of the guests.
Human resource and front desk: Human resource and front desk department of Central
park hotel, works for the effective customer experience by providing the appropriate gesturing by
the hotel staff members and other department of the hotel industry. They also focuses on the
appropriate growth and fulfilment of the needs and demand of the guests by the fulfilment of the
needs that provided by the customers. Human resource ensures that the hire the employee that
helps their guests and provide them the services they needs.
Examine of how usage of licensing as well as franchising agreements has created influenced to
global development in hotel business.
Hospitality industry adopt many types of the strategy that assist their business towards the
achievement of various aims that hotel have in order to gain future growth and development.
Hotel sector carry out these strategies to perform the business practices that assist them towards
the fulfilment of needs and requirement of the guests. Central park hotel follow the various
strategies that benefits its business towards the achievement of the customer base.
Franchising: It is the marketing strategy that assists the business to distribute the business
into the different franchising to implement the brand image in the market. Central park hotel use
this strategy to develop different market base in the different segment to achieve the goals and
objectives of the business in the hospitality sector. The global expand of the business helps to
create positive brand image of the hotel in the industry. Also it assists the business to attract the
high professional group of the people in the organization.
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Licensing: It is an agreement that helps the business to authorised the company for the
limited time period by the use of intellectual property rights of the business. Central park hotel
use this to make the agreement that helps the business to perform and make positive impact in
the market. also the factors that have an impact on the growth and development of the company
could be decrease by the use of effective strategy in the market.
Form the above information and discussion it can be understand that franchising and
licensing plays vital role in the growth and development of the business in the market. hospitality
sector focus on the development of customer segment and growth in international and national
market and this can help their business to gain effective growth.
Analysis of global growth, licensing as well as franchising developments supported too growth
of economy in hotel business.
Both the franchising and licencing is a part of the strategic development and its provide the
growth to the business in the national and international market. it helps the business to gain
effective development and growth in the economy development in the hospitality sector. This
provide the execution to the marketing practices of the business and helps the develop better
growth of economy. Below is the explanation of contribution of franchising and licensing in the
economic development of hotel industry.
Franchising: This helps to develop the hotel industry with the number of 1.6 trillion
hotel businesses in world wide. It helps to develop the tours and travel for the effective growth of
the people in the national and international development of the market. it plays essential role in
the gathering of the people from the different nation and increase in the growth of the
destination country. This develops the level of economic growth by the use of the different
factors that helps the business to gain effective growth.
Licensing: It helps the hospitality industry to develop the growth of the economy by the
use of the intellectual property rights of the hotels to gain better and effective development of the
national and international growth. Government authorised market helps to gain the growth of
domestic product of the country and also in the enhancement in the services provided by the
Range of various operational functions in hotel business.
The operational functions of the hospitality business play essential role in the development of
effective customer base for the hotel. Central park hotel ensure that all the operational functions

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of the hotel helps to develop effective market base and development in the development of hotel
industry. Below is the description of the different operational functions of Central park hotel.
Food and beverage function: it is one of the very important operational functions of
Central park hotel that helps the hotel to gain effective customer experience from the various
services they offer in the marketplace. The food and beverage department of Central park hotel is
well trained to provide the food and drinks items according to the needs and demand of the
guests. They ensure that they provide the services to the guest that effectively impact their minds
and helps them to achieve the expectation of guests. They ensure that hygiene and safety needs
of the guest must be fulfil so that they can gain better customer base in the market.
Housekeeping department: It is the function of Central park hotel that ensure that they
provide cleanness and hygiene to their guests in the room and all the areas of the hotel. They
ensure that they perform their role for the development of effective customer experience in the
Identification of skills required for duties in hotel business along with recent skill shortages.
There are different role in the hospitality sector that needs proper skills and abilities to
perform in most improved manner. There are various skills and talent that help the hotel staff to
perform the role in effective manner. Operation manager of the Central park hotel should have
effective communication and problem solving skills to gain better development of the customer
base in the market. Whereas housekeeping executive of the Central park hotel must have
management skills to manage the department of housekeeping in most proper manner.
Review of skills differences in hotel business in context of range of several operational duties.
Different department in the hotels needs different hard and soft skills that can assist them
towards the achievement of the task and activities they needs to perform in the organization in
most effective manner. such as the housekeeping department of the organization needs to
perform the management skills that can helped them to manage all the department and cleanness
of the departments. Whereas the front office manager should have effective communication and
intra personal skills that can help in the better development of relationship with the customers.
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Evaluation of impact of skill differences in hotel businesses along with recommended solutions
for addressing deviations.
The skills differences in the organizational roles and department could impact the level of
differentiation in the organization and it may increase the level of conflict in the organization.
Thus for this the organization should provide training and development program to the staff
members so that they can achieve the goals and objectives of the business in appropriate manner.
From the above information it can be summarise that hospitality is broad sector of service
industry that provide the growth and development to the national and international economy of
the country. Also there are various functions of the hospitality that perform for the achievement
of the goals and objectives of the business. They provide economic growth to the nation and
across the borders. They ensure that they provide effective development to the goals and
objectives of the business to gain better growth and enhancement of goals and objectives.
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