
Beyond Common Performance Measures: Leadership and Managerial Skills


Added on  2020-01-07

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityHealthcare and Research
Beyond Common Performance Measures: Leadership and Managerial Skills_1

Table of Contents1.1 Compare different management styles................................................................31.2 Leadership characteristic.....................................................................................41.3 Evaluation of the communication process...........................................................51.4 Organization culture and change in business......................................................6TASK 2..........................................................................................................................72.1 Assessment of own management skills...............................................................82.2 Personal SWOT analysis.....................................................................................92.3 Setting and prioritising objectives and targets...................................................103.1 Leading and motivating a team to achieve goals...............................................133.2 Justification to managerial decisions.................................................................144.1 Own management and personal skills...............................................................164.2 Developmental plan...........................................................................................18CONCLUSION............................................................................................................19REFERENCES.............................................................................................................20
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IntroductionManagers are the backbone behind companies as they are the ones thatmanage, lead and motivate their employees towards the goal and/or vision of theirbusinesses. Managers make most of the big decisions within a company so that the aims, concernsand objectives can be completed within the right time frame (Qian and et.al., 2015). Ihave used Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver to discuss and review the managementstyles that are used by each of the firms. The main purpose of this assignment is tohighlight the management principles and skills in order to gain a higher position in abusiness setting and to develop a career plan. I have chosen Jamie Oliver as my casestudy. Management can be described as a method used by those in charge to complete theirdaily tasks. Each company has different management methods to assist the smoothrunning of their organisations effectively. Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver usedifferent management styles for improving the performance of their restaurants. Extramanagement styles help managers in making decisions when there are importantcircumstances (Schoar and Zuo, 2016). 1.1 Compare different management stylesManagement StylesScientific management is a style in where the manager experiments withdifferent ways of working with focus on labour productivity.The decisional approach is used by the management for making decisionsthat work on improving structure and resolving issues. (Walker, 2015).Managers use the bureaucracy method to improve structuring of theircompanies. As part of this method, employees have to follow legal rulesand regulations that are maintained by management.The systematic approach is where managers look at anything that isdangerous in the company and work towards solving the problems of theiremployees. (Sallis, 2014).I have looked at two different hospitality companies looking at the advantages anddisadvantages of both:
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Contingency approach: This management style is used by Gordon Ramsayfor better situation management. A manager who focuses on a range ofworkplace issues will have a better and more effective business. (Huber,2013). This is an advantage for Gordon Ramsay because his restaurant usesthis approach to handle different situations in the workplace and the workforceadapt to this approach quickly. On the other hand, this approach also hasdisadvantage as in this style the management of the restaurant does not haveany idea regarding risks. Sudden changes can create problems. (ContingencyApproach Use in Business. 2016).Human relation approach: Jamie Oliver uses this approach wheremanagement focus on the idea. The manager of the restaurant puts emphasison employee motivation with monetary and non-monetary rewards.(Thompson, 2015). The biggest advantage of this approach is that employeesbecome more effective when dealing with issues. The problem with thisapproach is that when all employees are not always friendly with everyone thiscreates a problem. Identifying their needs may cause a negative energyaffecting both their work and the service quality to customers.1.2 Leadership characteristicA leader is a person who is manages a group of people using their ability and guidance. For better leadership, a leader will implement various characteristics that assist their employees as a guide. Below are characteristic that are followed by Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver. (Laureani and Antony, 2017).Different leadership styles: Gordon Ramsay uses and autocratic leadership stylewhere the manager makes the decisions and employees follow their orders. JamieOliver however uses a democratic leadership style for the decision-making process. Inthis style, employees also take part in decision-making and share their views and ideasthat assist in enhancing employee motivation towards their work.Controlling power of leader: In this style strong controlling is used as astrategy in which managers put into action a structure of monitoring of theiremployees. With this style, managers prioritise where employee feel the pressure ofwork. They can put extra efforts into their work, which is helpful in bettering theirlevel of productivity. In this style, the manager of Jamie Oliver would not focus on
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their employee but they would provide freedom to their workforce to develop theircreativity and put forward innovative ideas. (Sverke, Lindevall and Baraldi, 2013).Leader as a guide: With the help of an autocratic leadership style, employeesget guidelines from those in charge for their work enhancing their job satisfaction.With a democratic style, the boss will motivate their workers towards developing theirknowledge which helps in improving their confidence levels through which they getjob satisfaction (Pounder, 2014). Approach of Innovation and creativity: The autocratic leader of GordonRamsay will always focuses on developing various innovative and creative ideas fortheir team. With the help of this creativeness, employee will never feel work to be aburden because they always gain something new from those higher than them. Themanager of Gordon Ramsay will always put their efforts in enhancing the workingpotential of their staff. They would also provide various opportunities to develop theirskills to improve their future. (Manan, 2014).1.3 Evaluation of the communication processCommunication is a process where employers and workers share their viewsand ideas. The idea of these interactions is to improve relations between the two. Inevery organisation, management departments implement a systematic communicationprocess. That process is helpful for sending their information to different people. Thedemocratic leaders at the Jamie Oliver restaurant use diagonal communication toshare their views and ideas. This means that employees can take part in theorganisation’s decisions and that helps the employee to enhance their work in a moreeffective manner. On the contrary, leadership at Gordon Ramsay adopt a downwardcommunication process which is discussed below:Communication process for Gordon Ramsay’s restaurantThe manager uses this communication process for delivering their message totheir workers. The manager, who is a sender, develops ideas that are often called ascontent of message. The manager (sender) creates a subject matter that is based ontheir ideas and views. After that the sender puts it in a code format that can be easilyunderstandable (Prett, and Morari, 2013).After this the management of the restaurantsend their message to their workers through email. When the employee gets themessage employees decode message to understand what the manager is trying tocommunicate. It is effective way for employee and manager of entity to send their
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message in an appropriate way.The communication process that is used by thisrestaurant is effective among employees and customers. As workers are able tounderstand the needs and requirement of customers and they get satisfied. Communication process for Jamie Oliver’s restaurantUnder the democratic leader style, the company use an upwardcommunication style in which message is sent by the workers to their manager. Tomotivate their employees, the management are always concern with their employeeand suggest for them to share their views and ideas with the help of a communicationprocess. Workers of the company develop their views and ideas and code it in aformat where they focus on all formalities because this message is sent to theirmanager. In order to this, workers can send their views and ideas through formalletters towards their seniors. After the message is received, management read itcarefully and provide feedback to their employee. With the help of this process,employees enhance their confidence and skills towards better interaction (Sublet,Covello and Tinker, 2013). With the help of this communication process, firm is ableto have healthy interaction among customers and workers. They are able to satisfytheir customers by understanding their needs and requirements. 1.4 Organization culture and change in businessOrganisation culture and change both are co-related terms where culture canbe determined as assumptions and beliefs that are maintained by the employee.(Schmiedel, Vom Brocke and Recker, 2014.). Change is a term where managementtake initiative towards making a difference that influences employees and theorganisation. In this sector change is very important for Gordon Ramsay’s restaurantto attract customers in a more appropriate way. The management at Jamie Oliver cantake initiative for change to increase the number of customers they get. On the otherhand, management of Jamie Oliver done take initiative for change because they canenhance their number of users. Employee of Jamie Oliver have good relationship withthe entity because leaders and employee work together and also take decision whichassist for build better relationship.Gordon Ramsay take decision regarding change in their services which is notdelivered in time. Customer also face various problems that negatively impacts ontheir customer. If the entity adopt change in their structure that this will positivelyimpact on their way of working. Before this change Gordon Ramsay have offline
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