
The duties of a typical care


Added on  2022-08-22

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Centre Name: Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd
Centre Roll Number: 38003R
Assessment Brief
Component Title and Code: Care Support
Level: QQI Level 5
Teacher/Tutor Name: Fiona Wylie
Assessment Technique:
Assignment 30%
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1,2,3,4
Title of this Assessment Activity: Assignment 30%
Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
Assignment (30%) – 30 marks 2000 words
You are required to plan, implement, and evaluate an outing or social event for the
client(s). You should follow the below guidelines to conduct this assignment.
Part One – Introduction – LO 1 & 2 (9 marks)
Outline the roles and responsibilities of the care worker.
Care can be a very rewarding field to work in. In contrast to numerous employments, it
gives openings consistently to help improve individuals' way of life. Assistance carers
work at the edge of care delivery, helping people to conquer the ordinary challenges
they face. Customers for assistant carers can incorporate the disabled, old, lifelong
terminal sickness, and people with learning troubles, which infers that jobs can be
incredibly shifted and consistently extraordinary (Cook, Fay and Rockwood 2012). The
duties of a typical care worker are wide running. The activity spins around helping
customers with their quick needs, for example, washing, dressing, and keeping up their
cleanliness, just as helping them with fundamental every day or managerial
undertakings like taking care of bill payment (Goeman, Renehan and Koch 2016). In any
case, the job of care workers similarly incorporates finding a workable pace and giving
that passionate help and friends, which contributes decidedly to their prosperity. The
obligations of a care worker can also reach out to helping customers to partake in
relaxation exercises, for example, going on day trips. The essential obligation of the
The duties of a typical care_1

carer is to help customers with individual consideration undertakings, for example,
eating and toileting.
Furthermore, they ought to likewise have the option to perform light housekeeping
errands, for example, tidying, vacuuming, and changing bedclothes. They should aid the
safe lifting, moving, repositioning and developmentary movements of customers. The ill
patients require help with getting assistance during the medical arrangements. It is
required for the medicinal expert as a consideration specialist to watch, screen and
record the physical and emotional prosperity of the customer and speedily report any
progressions to the senior staff (Prorok, Horgan and Seitz 2013).
Discuss the qualities and skills needed to be a good and effective care worker.
Assurance for quality is a normal distraction for funders and suppliers of wellbeing and
health administrations. However, little consideration has been given to the nature of
paraprofessionals' work in any setting, let alone in-home consideration, where they will,
in general, work alone with substantial obligations. Long-term care presents exceptional
difficulties for quality confirmation (Warrick, Prorok and Seitz 2018). As individual ages
and their freedom and mental limits weaken, it is possible for them to feel socially
awkward feel low. Regardless of whether an old individual is getting fragile or potentially
decrepit, the care worker needs to recall that they are an individual with a great deal of
understanding and an individual who was once ready to take care of them. Sympathy is
one of the most significant characteristics any carer needs to have. A carer should have
the option to associate with their customer to help them through it, and an incredible
carer will comprehend the feelings an older individual may battle with as they face new
obstacles. As an individual who has invested any energy with a more established
individual knows, old individuals can be disappointing. An incredible carer should show
restraint enough to deal with every circumstance that emerges out of tranquillity,
without getting bothered or angry (Helleberg and Hauge 2014).
Examine the role of the care worker within the multidisciplinary team.
A multidisciplinary group is a gathering of social insurance members who are individuals
from various disciplines (professionals, for example, Specialists, Social Workers), each
giving explicit administrations to the patient. The colleagues autonomously treat
different issues a patient may have, concentrating on the issues wherein they practice
(von Kodolitsch et al. 2016). The exercises of the group are united utilizing a
consideration plan. This co-ordinates their administrations and gets the group
cooperating towards a particular arrangement of objectives. Some of the time, the
individual has a key worker who turns into the primary concern of contact for the
individual. Multidisciplinary group working is vital to patients getting the correct
consideration at the perfect time, conveyed by appropriately qualified and experienced
staff (von Kodolitsch et al. 2016). Social Workers play a crucial role in this group and
their commitment should be perceived, both by other expert gatherings, yet additionally
significantly independent from anyone else. The multidisciplinary group approach
The duties of a typical care_2

assumes an undeniably important job in the administration and care of old patients,
offering help to patients and families and helping them adjust to disease and treatment
plans – it offers psychosocial advising, patient and family instruction, release arranging,
and post-emergency clinic care arranging. Multidisciplinary group evaluation and
intercession procedures are likewise fundamental in forestalling wounds, for example,
falls and ridiculousness just as at the end of life care. Additionally, encouraging
emergency clinics are relied upon to give group preparing to restorative, nursing and
social work understudies to elevate early presentation to interdisciplinary collaboration
(Epstein 2014).
Part Two – The Event - LO 3 & 4 (18 marks)
You are required to plan an event or outing for your client(s).
Planning –
o what event or outing have you planned,
Keeping dementia patients effectively occupied with regular exercises and subjectively
testing undertakings is helpful for both body and mind, and, now and again, it can even
slow the movement of the ailment (Rakesh et al. 2017). Also, remaining dynamic and
drew in can assist with lessening dementia rest issues (Gallaway et al. 2017). Thus, as a
type of movement, the patient would be engaged with a memory work in which the
patient will share their background and stories from the past with photographs, items,
video, and music cuts, either as a book or on a tablet (Gallaway et al. 2017).
Reminiscence work includes discussing things and occasions from quite a while ago. It,
as a rule, includes utilizing props, for example, photographs, most loved belongings or
music. Biography work includes an accumulation of photographs, notes and tokens from
your youth to the present day. It very well may be either a physical book or an excellent
rendition. These methodologies are once in a while consolidated. Evidence shows that
they can improve the state of mind and prosperity. They additionally help people and us
around us to concentrate on the abilities and accomplishments as opposed to dementia
(Lazar, Thompson and Demiris 2014).
o who was involved in the planning,
For the suitable arranging of the occasion for dementia tolerant, the critical individuals
included are the doctor assigned to take care of the state of the patient, the nursing
experts, and the consideration labourers who are associated with considering the
patient. It was vital to speak with the specialist before this kind of occasion was made
arrangements for the patient. Contingent on the criticality of the medicinal circumstance,
it was important to stop for a moment to chat with a therapist too. It is known after
research that individuals experiencing dementia have a higher propensity to become
disturbed once they are started to put weight on their memory for a more extended
timeframe. Henceforth, it was essential to comprehend the state of the patient within
sight of the specialist and the therapist to such an extent that in an occasion of crisis,
they could be reached, and medicine would be controlled (Fazio et al. 2018).
o How did you involve the client(s)?
We planned to organize a one-on-one session with the client who had been diagnosed to
The duties of a typical care_3

suffer from dementia. The time that was selected by the care worker was after bath time
and breakfast. The patient was in a fresher mood during these times; hence, it was
suitable for the activity. It was decided after careful planning sessions that the event will
be held daily for at least three weeks at a stretch. There have been many pictures that
have been hung on the sidewalls of the house, which were clustered in one place. The
patient was seated and general questions like his name, age and birth year were asked.
Implementation –
o what resources are needed in implementing the event (include both material
and personnel),
The resources that have been gotten are the old family photograph collection out of the
upper room and scanning the web for old photographs of the senior's old neighbourhood.
These photos went about as visual guides to enable the patient to recollect their lives. To
give new transparency to the senior, we sorted out photographs in subsequent request
before demonstrating them to the senior. As per the personnel, the arena is concerned,
the individuals that were part of the program are met and the associative care workers in
collaboration with the psychiatrist and mental health counsellor for the patient. It is with
their remarks and advice that I undertook the procedure and fared well with the activity.
The psychiatrist helped me distribute the events for the next three weeks with the
inclusion of different levels of activities that would help keep the person interested in the
activity. Besides, the mental health counsellor advised on the level of pressure that
should be inflicted upon the patient because of the severity of the condition. Also, the
other care workers who were assisting me in providing the best care to the patient for his
dementia helped me in executing the task as per the mentioned criteria and helped the
patient recollect fond memories of his childhood and later years.
o how did you implement the event/outing – give a detailed description
The time that was chosen by the care worker was after shower time and breakfast. The
patient was feeling fresher during these occasions; henceforth, it was reasonable for the
action. It was chosen after cautious arranging sessions that the response will be held
every day for in any event three weeks at a stretch. There have been numerous photos
that have been held tight the sidewalls of the house, which were grouped in one spot.
The patient was situated and general inquiries like his name, age and birth year were
inquired. It is after this that it was asked concerning what number of individuals were
living in his home and got some information about his adolescence. At first, he could
answer just his name and age, after which I helped him to compute the birth year from
the present day.
Evaluation –
o How did the event/outing go?
In the initial stages, when the patient was being briefed about the activity before the
starting day, the patient displayed some amount of hesitation in undertaking this
activity. However, it was explained to him about the procedure of the activity and felt
apprehensive. However, during the first class, after being able to calculate the birth year,
he felt a thrust of positivity, which helped him perform the activity for more than three
weeks and recover the lost memories.
o Did the client(s) interact/take part in the event/outing?
The client took part in the activity quite enthusiastically, which went beyond our
expectations of the patient interacting positively. Initially, the patient was facing some
The duties of a typical care_4

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