1NETFLIX Answer to Question 1 Netflix is a video streaming enterprise which had become very popular over the last few days due to its original content streaming and strong story lines. However, although the enterprise can be stated be a comparatively large enterprise, the culture of the firm is very employee oriented which focuses on people over process (Peakson.com ,2020). The enterprise tends to offer its employees various benefits and in consideration with this, ensures that, the employees are being offered unlimited holidays as well (Bratton & Gold, 2017).Hence, the employee reviews for the enterprise are quite positive in nature with a majority of the employees praising the efforts of the enterprise.The core values of the firm such as communication, impact, curiosity and judgment help in achieving the objectives of the enterprise. This has a rather positive impact on the employee whereby most of the employees are satisfied and work hard along with recommending their peers to join the firm (Noe et al., 2015). Answer to Question 2 I would be very interested in becoming an employee at the Netflix. This is because, the enterprise offers adequate opportunity to the different members and allows them to take unlimited breaks and work hard for the firm. Hence, this would motivate me to a greater extent and improve my performance. As a manager, I would be given autonomy to perform well and engage the team which would be very beneficial. In addition to this, if I was engaged as a Human resource of the enterprise, I would enjoy the freedom to make pro employee plans and keep them satisfied.
2NETFLIX References Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave. Noe,R.A.,Hollenbeck,J.R.,Gerhart,B.,&Wright,P.M.(2015).Humanresource management.Gaining a Competitive. Peakson.com(2020).Blog[online].Availableat: https://peakon.com/blog/workplace-culture/netflix-company-culture/(Retrievedon:02 April. 2020).