
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project


Added on  2024-05-20

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Research Project
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_1

Table of Contents
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis,
supported by a literature review.............................................................................................4
P2 Examine appropriate research methods and conduct primary and secondary research.. 13
M1 Evaluate different research approaches and methodology and make justifications for
the choice of methods selected based on philosophical/ theoretical frameworks................15
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a business
research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.............................................16
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research findings and data......................19
M2 Discuss merits, limitations, and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis.29
D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in the application to a
business research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.........................30
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience. 31
M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the intended audience,
demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives.................................................32
D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make valid, justified
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied to meeting objectives of the
business research project......................................................................................................34
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learned in view of the
M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in recommended actions for
improvements and future research considerations...............................................................37
D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to
recommended actions for future improvement.....................................................................38
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_2

The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_3

This research assignment is related to the impact of digital technology on business activity of
Tesco. In simple words, technology can be defined as the collection of skills and techniques
and processes for the production of goods and services. The main purpose of this study
project is to identify the effect of digital technology on various organisational activities. The
research proposal will explain the objective, responsibilities along with the collected data and
timescales in an effective way. This research project is segmented into four parts. The first
one is linked with the research methodology which helps in integrating knowledge into the
research project. In the second section, primary and secondary research will be done by using
suitable methods for the completion of research project. This unit also highlights the results
of the research plan to recognised investors. The last section of this study will reflect on the
application of research methodology and concepts in an effective way.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_4

P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis,
supported by a literature review.
Section 1
The aim of this research is to analyse the impact of digital technology on the different
business practices and activities. There are the different business activities that used to be
taking place in the business organisation (Smith, 2015). The digital technology is facilitating
these activities. For this research, we have taken Tesco PLC as an organisation to conduct
The main objective is to analyse the importance of digital technology in the different
business practices of Tesco PLC.
The objective of this research is to analyse how digital technology is helping in the
development of the business entity.
The objective of this research is to analyse the impact of digital technology on the
growth and expansion of the organisation that is Tesco PLC.
Research question
What is the role of digital technology in the development of business practices for the
Tesco PLC?
What is the vitality of digital technology in the organisation to conduct different
business practices?
How is digital technology responsible for the growth, development, and expansion of
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_5

Section 2
Reason for choosing the research project
There are different types of business practices that are performed by the employees of the
organisation. These are the activities if are facilitated by the digital technology will be helpful
in the accomplishment of the business activities in a fast way. Therefore it is very necessary
to analyse how this technology is impacting on such activities so that the work is being
accomplished at a faster rate. The analysis is also based on the advantages of the business
practices because of the implementation of digital technology in business practices. This is
the topic that would provide the researcher with a deep knowledge of the digital technology
(Bryman & Bell, 2015). This research would also provide knowledge on how the
implementation of digital technology can be done for the practices that are performed in the
businesses like Tesco PLC.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_6

Section 3
Literature Review
There are the different type of methods and the gadgets that included in the digital technology
that is making business easy. The practices of the business can be performed in the fast and
easy way because of the methods and the gadgets that are included in the digital technology.
According to Berman (2012), Mobile phone or smartphone is changing the scenario of the
businesses. With the help of mobile, anyone can buy an order the product and the services
that are given by the particular organisation like Tesco. With the help of mobile, a particular
person is able to know a particular person is able to know the exact information about the
product and services that are offered by Tesco. The particular person after knowing the
information about the product and services that are offered by Tesco can choose the particular
product and services which the particular person requires. Mobile is playing an important role
in the business activities that are performed by the Tesco PLC. Tesco can sell its product and
services with the help of mobile as anyone can make an order of product and services on the
Tesco website. That redressed can be made if there is an issue takes place with the customer.
The redressal can be made online with the help of mobile phones.
Cloud computing is the method in which information of the customer is stored in the database
of the Tesco PLC. With the help of this method, the targeting of the customer can be done by
the Tesco PLC. From the database of the Tesco PLC, it can be analysed that particular
customer used to buy generally the particular product. On the basis of this information, a
particular customer can be targeted on his mobile phone by sending a text message (Keeling,
et. al., 2013). There can be the email that can be sent to the particular person in which there is
promotion about the choices of the particular customer. In the email, a link is sent to the
customer. With the help of this link, a particular customer can buy a product and services that
are promoted in the email. The cloud computing also helps in maintaining the records of the
seals that is done by the Tesco PLC. This helps in making the strategies on the businesses.
This would help in making and deciding the goals for the Tesco PLC. It also provides a
platform to analyse the investment that has done by the Tesco PLC in the past. With the help
of this, it is analysed that up to what extent invested money is fruitful (Berman, 2012).
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_7

The information that is collected with the help of digital technology and the cloud computing
can be used in the process of segmentation. The customers are targeted on the basis of their
age and their needs and demands. There are presents of different demography in the United
Kingdom. This demography can be targeted well with the help of segmentation process. In
the segmentation process with the help of digital technology the link is provided to the
customer in the mobile applications with the particular person is using. The link is pop-up in
the mobile application because of the mobile number that is provided by the customer to the
Tesco PLC. In this way segmentation according to the demands, needs and demography can
be done (Kenney & Zysman, 2015).
The operational cost of the businesses is also coming down because of the use of the degree
digital technology in the business practices. Now it is very simple to keep a record of the
customers and store them for the long-term basis. The back office function can be done in an
effective manner with the help of digital technology. The software that is accounting based
software is also making help in keeping the financial data and records in an efficient manner.
This data can be used for the static analysis. This data can be helpful in making the future
plans of this organisation. Digital Technology provides a platform to the organisation to
install the sensitive information about the business in the secure manners. The software’s that
are used which are associated with the customers are user-friendly (Keeling, et. al., 2013).
This helps the customer to perform the different practices and operations with ease.
According to Gregory (2015), there is the improvement in the communication between the
customers and the employees of the organisation accomplish with the help of digital
technology. The internal communication between the employees of the organisation is also
improved with the help of digital technology as there are different platforms by which the
important information about the task and operation of the desk can be communicated from
one employer to the other employees. The business information and the market information
can be communicated to the Employees by the senior level officials of the organisation with
the help of digital technology. According to this information the Strategies and the plans can
be made so that ultimate goals of the Tesco PLC can be accomplished. it can be understood
well with the help of an example of social intranet software’s provide a platform to the
employees of the Tesco PLC to know the information that is provided in the form of
documents. This is the centralised portal that is made for the employees of the organisation to
make them aware and inform about the market situation and economic situation.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Tesco PLC's Business Practices: A Research Project_8

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