
Sustainability in Business: Impact of Plastic Bottles on the Environment


Added on  2022-12-16

11 Pages3910 Words3 Views
Business DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Sustainability in
Sustainability in Business: Impact of Plastic Bottles on the Environment_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Literature review....................................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Sustainability in Business: Impact of Plastic Bottles on the Environment_2

In today’s business, sustainability is something that has no negative impact on business,
this impacts the environment, society, and many more things. Sustainability in business generally
guides the two main important things, the business can affect the environment and also on
society. The main objectives and goals of the sustainable business is to give the positive impact
in the areas of business. Although, the sustainable business is covering the wide array of
environment, economic and social, on the time of any decision making about the business. Many
of the business and organisation is do participate in the various business practices. Now, this
essay includes the sustainability in the business in the context of impact of the plastic bottles on
the environment. This also helps to upgrade the environment and prevent the peoples from the
excess pollution that is being caused by the plastic bags, this will also helps to aware the peoples
for less using the plastic bags. This awareness encourages them to bring their own containers and
bags in the environment.
Literature review
According to the views of Ray and Chaudhuri, 2018, It has been define that in ancient
days business industrial practice less polluting activities in their business process. As per author
survey after invention of technology this will leads towards more pollution and degradable of
sustainability environment. More usage of plastic bags is introduced by industrial business man.
This will facilitate lots of problems in sustainability in business that cause many environmental
issues faced by community, society, business man, government etc. For uplifting sustainability
practice in the business process government also take corrective measures and laws to reduce the
effect of plastic bags and bottles.
This will greatly impact the whole society and influence towards hazards effect. It will
affect the life of people in wide ways. Now days corporate social responsibility measures to
solve the problems of sustainability environment practices. As per the views of author 14 bags
are similar to the gas fuel that is used to drive 1 mile. Only 1% these plastics are gone for the
practice of recycling. As per the survey of author most of the pollution of plastic bottles or bags
come in the oceans or seas from the land. These pollution occurs due to decrease in the practice
of sustainability. As the sustainability is very important for the environment as well as the
Sustainability in Business: Impact of Plastic Bottles on the Environment_3

survival of the human beings because this can increase the awareness of the peoples in upgrading
the environment and prevent them from the pollution, because sustainability is the major part for
sustaining the resources into the environment, without the environment sustainability peoples can
not survive in the environment properly. This not only helps in the environment pollution but
also helps to make innovative ideas for the peoples for less use of the plastic resources of the
plastic bottles. This also reduces the use of plastic water bottles and helps to get aware the
peoples for the less use of the plastic bags, and recycle the bottles in the way that can less harm
the environment.
Government and business industries have to develop more conscious effort to create
awareness of cleanness and not using any plastic bags. This will leads to degrade in the balance
of sustainable environmental issues. Pollution of plastic things and bags in seas has impact most
the species in water such as whales, dolphins and seals. According to the survey plastic bags
killed most of the animal and species in water, seas and oceans. The use of plastic is growing in
daily life of people. It becomes part of living being in the community that is very a serious issue.
Because most of the environment issues take place to unfair practices of sustainability business
process. Approx 564 million plastic bags or bottles is used in recent years. The main element that
is used in plastic bags is polythene. The ethylene is found in crude oil. When the gas is refines it
automatically becomes polythene. The whole cause many hazardous effect that leads to serious
issues in the environment. As compare to previous year the use of carrier bags decreased. The
plastic bags takes lots of time in decompose. The life cycle of plastic bags is very complicated
and causes hazardous of life. The span of plastic bags origin from crude and natural gas. The use
of plastic bags become more popular because it is more convenient for carrying goods or
commodities. But these are no longer storage container.
If this unfair practice of sustainability does not stop then it will kill most of the animal,
species and release more hazardous or toxins in the environment. This cause a major loss in the
water as well as in human life also. There must be a complete balance of ecological balance to
stop the use of plastics. Recycling is not appropriate solution of plastics bags. The government
of UK must ban the use of plastic bags and they must identify the alternative of plastic and
plastic bags. The recycling of plastic bags consume more energy rather than creating plastic bags
or bottles. That is why most of the plastics bags and bottles become discarded rather than
recycle. The government and industrial business must think about the alternative solution of the
Sustainability in Business: Impact of Plastic Bottles on the Environment_4

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