
Social Media Impact on Business Performance


Added on  2020-02-23

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Abstract 2
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Table of ContentsABSTRACT..............................................................................................................................2TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................3LIST OF FIGURE...................................................................................................................4LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................4CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................51.1OVERVIEWOF SOCIAL MEDIA.....................................................................................51.21 RESEARCH AIMS, OBJECTIVES..................................................................................71.2.1Aims.....................................................................................................................71.2.2Objectives............................................................................................................71.2.3Research Questions.............................................................................................71.3RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION..........................................................................................71.4OUTLINEOFTHE DISSERTATION..................................................................................8CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................91.5INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................91.6DISCUSSIONON IMPACTOF SOCIAL MEDIAON BUSINESSES....................................101.6.1Communication..................................................................................................111.6.2Marketing...........................................................................................................121.6.3Decision making................................................................................................131.6.4Gain valuable customer insights.......................................................................141.7THE USEOF SOCIAL MEDIAIN SAUDI ARABIA.........................................................141.8CHALLENGESOF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGIN SAUDI ARABIA.............................171.9COMPARISONBETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA BUSINESSAND TRADITIONAL BUSINESS....171.10CHAPTER SUMMARY..............................................................................................18CHAPTER3: RESEARCH METHODLOGY....................................................................191.11INTRODUCTIONAND OVERVIEW............................................................................191.12RESEARCH SAMPLE................................................................................................20For this study, it was important to find a sample size comprising only organizations....20that use social media. Two organizations were selected; Saudi Telecom.......................20Company (STC) and Alhokair Group company. More details about these two...............203
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chosen companies are included in the Findings and Discussion Chapter.......................201.13OVERVIEWOF INFORMATION NEEDED...................................................................211.14RESEARCH DESIGN OVERVIEW..............................................................................211.15DATA COLLECTION METHOD.................................................................................221.16DATA ANALYSISAND SYNTHESIS..........................................................................221.17ETHICALCONSIDERATIONS....................................................................................231.18ISSUESOF TRUSTWORTHINESS...............................................................................231.19LIMITATIONSOFTHE STUDY..................................................................................241.20CHAPTER SUMMARY..............................................................................................24CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH FINDINGS & DISCUSSION................................................251.21INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................251.22SECTION 1: A DETAILED ILLUSTRATIONOF RESEARCH CASE STUDY...................251.22.1Saudi Telecom Company (STC).........................................................................261.22.2Alhokair Group Company..................................................................................291.23SECTION 2: ILLUSTRATIONOFTHE RESEARCH QUESTIONSWITHTHEIR ANSWERS311.23.1How do social media support businesses in the KSA to make a better salenowadays than in the past when there were no social media?........................................311.23.2Why do businesses in the KSA use social media and do they use it effectively?321.23.3What are the challenges of the use of social media by an organization?..........341.24SUMMARYOFTHE CHAPTER..................................................................................35LIST OF FIGUREFigure 4.1: The STC Twitter Page...........................................................................................31Figure 4.2: The STC Facebook Page.......................................................................................32Figure 4.3:Alhokair Group Facebook page..............................................................................364
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List of AbbreviationsKingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)multi-national corporations(MNC)small and medium enterprises (SMEs)Saudi Telecom Company (STC)5
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1Chapter 1: Introduction1.1Overview of Social MediaThis research focused on identifying the impact of social media on the businesses in theKingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Social media has become a new and effective tool tocombine technology and marketing strategies (Safko and Brake 2009). It increases brandawareness and promotes marketing of products for the business. It gives marketers theopportunity to interact with peers, target customers and personalize their brand. Social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer an opportunity forcorporate brands to connect with their customers on a personal level. It is also useful ingetting feedback and reviews about products. Similarly, online review services help anenterprise whilst at the same time having the potential to make or break their business (Kinget al. 2014). The ability of a company to leverage user review helps in obtaining knowledgeabout their customer base and their product or service perceptions. It consequently helps inbuilding client relationship and identifying the brand’s value-added offering from the user’sperspective. The most important platform is the company website to show case the brandproduct or service to the world (Brynjolfsson et al. 2013). Social media marketing has the potential to reach to a larger number of customers andcorrect implementation of marketing with social media can bring great success to a business.The importance of social media is realised today because of the ability to readily connectwith prospective consumers. Both multi-national corporations (MNCs) and small andmedium enterprises (SMEs) plan various strategies to engage their customers with their brandvia online platforms, whilst promoting building trust with their respective customers. Twoother important benefits of social media to business are i) reduction in cost and ii) increasedin the opportunity for revenue generation. Social media marketing can evaluate their businessprospects through closer interaction with consumers, and this opens a window of opportunityto more readily receive customers’ feedback. Apart from this, social media marketing enablesthe business to identify peer groups or competitors in the industry, to continuously realignbusiness strategy and stay ahead in business (Goud, 2016).Building a brand image with traditional marketing tools is a time-consuming and expensiveprocess. With the shift from traditional marketing approach to social media marketing, themode of communication with consumers has drastically changed. Currently, about 47% of the6
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world population is using the Internet, and the rise in smartphone sale has further increasedthe penetration of internet in the various geographical regions of the world (Taylor 2017).More specifically, this research is focused on the use of social media by businesses in SaudiArabia and further details about its aims and objectives are illustrated in the followingsection. 1.21 Research Aims, Objectives 1.2.1 Aims The main aim is to conduct extensive research on the literature review of this researchand study the use of social media in corporate businesses in the KSA in order tounderstand how they promote their services and products. This research is also going to look at how large businesses organisations are leadingtheir media crusade through online networking and how small company can take afterwith their suggestion to build up their compelling publicising and advertisingtechniques to advance their brand.1.2.2ObjectivesTo investigate the significant factors of social media that impact businesses in theKSA.To examine how enterprise businesses in the KSA use social media as a marketingstrategy to enhance their consumer interactionTo critically compare the performance of Saudi businesses before the use of socialmedia and after the use of social media and which then confirming which one worksbest for Saudi business and why.1.2.3Research Questions How do social media support businesses in the KSA to make a better sale nowadaysthan in the past when there were no social media?Why do businesses in the KSA use social media and do they use it effectively?What are challenges/benefits of the use of social media by the KSA organisations? How can small businesses in KSA follow the recommendations of marketingstrategies from a large business that using social media?7
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1.3Requirement of Research in Saudi Arabia and Its ContributionAccording to the research of Alwagait, Shahzad & Alim (2015), Social media is most popularmedia for marketing purposes as this is the tool where customers can involve in the two-waycommunication process and business can promote their products or services cheaper thantraditional methods such as TV, radio, newspaper, etc. Due to its popularity, many types ofresearch have performed on the effect of social media over different countries, but there is notmuch information available for KWA market impact. Therefore, the requirement of thisresearch increases and the contributions of this research are as follows:This study examines the influence of social media on the business of Saudi Arabiacompanies. The reason for research in Saudi Arabia was that social media usage hasaffected different countries market but there is significantly low informationavailable for Saudi Arabian market. This investigation emphasis on ascertaining theeffect of social media on the business of Saudi Arabian companies. A qualitativeinvestigation method has been adopted for this investigation.The information from organizations such as Saudi Telecom Company (STC) andAlhokair Group Company has been taken to understand the influence of using socialmedia in their business. The selection of these companies assists in comparison toboth big and small business on Saudi Arabia towards the use of Social media.The research analyzes major challenges faced by small and big companies for usingsocial media in business such as government issues, integration problems, culturalissue, human resources and measurement of value. This research provides variousrecommendations for solving such problems as well, such as active involvement withcustomers, posting customers oriented content, monitoring of progress and adaptationof Social media Hierarchy Pyramid strategy.1.4Outline of the DissertationThis dissertation is organized in a sequential manner which consists of five chapters. Anoutline of each chapters is provided here: Chapter 1: Introduction8
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