
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability Tasks 2022


Added on  2022-10-11

21 Pages4440 Words15 Views
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability  Tasks 2022_1

Table of Contents
Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................6
Task 3:...........................................................................................................................................14
Task 4.............................................................................................................................................17
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability  Tasks 2022_2

Construction has always played an important role in building the infrastructure. It includes the
construction of Water dams, long and complicated tunnel, skyscrapers, bridges and a difficult
network of water for irrigations and the sewage facility given by Civil engineering. The
sustainability of the construction is the ultimate way of building the infrastructure to reach the
desired sustainable development. For designing and constructing any building, dams or any
infrastructure it uses the energy and water and other resources of the surrounding which is
related to the environment and it is directly or indirectly affects the living of the environment.
The purpose of this report is to know about the role of civil engineering in sustainable
construction towards achieving the sustainable development of society. And how it can keep
balance with the environmental and socioeconomic issues. Though sustainable construction
means how it satisfies the needs of the present without compromising with the resources of the
Task 1
A) Project Identification:
They played an important part in building the growth of the organization they are related to.
Presently construction industry is facing a similar issue. They are having a shortage of skilled
labor to provide the best services to meet the growth. The construction industry is unable to
attract skilled labor to meet the desired demand. According to the studies, almost 20-32% in the
construction industry are age 50-59 older and only 5-12% that are younger. Many construction
industries have held many programs and planned many schemes collaborating with the state and
local government to attract new and young talent in the construction industry. The disadvantage
of lacking skilled labor is not only that it will not able to meet the desired goal of growth but it
will also let us not win with our competitors.
Many industries are likely to grow over the time period but the construction industry is lagged
behind in the growth. They have no sign of improvement for many decades. It has numerous
issues that affect construction project work. These are the few factors of construction that affect
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability  Tasks 2022_3

Lack of material. The lack of material is noted as the most crucial and important issue of
the construction. The material which workers need or the quality of the material is not
satisfying. In many cases, project managers have no knowledge of the right materials
which are going to be used.
Incomplete sketches: The drawing or the sketches play an important part in productivity.
Incomplete drawing causes a delay in the revision and clarifications of the drawing and
Lack of tools and types of equipment: Tools and equipment are other important factors
without it work are impossible to do. Lack of maintenance and revisions of the tool led to
the use of the old and outmoded equipment. which results in an insufficient number of
machines are being used for the projects.
Poor communication: This issue majorly allows improper work to happen. To avoid this
one or the manager should not only verbal communication but for clarity charts,
guidelines, manual procedures should be done.
b) Research Methods
In a sector where labor shortage is a major issue, retaining the labor can be quite a task. Building
a monumental project requires a team of well-skilled labors that are dedicated as well as a team
player. The construction industry is a billion-dollar industry. With the loss of labor, a company’s
project not only comes to a standstill but it drains out its liquid asset. It is extremely important
for a company to follow some guidelines to retain its labor until the completion of the project.
Companies of any stature have gone through this major drawback at least once in its project
lifeline. There are numerous reports that show the decline in the curve of job retention in the
construction sector. A couple of steps could be followed to try to curtail down this major issue in
this sector. Changing one’s recruitment strategy would create an immense difference in this
scenario. Instead of hiring workers in conventional ways, a company can get in touch with
agencies that help with the recruitment of skillful labors. There are multiple agencies that are
registered and work on a commission basis for the said purpose. Getting in a contract with a
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability  Tasks 2022_4

hiring firm can help to fill in the spots that are left vacant by the labors during an unnotified
situation. Companies tend to forget that hiring labor isn’t just a done deal. It has to find measures
to keep the laborers interested, loyal, and motivated towards the employer.
C) Research Feasibility
Reviewing a company’s hiring policies and the reasons as to why a laborer has quit could help to
figure out the issue that a company often tends to overlook. Changing the scale of payment for
the laborers would be an added bonus. There are companies that don’t pay its workers a decent
wage. Money is the best motivator of all. Winning a worker’s trust and loyalty comes with
paying them good wages. Boost in salary would help to cut down the rate of workers dropout.
Cross-training workers could help them to develop their skills and work methods. With the
advancement of time and technology, one’s training modules need to be updated. Investment in
such training programs needs to be initiated to show the workers what the company expects of
them. It not only boosts morality but helps to increase the productivity of the laborer. Regular
interaction with the laborers could help to understand the requirement and drawbacks that a
worker face at the working site.
Resolving those drawbacks would definitely help to gain their side. It is the duty of the company
to provide safety and security to its workers. Multiple stories have been covered on laborers
committing suicide due to financial insecurities. Giving a worker’s health and emotional
condition a priority is paramount to a healthy working environment. Proper wage and incentive
structure would help to avoid such a major drawback. Engaging with the workers is the key to
building a strong bond between a worker and its employer. Various measures have been opted by
the companies to know the whereabouts of its workers. Geofencing is one such technique. In this
system, a worker has to punch in and out. This measure helps to manage a team and maintain the
safety of a worker. When workers are working at multiple locations it gets extremely difficult to
maintain every detail of a laborer, from its payout to other work details. Investing in hiring
efficient and skillful managers would help to keep track of every break, work details, payout, and
other details related to a worker. Maintaining a time tracker that is cloud-based that reduces
human error in recording
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability  Tasks 2022_5

every single detail related to a worker of that company. With all the stored details a company has
to plan out the strategies to overcome the shortcomings, identify the gaps related to manpower,
and work on it to increase the efficiency.
d) Brief and Specification
In the construction sector, every individual in the business is interlinked. The impact of labor
loss in the construction business has been a major problem. Everything that is related to this
business, be it, finance, time, material, people, client or the stakeholders, are at risk with this one
loss. A big construction project has many stakeholders involved. Millions get invested in the
completion of one project on time. Loss of labor not only hampers work but pushes the deadline,
wastage of material and resources, and thereby causing loss of investment. With the loss of time
and material, rising costs have immensely hampered the goodwill of this sector. According to
studies, many big construction projects are on hold due to this one plight. It has become a real
challenge for the investors as well as the construction companies to complete a project within the
deadline without facing labor loss issues at least once in the project lifeline. This negative
approach has affected companies, schools, firms related to civil engineering. People have
become skeptical of joining this profession due to the lack of security. Companies must switch to
better planning and labor policies to restore faith in this sector.
Task 2
a) Scope of the project
Construction method is considered as one of the essential components that facilitates in
accomplishing respective construction tasks within limited period of time. This research supports
construction industry in minimizing the risk of accident and failure as far as possible. The
sustainability of project is depending upon the skill employees and implementation of advance
techniques so that respective deliverables and elements can be completed within definite time
period. There are range of tools and techniques that are required to explore the broad aspects of
construction method so that positive changes within construction operation can be implemented
The Influence of Construction Method on Project Sustainability  Tasks 2022_6

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