
The information system used by the company


Added on  2022-09-17

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Business Development
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The information system used by the company_1

Slide 1
The 1st slide is about the introduction of the company Ford Motors Company which was
established in 1903, in the United States as a motor vehicles company. The headquarters of the
company is situated in the town of Michigan and was established by Henry Ford. The Ford
Motors Company is also regarded as one of the most growing and progressing industry in the
automotive field. The Ford motors company is also one of the major industrial workforce in the
United States and thus many assembly lines are there in the Ford Motors Company. The
presentation also describes about the supply chain management (SCM) and management of
information system (MIS) in the Ford Company and how it affects the production or assembly
line of the company. The information system used by the company in order to communicate with
the various departments of the organizational mainframe has also been discussed here. However,
the management information system (MIS) has certain advantages and disadvantages which
effects the company’s infrastructure. The presentation is also emphasized on the leadership
models that has been adopted by the company in order to work, compete and progress in their
industrial field.
Slide 2
Management Information system (MIS) is regarded as a computer system consisting of
hardware and software components that is associated with the organizational mainframe of a
company. The MIS provides a better decision making ability for the supervisors and the
managers of the company and also benefits the organizations in terms of financial, real estate,
personal and marketing areas. The company also integrates sometimes a central information
system which deals with almost every aspect of a company in terms of digital processing and
The information system used by the company_2

digital softwares. The management of such a system is very much inevitable for the companies
that aims to reach higher progress rates in their respective industries and thus the Ford Motors
Company also has its own terms and conditions in the management information system which is
especially dedicated to customer satisfaction and supplier intimacy. The slide describes about the
MIS which is the co-relation of multiple data points in order to increase the performance of
operations. The most important aspect of management information system is to help in the
improved decision making of the organizations by providing up to date and accurate financial,
manufacturing and marketing data.
Slide 3
The 3rd slide is about the management information system that is present in the Ford
Motors Company and how it helps in the development and the progress of the company in its
respective field of automotive industry. The most important factor in the Ford Motors Company
is to manage the supplies of the raw materials and other raw materials required to assemble any
product or task and also to manage the needs and requirements of the clients. The Ford Motor
Company has several efficient and effective ways of managing their raw materials and also their
finished products in order to satisfy their clients. One such model is the Ford Production system
which does the job of an ideal management information system. This system helps to eliminate
the problem and risk of product delivery and also the delivery mistakes that often occur within
the production line of the company. The MIS also provided the company with a mass production
option which gradually resulted in the overall performance increase and also in the profit
increase of the company.
The information system used by the company_3

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