
Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Strategies


Added on  2020-02-17

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UniversityMarketing in Travel and TourismByDateNameLecturer’s Name
Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Strategies_1

Marketing in Travel and TourismContentsTask 1..........................................................................................................................................................3LO1 Understand the concepts and principles of marketing in the travel and tourism sector.....................31.1 The core concept of marketing for the travel and tourism................................................................31.2 The impact of the marketing environment.........................................................................................41.3 Factors that are affecting the customers' demand...............................................................................61.4 The principals of market segmentation and its uses in the market planning......................................8Task 2........................................................................................................................................................11LO 2 Understand the role of marketing as a management tool in travel and tourism................................112.1 The importance of strategic marketing planning for a selected business in Travel and Tourism.....112.2 The relevance of market research and market information to the managers....................................122.3 The influence of marketing in the society........................................................................................14Task 3........................................................................................................................................................15LO 3 to understand the role of the marketing mix in the travel and tourism sector...................................153.1 The marketing mix of the business..................................................................................................153.2 The importance of service sector mix elements in this business......................................................163.3 The total tourism product.................................................................................................................16Task 4........................................................................................................................................................18LO 4 be able to use the promotional mix in travel and tourism.................................................................184.1 The integrated nature of the business and the role of promotional mix............................................184.2 Plan and justification for an integrated promotional campaign for the business..............................19References.................................................................................................................................................21Page 2 of 23
Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Strategies_2

Marketing in Travel and TourismTask 1LO1 Understand the concepts and principles of marketingin the travel and tourism sector1.1 The core concept of marketing for the travel and tourismThe way toward showcasing is chiefly required to satisfy the necessities and the requests of the clients (Chen and Robinson, 2012). The procedure predominantly closes when the customers are happy with the bondage of the organisation. Additionally, the teams must give the best administration and the nature of merchandise keeping in mind the end goal to make the ideal picture. Thomas Cook has kept up the typical and customary approaches to doing the promoting for the business (Liao, 2016). The brand esteem and the positive picture of the organisation can help the team to go far. The organisation must experience the necessities of the clients, and the exchange must be made after making all examines about every one of the clients. On the opposite side, the business can get influenced by the ecological condition. Clearly, the company is expressly subject to the state of the climate where the visit is going to put. The state of the climate can assume a final part whether the visit will happen or not. Additionally, the large scale and the small scale variable of nature can be urgent. It has been seen that many travel and tourism organisation has diminished their costs in the season of the retreat so that the organisations can fabricate a particular position in the market. It is to be said that the financial plan or the bundle must be made by the money related state of the clients. The organisations must take after every one of the guidelines and controls of the market. They should utilise the most advanced and refreshed apparatuses keeping in mind the end goal to get the consumer loyalty (Nurcahyo, 2016). The office of ticket appointments must be accessible on the sites of theorganisations. The clients must get the ideal settlement as per their financial plans, and the naturePage 3 of 23
Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Strategies_3

Marketing in Travel and Tourismof the administration must be great keeping in mind the end goal to make the perfect picture for the organisation.1.2 The impact of the marketing environmentThe showcasing condition is the correspondence between the organisation and the external world. The correspondence inside the association is likewise a piece of the promoting condition. The realities and the standards and the directions about Thomas Cook are portrayed here. It is to be said that there are two sorts condition and they are as per the following,The macro environment: The full-scale condition viably chooses the accomplishment of the business relating the external world with it. This condition can be depicted in an ideal way utilising the PESTEL investigation. •Political: This piece of the market incorporates all the political issues and the principles and thecontrols of the legislature. The organisation must take after the tenets and the direction keeping in mind the end goal to proceed with the business in the best way. In the field of travel and tourism, the guidelines of the administration of various nation are the enormous matters of concern. The voyaging spot can be anyplace in this world. The organisation must concur every one of the terms and the states of the nation where the visit will happen. Thomas Cook has kept up different sorts' principles and directions of the legislature. •Economic: Numerous financial certainties must be remembered before making the visit. The financial state of the visitor, the financial state of the nation if the visit kids in the foreign countries. The financial state of the clients at first chooses the place of the visit. The economy has assumed a crucial part in the accomplishment of Thomas Cook. Page 4 of 23
Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Strategies_4

Marketing in Travel and Tourism•Social: The way of life and the mindset of the nearby individuals must be remembered before making the visit in wherever. The directions must be given to the vacationers that they should not hurt the feeling and the way of life of the neighbourhood individuals of the visiting spot. •Technological: The systems that Thomas Cook takes after can assume an unequivocal part of the business. Assume an organisation has masterminded Volvo AC transport for the excursion and another organisation has orchestrated a typical transport. The clients will dependably get pulled into the organisation which has organized the AC transport. The financial plan or the bundle of the visit chooses the innovation in the greatest time. The more you burn through cash, the more you get the advantage of the innovation (Power-prepare segments advantage from utilising Victrex PEEK, 2013). •Environmental: This is additionally a pivotal actuality regarding the travel and tourism. The state of the climate assumes a crucial part in the voyaging business. Thomas Cook is constantly mindful of the natural circumstance, and the traveller goals are Morocco and Egypt. So the earth of those two spots must be taken under the matter of concern. •Legal: All the procedure and the gear that is utilised to finish the visit must be lawful and as indicated by the guidelines and the directions. The laws must not be softened up request to achieve the consumer loyalty. The vacationers should likewise act typically so that the administration can't raise any voice against the subjugation of the organisation. Thomas Cook must keep up all the lawful tenets and the controls of Morocco and Egypt to finish the visit for this situation (Open Tour Builder; The Battle of Atlanta Tour: A Tour of History and Remembrance; and Emory Campus History Tour, 2016). Page 5 of 23
Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Strategies_5

Marketing in Travel and TourismMicroenvironment: Concerning Thomas Cook and the goal of the visit Morocco and Egypt, thisnatural examination, for the most part, chooses the state of the workers and the administration of the association. The connection between the representatives and the authoritative structures are the purposes of attentiveness toward the earth. The conduct and the devotion of the officials and the main capacity of the pioneer and additionally the overseeing ability of the administration can choose the accomplishment of the business in the best way. The style of moving toward the clients, the way toward making the visits assumes essential parts keeping in mind the end goal to make progress (Strategic Human Resources Management as a Success Factor to Achieve Total Quality Management, 2016). This is the critical piece of the promoting condition that can choosewhether the business will run consummately or not. The qualities of the workers, their employment fulfilment and the energy to meet the hierarchical objective are exceptionally critical. The techniques that the pioneer of the organisation takes after to rouse the workers are additionally definitive. In conclusion, the procedure of the administration board of trustees to set the business is the most vital piece of them all. Contingent upon the approaches and the bundles of the visit the business will get the outcome it merits.1.3 Factors that are affecting the customers' demandMany elements influence the request of the clients. Contingent upon the elements the clients choose whether to run the organisation for their visits. It implies that the variables assume key parts as far as the visits and the organisation get influenced by choice of the client (Thomas, 2013).•The innovation of the organisation: It is the underlying element that assumes a final part in the travel and tourism segment. It is to be said that the clients who will partake in the travel and Page 6 of 23
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