1LITERATURE SEARCH AND ANALYSIS Lepp, A., Barkley, J.E. and Karpinski, A.C., 2015. The relationship between cell phone use and academic performance in a sample of US college students.Sage Open,5(1), p.2158244015573169. 1.Yes the study has a clear research question, which is identifying the relation between total cell phone use, including calling, texting and gaming, browsing the web, using social networks and other applications, and the overall academic performance in terms of college GPA. 2.Yes, the researchers chose the appropriate research methodology. Finding out the answer to the research question in the selected context requires statistical and other empirical processes. Using a quantitative methodology is therefore appropriate for this paper. 3.Yes the research methodology is adequate to answer the research question, given that the controlling variables have already been accounted for. 4.The empirical data for this research justifies the authors’ conclusion that cell phone use is a negative predictor for overall high school GPA. 5.Other studies that can potentially strengthen the research results include those that identify how educational applications for cellphones are benefitting the students. That can be considered a controlling factor given that it is not considered one in the current research.
2LITERATURE SEARCH AND ANALYSIS Young, M.L. and Chen, C.C., 2008. A Study of the Changing Process of Knowledge-Sharing Habits.AMCIS 2008 Proceedings, p.309. 1.This research does not have a clearly defined research question. It is underpinned by the drive to find out how the different knowledge management systems and the introduction of the faculty-student knowledge sharing affects the teachers when sharing their materials and resources with the students. 2.For this research, the methodology (phenomenological) is appropriate. Since it does not have a clear research question, the methodology allows for understanding personal experiences. 3.Yes the research methodology is adequate for answering the research question. 4.The conclusion is supported and justified by the resulting data as it explores four different parameters with respect to teachers’ experience and concerns regarding their resources. The conclusion provides a justified response as well as suggests a future direction for study. 5.The following study discusses open sharing of course materials from the perspective of senior university students and discusses concerns regarding whether open sharing of materials can be worth considering. ‘It's Not Their Job to Share Content’: A Case Study of the Role of Senior Students in Adapting Teaching Materials as Open Educational Resources at the University of Cape Town. By Hodgkinson-Williams, C. and Paskevicius, M. (2013). Link:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/elea.2013.10.2.135
3LITERATURE SEARCH AND ANALYSIS Ribes, D. and Finholt, T.A., 2009. The long now of infrastructure: Articulating tensions in development.Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10,pp. 375-398. 1.This research does not have a clear research question given that it is an ethnographic study directed towards documenting the personal experience and orientation of the participants. 2.Given that this paper attempts to highlight the struggles of e-infrastructure designers as they work towards designing, developing and implementing e-infrastructure, an ethnographic study is an appropriate research methodology. 3.Yes the research methodology is appropriate to answer the questions that the research tends to look answers for, as it presents ethnographic records. 4.There is no explicit empirical data. Instead the results are a record of the participants’ experiences and struggles, which are then evaluated. There is also no clear conclusion, but a suggestion towards the different strategies of the Long Now. 5.Other studies that can strengthen the research’s results include studies that present ethnographic reports of workers in other departments, especially in ones where they are significantly knowledgeable about the production requirements. This would highlight the results of the current research as well.