
(PDF) Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care


Added on  2020-11-12

11 Pages3830 Words380 Views
The Role of publichealth in health andsocial care
(PDF) Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Identifying different roles of agencies with levels of health and disease in communities....11.2 Epidemiology of infectious and non infections diseases......................................................21.3 Evaluating effectiveness of various approaches and strategies to control diseases..............3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1Determing current priorities approaches and provision of services for people with diseases.....................................................................................................................................................32.2 Relationship between prevalence of diseases and requirements of services.........................42.3 Impact of current lifestyle choices on future needs of health...............................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................53.1 Assessing health and well-being priorities for various individuals......................................53.2 Effectiveness of strategies, system and policies in health and social care............................63.3 identification of changes to improve health of people..........................................................73.4 Activity to implement for encouraging behaviour change for maximising health...............7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONIn today's context, Public health is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonginglife as well as promoting heath trough organised efforts and informed choices of society, publicand private communities or individuals(Takagi, Kondo and Kawachi, 2013). Moreover, it can bedescribed as science which usually provides support in order to enhance lifestyle of people bypreventing from different types of diseases. It play's a vital role in development of health andsocial care. In this report organisation chosen is General Medical Council which maintainsofficial records of medicine practitioners in United Kingdom. Herein, it is responsibility toprotect and promote as well as maintain health and safety needs of individuals. This report isgoing to determine levels of health by adopting statistical records of infectious and noninfectious diseases. Moreover, describing effective strategies in order to prevent of infectiousdiseases so that they can maximise health of local people and individual.TASK 11.1 Identifying different roles of agencies with levels of health and disease in communitiesIn today's context there are various health care agencies that are working on health andsocial cases to determine cause of spreading several diseases. It is necessary to be conducted sothat an appropriate decision or actions can be taken in order to prevent such diseases. Thisprocess is adopted in improving well being of community of a particular country.For example: World Health Organisation is looking for welfare at Global and Nationallevel Health services which is working throughout the nation(Smith and Hellowell, 2012.).Moreover, General Health are working towards it at regional areas in order to improve health andsocial care.Moreover, General Medical Council are providing various supports in identifying different levelof health diseases within population. They are involving themselves with their full efforts issaving patients by spreading awareness about medical facts and practices that help them inovercoming with harmful diseases. It is essential to have knowledge about health care servicesso that at right time proper precaution can be taken as precaution are much better that reaction inany case of diseases. This agency is trying to set standards of doctors so that proper diagnoses ofhealth problems can be curded in an appropriate manner. Eventually, it will enhance health careby improving efficiency in medical product and services. For such instance various health care
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centre and agencies are providing various training and development session on regular basis todoctor and nurses so that they can provide right services in an effective manner.1.2 Epidemiology of infectious and non infections diseasesIn medical there are different infectious diseases which is suffered by general people of aparticular country need to consult doctors for proper diagnoses. Their are such diseases whichare hight infectious in nature. For such purpose it is important to identify several causes thatspecifies health issues before starting treatment of such diseases.Infectious diseases: Epidemiology: Epidemiology is referred top analysis patterns, distribution and incidenceof various health issues within population of nation(Ruano and et. al., 2014). It deals with severalissues and cause of particular health problems weather the diseases is infectious or noninfections diseases. Moreover, it is described that infectious ones are know as communicablediseases where as non infectious are caused by mutations which are inherited from generation offamily. For example: Infectious diseases (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome), Microbetransmitted( Human Immuno deficiency virus), Modes Transmission( High contact of sexualintercourse, infected syringes or infected blood transfusion) Epidemiology of AIDS: It has been observed and analysed through various severalresearches that almost 98,400 people residing in United Kingdom are infected with this diseases.Apart from this most of the population are not aware about health issues or does not haveknowledge about precaution for such diagnoses. Moreover, one of the fact that has beendetermined that HIV is spreading on those groups such as men who are having sex with men(MSM) which are infecting drugs user patients who are receiving blood products.Non-infectious diseases: Obesity: This issues is related to fat on body more that an extent is known as Obesity.There are components in body parts known as mass index of an individual that need to bebalanced(Borgelt, Buchman, and Illes, 2012). Form such instance many several diseases can beattain such as diabetes, weakness of bones and low immunity etc. This problems usually arisedue to imbalanced diet, genetic defects, damage of hypothalamus as well as intake of drugs orchange in life style.
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