
Theories and Application in the Organization Assignment


Added on  2021-04-17

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Leadership Management
Theories and Application in the Organization Assignment_1

THEORIES AND APPLICATION IN THE ORGANIZATION1Answer to question 1a.ERG theory is a psychological theory proposed by Claton Alderfer. It is basedon the theory of hierarchy of needs by Maslow. This theory basically refers to thecore requirements namely Existence,Relatedness and Growth among theemployees of an organization. According to this theory, people develops any type of desire at any point oftime which they require to satisfy (Lazaroiu, 2015). Existence relates to the basicneeds of the human being that are food, shelter and clothing. Relatedness relatesthe interpersonal needs which the employees need within their personal andprofessional settings. Growth refers to the people’s requirements to self-actualizationthat helps in personal development. As this theory particularly focus on the motivation factor, it can be directlyapplied in the organizational development. The companies use this theory tomotivate and inspire the employees, therefore an efficient manager understands theplaces occupied by each of the employees in the hierarchy then motivate themaccordingly. In Fisher & Paykel Healthcare is an organisation that designs, manufacturesand markets the healthcare products around the globe (Fphcare.com, 2018). Theorganisation must provide all the basic necessities to their employees and enhancerelatedness with their workers through increasing involvement with their personallives. It can create scope for internal esteem as well as recognition so that theiremployees become more creative and productive.The organizational behaviour of the company is purely based on the conceptof care. Therefore, the employees of this company enjoy a sense of compassion andbond with each other that has decreased the work place rivalry. This is how they canstrengthen their specific objectives without any problem. Answer to question 1b.Two factor theory is established by Herzberg. It is a dual factor theory that isalso known as the motivation hygiene theory. Here the theorist refers to two types offactors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
Theories and Application in the Organization Assignment_2

THEORIES AND APPLICATION IN THE ORGANIZATION2This theory largely demonstrates that there are some factors present in anorganization that cause satisfaction of the workers and some factors that leave theemployees dissatisfied with their job (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl & Maude, 2017). Thispsychological theory talks about the external factors which estimate the employeesto enhance relatedness with the organisations as well as serve better. This theory is applied in various international organisations. In this case thecompanies that use this theory to motivate their employees to enhance productivityidentifies all the external factors. After which the employers then categorise themaccording to the preference of these factors among their employees. According tothe theorist some factors whose presence satisfy the employees, may or may notdissatisfy employees when absent. There can be different factors to dissatisfy theworkers. Fonterra is a company that has earned international reputation for its dairyproducts. The hygiene factors that can motivate the employees are its policy,supervision and administration. Through developing good interpersonal relations andrewards, the company can enhance its growth possibilities and level of responsibilityof the employees. The company’s organisational culture where the employees workunder cross-cultural situation, may affect the concept of the theory. Answer to question 2a.In 2011, Theo Spierings became the CEO and managing director of Fonterra.His leadership style can be described as democratic. In this theory, the leaders allowthe employees for active participation in sharing their ideas and opinions in theorganizational decisions (Renko et al., 2015). Despite this fact that the employeestake part in the organizational operation, the leader always remains there to guideand arrange the free flow of ideas but he is never autocratic. These leaders tend tomaintain a democratic ambience in the institution where each of the employees getequal opportunity to introduce their ideas but the leader himself always decideswhich group or individual will get opportunity to contribute to the organizationaldecisions (Antonakis & Day, 2017). The current CEO of Fonterra, has proved himself to be a democratic leaderwho asks for active participation of the expert employees in organizational decisionmaking process whether it be manufacturing as well as supply chain management.
Theories and Application in the Organization Assignment_3

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