
Important Theories of Leadership -


Added on  2022-08-25

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Theories of Leadership and Management
Institutional Affiliation
Important Theories of Leadership -_1

Activity 1: Reaction and Reflection
From the study by Laschinger et al. (2008) it is evident that Canadian nurse leaders
have unique perspectives regarding regarding leadership. Compared to the common view of
nurse leadership, which is characterised by increased workloads, and high stress levels,
Canadian nurse leaders have confidence in their abilities to effectively lead organizational
affairs and have a positive view of their work environments. However, I would associate the
comfort and positive view of the nurses to the suggestion of Laschinger et al. (2008) that they
result from elimination and dilution of nurse leadership roles.
The Canadian healthcare system, like other healthcare systems in the globe are
characterised by reforms and challenges that require proactive leadership. Such challenges
include nursing shortages, changes in evidence, and demographic changes that result in
emerging healthcare needs. Nursing is one of the professions that plays a vital role in the
healthcare system. I opine that nursing leaders have essential responsibilities that they need to
play in order to sustain the healthcare system. For instance, nursing leaders must contribute ti
policy development at organizations and national levels. They also need to recruit younger
nurses into leadership to foster succession planning. Such roles are not evidences in the
Canadian nurse leadership, meaning that they are performing their nursing roles optimally.
Activity 2: Leadership theories
1. The bureaucratic leader relies on policies, rues, standards and norms
2. Quantum leadership is based on concepts of chaos theory including constantly shifting
3. Trait theory suggests successful leaders have inborn traits such as intelligence,
personality and abilities
4. Leaders who adapt their leadership theory according to changing situations are ascribed
to the contingency theory of leadership
Important Theories of Leadership -_2

5. Quantum, charismatic, transactional, transformational, shared and servant leadership are
contemporary styles that have emerged in response to the need to humanize working
6. The democratic leadership style assumes that people are motivated by impulses and this
leader uses majority rule in setting goals
7. Rather than focusing of traits of leaders, the behavioural theory focused on what leaders
8. The authoritarian leader often makes decisions alone an may be useful in crisis
9. The laissez-faire leader often abstains from leading
10. Transformational leadership style is focused on change within the organization through
a commitment to the organization’s vision
11. A charismatic leader arouses great affection and emotional commitment
12. Shared leadership is a contemporary leadership style based on empowerment principles
of participative and transformational leadership
13. Development by Vroom and Yetton model determines the amount of participation
leaders should seek from employees in decision-making
14. A servant leadership style originates from the belief that in serving one may be called to
Activity 3: Are leaders and Managers the Same?
Mangers and leaders are not the same as they differ in their duties associated with
influencing other people to work and achieve goals. Managers are skilled in planning,
directing and building organizational systems to achieve organizations goals and missions
while leaders focus of creating change by aligning, motivating and inspiring people (Wajdi,
2017). A leader possesses skills that enables him of her to inspire, encourage and influence
Important Theories of Leadership -_3

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