
Theories of Motivation in Business Management


Added on  2020-10-22

6 Pages1388 Words322 Views
Context of Business(Part-1)
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3Motivation theories and their role in organisation and its overall working...........................3CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................5REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6
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INTRODUCTIONBusiness context refers with a specific vocabulary, which is employed. This can be anindividual of an organisation or a larger business community. The present report includes aboutthe motivation theories, which is concerned with the processes that describe how humanbehaviour is activated and concerned to achieve business goals. The report is all about Amazon,which is the world's largest online retailer multinational technology company which focuses one-commerce, artificial intelligence and cloud computing (Bell, Bryman and Harley, 2018) . Thiscompany was founded on 5 July, 1994 by Jeff Bezos. This report emphasizes on the theories ofmotivation and their role in organisation, along with its overall working. In addition with this theMaslow's hierarchy theory has also been discussed in the report. TASK 1Motivation theories and their role in organisation and its overall working.Motivation is a very important factor that comprises of various tools and techniques thatare majorly used for skill enhancement and building morale of employees. Motivation is a quitearea and cannot be summed up very easily. It is a combination of both internal as well as externalfactors that are relatively the cause behind hampering or developing performance level andpersonality of individuals (Crane and Matten, 2016) . Hence in present context of Amazon it canbe observed that motivation acts as a appraising factor for both organisations as well asindividuals. Motivation refers to a reason that is inclined towards actions performed byindividuals along with their willingness as well as goal achievement behaviour. Motivation isbasically derived from the word motive which refers to a need that should be satisfied in order toderive effectiveness and efficiency. There are a number reasons that influence needs or wants.Hence in context of Amazon it can be said that managers and leaders of Amazon need toconsider training and development modes for building morale of employees and also enhancingtheir performance levels. It acts as a lifeblood in any business entity which helps in promotinggrowth opportunities. There are various motivational theories which have been explained incontext of Amazon and have further been stated as under: Theory X and Y were propounded by professor Douglas McGregor in the year 1960 .These theories are basically based on two main aspects of work out of which one is positive andother is negative (Jazdi, 2014) . Also a number of assumptions were derived from these theories.
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