
Operations Management and Leadership Theories


Added on  2020-10-22

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Management andOperations
Operations Management and Leadership Theories_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Role and characteristics of leader and manager................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P2 Role of leader and manager in situational contexts...........................................................4P3 Different approaches of leadership...................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10P6 Factors affecting business environment and its impact on operations management.......10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONManagement & operations refers to the practices of business administration, in order toestablish highest level of productivity in the organisation. It is related with converting rawmaterials into finished products with the optimum utilisation of labour to increase profits andgrowth of the organisation. Amazon is an electronic commerce and cloud computing company,headquartered in Washington, has been taken in this report. It provides electronics, software,furniture, toys, food, etc. Role of leaders and managers and how they are important in anorganisation is explained. Further, different approaches of leadership are also mentioned. Valueand need of operations management in achieving business objectives is described in this report(Chevalier and et. al., 2015). Along with this, different external factors which affect the businessenvironment and its activities are mentioned in this project.TASK 1 P1 Role and characteristics of leader and managerLeader:- A leader is a person who influence people or individuals in the organisation.They encourage individuals to attain desired objectives effectively, in order to maximise theirefforts towards goal accomplishment. In context to Amazon a leader will motivate employees toachieve prescribed objectives and have a great impact in the overall organisation.Manager:- Manager is a person who takes responsibility of certain tasks of company orwhole organisation's duties. They performs managerial functions at primary level. In context toAmazon the manager perform organisational duties, managers its employees , departments, andexecute different functions such as – planning, directing, controlling, organising, staffing, etc. Role of leaders Leaders have an important role in any organisation. They help in motivating teams andemployees in Amazon. They perform different roles to encourage individuals for attainingbusiness objectives. Few of them are described here. Building morale:- It is one of the important responsibility of leader. The leaderencourage individuals to work together, in order to accomplish common goals in the organisation(Chiarini and Vagnoni 2015). In context to Amazon the leader should build employees morale byinvolving them in organisational activities and decision making. A good leader should appreciateemployees for their best performance. Appreciating them for well done job will increase theirmorale.Motivating employees:- It is the vital responsibility of leader to motivate individuals inthe organisation. The leader should identify employees needs and requirements before assigningobligations to them (Haksever and Render, 2013). In context to Amazon the leader shouldmotivate individuals by removing obstacles and supporting them in goal accomplishment. Difference between leaders and managersBasis Leaders Managers Definition Leader refers to the particularperson who motivatesindividuals and influencesthem to attain goals.Manager’s control and guide toemployees or entireadministration, in order toachieve prescribed goals.Orientation Leaders create followers andinfluence them towards goalaccomplishment, so they areWhile, managers giveresponsibilities to employeesand perform managerial
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people oriented. activities, so they are taskoriented.Role Leaders play vital role inAmazon, because they defineappropriate objectives andsupport individuals to achievethem.While, managers performsinterpersonal roles and manageday to day operations toimprove organisationalperformance.Risk Leaders are interested intaking higher risk. They assistin achievement of goals withinnovative ideas.On the other hand, managerscontrols risk and providesolutions to organisationalissues in Amazon.Leaders and managers characteristicsPositive attitude:- Leaders and managers both have positive attitude and they encourageindividuals to obtain desired objectives effectively. In Amazon the leader and managers shouldhave positive attitude to inspire employees.Responsible:- Managers and leaders performs their roles and responsibilities in effectivemanner to attain prescribed objectives (Kato, NEC Corp, 2012). In Amazon the leader andmanager should be obligated towards their work.TASK 2P2 Role of leader and manager in situational contextsAmazon is a multinational company and deals in different customer products. It operatesin many countries all over the world. There are a different situation which occur in businessenvironment and affects its activities. In context to Amazon the company has to face variousproblems due to changing situations in the market. It includes different changes such as – newtechnologies, market trends, customer preferences, government policies, etc. Different situationsand role of leaders and managers in facing these problems is described below.Fast situation:- Fast changes are those changes which occurs rapidly and are accepted orchanged speedily in the organisation. In fast situations different changes arises which include –innovative technologies, changes in customer demands, etc. In context to Amazon, it is essentialfor employees to have knowledge about these situations and changes. They should be awareabout new and changing techniques in the market (Omansky and Kanner, Autodesk Inc, 2014).To overcome from these situation the leader and manager have different roles which areexplained below. Managers function:- In Amazon, the manager should coordinate with the employees todeal with these situations. They should guide individuals how to solve the problems and teamshould be formed to work together and attain desired goals. Leader's role:- In context to Amazon the leader should provide proper training toindividuals to overcome these situations. They should provide knowledge about newtechnologies and their uses. By this way they can improve employees productivity and attaindesired growth and profitability.Moderate situation:- Moderate situation is the situation between the fast and stable changes.These changes arises slowly in comparison to fast changes. It involves – changes in customerspreferences and requirements (Parsanezhad and Dimyadi, 2013). In context to Amazon, the
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