
Theory of Learning and Teaching


Added on  2022-12-17

8 Pages2527 Words1 Views
Higher EducationTeacher Development
Theory of learning and
Theory of Learning and Teaching_1

Mode pf learning..........................................................................................................................1
Theories of Learning....................................................................................................................2
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Theory of learning and teaching refers to process of retain and receive knowledge of
learning. There various factors which play important role in emotional, cognitive and
environmental experience and influence which play important role in understanding and
acquiring knowledge (Bartels and Wagenaar, 2018). There are various modes of learning
including visual, reading and writing. Visual modes of leaning include learning through visual
charts and diagram whereas auditory learning include learning through hearing information of
vocals. This project includes study of theory of learning and teaching which helps to enhance
knowledge about modes of learning as well as teaching. This project report includes modes of
leaning including visual, auditory, reading and writing. It also includes theory of learning like
behaviourism, constructive.
Mode pf learning
There are various modes of learning like visual, auditory, writing and reading, kinesthetic
are used in classroom observation (Canboy, et. al. 2016). All these modes play important role in
providing classroom learning to students. These modes of leaning help teacher to provide
education effectively are as follows:
Visual leaning: Visual learning are for students who internalise information when
presented in graphic depiction by using effective symbol to enhance knowledge of learner. It
includes arrow carts, diagram as well as other visualisation in information hierarchy, It is not
necessary to include photograph and videos. As visual learners are more holistic who are best to
process information when used to present information. They result in positive outcome of
education when using charts as well as other diagram to present information n different slider of
knowledge and information.
Auditory learning; It is most effective as well as successive ode as it provides opportunity
to hear information which presented vocally (Lambert, 2019). In his type of mode, students are
often chosen to avoid preparing notes and maintain attention to auditory learning about educators
are less attentive in compare to their students. In this type of mode, learners have decided to pay
attention to learn rather than notes making as they believe their attention is more valuable than
notes making. It includes two ways transmission as students who prefer to choose this kind of
Theory of Learning and Teaching_3

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