
Critique of Research Design and Participant Recruitment


Added on  2019-12-03

4 Pages1199 Words164 ViewsType: 164
Chapter 3: Methodology3.1 Inquire paradigm Purpose of this study is to offer a holistic view and to gain insight of theimpact that a therapists’ experience of personal therapy may have upon thetherapist-client relationship. This is with respect to play therapy whereparticipants are allowed to truly reflect their deep and rich experiences of thesubject (Creswell, 1998). However, the data has been analysed statistically withproviding quantitative outcomes. But the single case study was mainlyqualitative that focused on the “set of basic beliefs that guided the participants’actions” (Guba, 1990, p.17). The administration of this approach allowed theresearcher to investigate and describe the participants’ deeper meaning aboutthe influence that contributes to the TR with their clients in the play therapysetting (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000). The study was guided around three main paradigms of research (Creswell,2014). These include:Ontology (Crotty, 1998): Ontology paradigm is likely to allow clients todevelop a quality therapeutic relationship which can affect the outcomesof therapy. This is likely to aid the researcher in analyzing the theoreticalperspective of ontology (Shi, 2007).Epistemology (Crotty, 1998):Theaim of this study was to validate this knowledge by establishing andcritically analysing the ontological perspective (Crotty, 1998). Thiscase study has underpinned the post-positivists view which is adeterministic philosophy in which “causes probably determine theeffects or outcomes. There is further a need to identify and assessthe causes that influence outcomes” (Creswell, 2014, p.7). This islikely to allow the researcher to investigate into whether the qualityof therapist-client relationship can have an effect on the outcome ofplay therapy session due to influence of therapist’s experience ofpersonal therapy. This study has been supported by reductionistpragmatic aspect whereby the theory has been reduced to smalldiscrete set of ideas. It is likely to aid in testing the hypothesis andanswer the research questions along with the collated researchdata (Creswell, 2014). The Methodology (Neuman, 2009):
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According to Creswell (2014), the pragmatic philosophy is “not justcommitted to any one system but is applicable on both mixed methods ofresearch and draws generously from quantitative and qualitativeassumptions” (p.10). The researcher utilised mixed method approach toenhance the overall strength of study (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007, p.77). Focus was further given on developing two questionnaires in guidingwith respect to the topic. Two research questions acted as central to thedesign of these questionnaires. The methods were triangulated with“multiple observes- theory and data sources to determine the degree ofconvergence across components” (Curry and Nunez-Smith, 2014, p.14).This aided in accumulating more accurate set of results by validating thedata sets of survey and the interviews of participants. The closed and open ended questionnaires (see appendix) wereused to collate the statistical and descriptive data. This is as only one ofthese methods would not have been sufficient enough to collect the data.The open ended interview allowed an in-depth exploration of participant’sexperiences and perceptions on the subject (Creswell, 2003; Glaser andStrauss, 1967; Patton, 2002). Close ended questionnaire on the other handhelped to gather non-biased, clear and simple information so as to permittowards an easy data analysis for the researcher (Cargan, 2007).Whilst the above mixed-method approach helped the researcher tocross validate the findings by measuring the system in much deepermanner. 3.2 Research sample 3.2.1 Study Design The target population of this study was a cohort of 6 adults (n=6)who are qualified enough to play the role of therapists. The study had atimeframe of 20 weeks with taking into consideration the participants’work and other commitments. This allowed towards the generation ofreasonable time for them to answer and return questionnaires and tocarry out interviews. 3.2.2 Participants recruitmentIn the very first step,researcher compiled aThe respondent is in personaltherapy,has
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