
Third-Party Report: The Assessor's Role as an Observer


Added on  2023-06-17

61 Pages9336 Words441 Views
The assessor is to observe the candidate as they complete the tasks outlined in this Third-
Party Report Form.
To fulfil the role of the candidate’s observer, the assessor must:
Before observing the candidate:
Review and discuss the tasks and requirements listed under each task in this
Third-Party Report Form.
As the candidate is completing each task outlined in this form:
Observe the candidate as they complete/demonstrate each task and each
requirement outlined in this form.
Take notes as you observe the candidate. You can use/refer to these notes when
providing comments/feedback on the candidate’s performance.
As the candidate completes each task in this form, they will:
o Record how they completed this task.
o Record important details relevant to them of this task, where required.
The candidate will then submit their responses to you.
Review the information they recorded on each task and provide your comments
and feedback on the candidate’s performance in the Assessor’s
comments/feedback section.
In the Observed By section of each task:
o Sign your initials as confirmation you have observed the candidate and as
confirmation that the information they recorded in this form is true and
o Provide the date and time when you observed the candidate.
IMPORTANT: Do not sign off on the task if the information the candidate
recorded is not true and factual, i.e. it contradicts what you have observed,
and if there are missing details in their responses. In these instances, please
let the candidate know immediately.
After all tasks have been completed by the candidate:
Complete and sign the Assessor Declaration section. The signature must be
Return the form to the candidate.
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The following outlines workplace tasks relevant to developing positive and respectful
relationships with children while being observed by your assessor in the centre.
Complete each task outlined in this Third-Party Report Form while being observed by
your assessor. Your assessor will record important details from their observations in this
By signing in the Observed by sections of each task, you are testifying that you have
sufficiently observed the candidate complete the task as recorded in this Third-Party
Report Form. You are also confirming that they have completed the task in accordance
with their work role and responsibilities, organisational policies and procedures,
relevant legal and regulatory requirements, and industry standards.
Candidate Details
Candidate name
Observation Details
Date of observation
Time of observation
Observed by
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TASK 1 – Sit and talk with at least two children in a manner that creates a relaxed
and unhurried routine during mealtimes.
CHILD A Age of child: 5
Describe the context of this instance, including a description of the child (do not provide
their real names) you sat and talked with as well as the topics you talked about with the
In this, the child is 5-year-old and show their interest in interacting and a good listener.
With child the discussion is based on stories book and novel which create interest among
Describe how you created a relaxed mealtime routine for this child.
With the aspect with child, I make a storytelling time and with this the mealtime routine is
deliver to child.
Describe how you created an unhurried mealtime routine for this child.
By providing sort meal and less meal but healthy in protein and vitamins. Such as milk,
bread etc.
Assessor’s comments/feedback. Observed by:
Assessor’s initials:
Date observed:
Time observed:
CHILD B Age of child: 10
Describe the context of this instance, including a description of the child you sat and talked
with as well as the topics you talked about with the child.
In this, the child is 10-year-old and facing the issue of proper eating due the games and
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Describe how you created a relaxed mealtime routine for this child.
Motivate child to eat well and then play their games for long period.
Describe how you created an unhurried mealtime routine for this child.
Provide instant meal which include drinks such as juice.
Assessor’s comments/feedback. Observed by:
Assessor’s initials:
Date observed:
Time observed:
TASK 2 – In two instances, role model positive interactions with others. These
instances must be in the presence of children (collectively).
INSTANCE 1 Date and location:
Describe the context of this instance, including who was present during this instance as
well as the activity in this instance.
Your description below must show children (collectively) were present during this
In this, the ideas are taken from child on different topic. Children are used to deliver
various and thought and they are appreciated for this that boost their confidence.
Describe how your role-modelled positive interactions during this instance.
Show respect and care for other even for those people you dislike. Show the anger and the
negative emotion in the constructive way.
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Assessor’s comments/feedback. Observed by:
Assessor’s initials:
Date observed:
Time observed:
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INSTANCE 2 Date and location:
Describe the context of this instance, including who was present during this instance as
well as the activity in this instance.
Your description below must show children (collectively) were present during this
Children listen the aspect which is based on providing the care and respect to each other
with elders one.
Describe how you role-modelled positive interactions during this instance.
The role model respect everyone and taking the approach which show self-confidence and
appreciate everyone for their ideas.
Assessor’s comments/feedback. Observed by:
Assessor’s initials:
Date observed:
Time observed:
TASK 3 – Assist in creating an environment within the centre that reflects the lives
Two children
Each child’s family
Each child’s local community
CHILD A Age of child: 5
Describe this child’s life.
Child is starting their primary schooling, used to learn about alphabet and number and try
to develop reading habit of books.
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Describe this child’s family.
Family is supportive and focus on the emotional, physical and cognitive development.
Describe this child’s community.
Child is live in colony where the major of children are with same age. Community believe
in to be a part of progressive community.
Describe the assistance you provided to create an environment that reflects the child’s life.
The environment is rich in learning and formulating progressive thought for their life.
Explain how the environment you assisted in creating reflects the child’s life.
Develop behaviour of positiveness
Explain how the environment you assisted in creating reflects the child’s family.
Generate the thought which is constructive.
Explain how the environment you assisted in creating reflects the child’s community.
Provide aspect to understand the behaviour and vision of child.
Assessor’s comments/feedback. Observed by:
Assessor’s initials:
Date observed:
Time observed:
Third-Party Report: The Assessor's Role as an Observer_7

CHILD B Age of child: 10
Describe this child’s life.
Child is studying and playing majorly outside games have friend with the same age group.
Describe this child’s family.
Progressive and guide children with proper support and care.
Describe this child’s community.
Have live their individual life and no interruption in other lives.
Describe the assistance you provided to create an environment that reflects the child’s life.
Provide nature which is helpful to develop social life and emotional life.
Explain how the environment you assisted in creating reflects the child’s life.
By providing social interaction and gathering.
Explain how the environment you assisted in creating reflects the child’s family.
They also communicate with other that in society which develop healthy environment.
Explain how the environment you assisted in creating reflects the child’s community.
The social interaction is helpful to reflect child community.
Assessor’s comments/feedback. Observed by:
Assessor’s initials:
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