
Samson Media Assessment 2022


Added on  2022-08-12

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This document is Briefing Report Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment of BSBINN601.
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Australian Smart College Pty. Ltd.
BSBINN601 – Lead and Manage Organisational Changes
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Australian Smart College Pty. Ltd.
RTO ID: 45302 CRICOS Code: 03661E
Samson Media Assessment 2022_1

This document is Briefing Report Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment of BSBINN601.
Samson Media
Assessment Task 1 Instructions
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Explain the key phases of a change management process.
- Identification of needs and Planning- The phase involves an organization identifying what
needs to change, identify if the needs are sizeable to warrant a change in strategy and starting
of building a plan for change through a structured goals-setting methodology such as SMART
Objectives and goals
- Communication- the phase includes communicating to staff about the change, its impacts
and how it will affect them. Employee are well prepared psychologically when change is
communicated timely
-Change reinforcement and training- the phase involves implementing the change and
conducting training on the staff for them to cope with it
-Support and review- The phase includes following up with staff to check whether they have
to cope up with staff and identify key areas that need focus
2. Explain three reasons why an organization might initiate change.
- An organization can initiate change to respond to the external environment such as change in
Economy, Political, Legal, social and environmental factors.
- An organization can initiate change to alter its culture like the altering behaviours and typical
patterns within the company.
- An organization can initiate change to respond to internal factors that can affect its
profitability and sustainability such as leadership styles.
3. Explain force-field analysis as a model for understanding the change process
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Australian Smart College Pty. Ltd.
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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment of BSBINN601.
-Force-field Analysis was developed by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s (Burnes and Cooke, 2013
p.408). The Force-field analysis was created behind the idea that circumstances within an
organization are developed by an equilibrium between the forces that resist change and that
drive change. The analysis states that “for a change to occur, the driving forces need to be
strengthened and the resisting forces weakened”. Force-field analysis follows a series of steps
including a description of the proposed change, identification of forces for change,
identification for forces of restricting change, assigning scores, analysis, and application of
scores. Description of proposed change step includes an organization defining goals and vision
for change. Identification of change forces involves an organization defining internal and
external forces that are driving change such as disruptive technologies, demographic trend and
outdated machinery. Identification of forces against change includes defining the forces that
are unfavourable to change. The forces include things like fear of unknown and organizational
structures. Assigning scores step involves include giving each force rating whether weak and
strong according to the influence it has on the change plan. Analyzing and applying involves
making a decision on whether to implement change with consideration of scores.
4. Explain the key premises of the Burke & Litwin organizational change model and its
application to the change process.
-Burke and Letwin were developed to promote understanding of organization component parts
and how they relate in a change time (Stone 2015 p.2). Furthermore, the model also
demonstrates factors hierarchy in a company. The premises of Burke and Letwin's
organizational change model include the external environment, organizational performance,
individual performance, transformational factors, leadership, mission and strategy,
organizational culture and motivation, structure, management practices, systems, task and
skills, work unit climate and individual values and needs.
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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment of BSBINN601.
5. Discuss the purpose of Kotter’s 8-step change model and the steps involved. Explain
each of the steps involved.
The purpose of Kotter’s 8-step change model is to create, support and pursue change
acceptance (Auguste, 2013 p.2). The steps involved in Kotter’s change model include create
urgency, forming a powerful coalition, creating a vision for change, communication of the
vision, removing change obstacles, Creating Short-term wins, building on a change and
anchoring a change in Corporate Culture.
Step 1: Create Urgency- the step involves an organization identifying the need for change.
Step 2- Form a Coalition- the steps involves stakeholders being convinced about the necessity
of change. Strong leadership and visible support are required in this step who can bring
together a coalition, mobilize resources and influence all stakeholders including managers.
Step 3: Create a vision- the step involves creating a vision which the stakeholders can
remember and make them understand why the change is necessary.
Step 4: Communicate the vision- the steps including communicating the vision to the targeted
stakeholders. Powerful messages and frequent communication is needed for effective decision
Step 5: remove obstacles- The step involves identifying barriers of change implementation and
removing them using appropriate strategies.
Step 6: Create short term – The step involves creating short-term targets which are achievable.
Step 7: Building on the change- The step involves running the change deeply and avoiding
declaring the victory early as it will lead to the failure.
Step 8: Anchor the changes in corporate culture- the step involves making the change stick and
break existing organizational norms and cultures that can impact the change in the near future.
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6. Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change
during an organizational change process.
- Recruiting champion of change- bring people with credibility who can influence people to
believe the message helps to build and implement change.
- keeping communication channels for change implementation open and monitor how
individuals and teams are working- getting information on KPIs through the set procedure will
assist to embed change.
7. Explain how the external environment can impact change strategies.
- The external environment involves factors which occur outside a company and impact
strategies that an organization plans to use in change implementation. Political factors such as
policy framework and legal can facilitate an organization to integrate its process. Economic
factors like price fluctuations, fiscal policy, exchange rates, interest rates and inflation can
directly affect the profitability and sustainability of an organization lead to a change of
strategies. New technologies can facilitate productivity and create new products thus forcing an
organization to change its strategies.
8. Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing
organizational change.
Participative style enables employees to be more receptive to change particularly in
circumstances where they have no voice. Participative management style also increases the
commitment of employees and the decisions they make in an organization. In addition,
through Participative management style innovation and creativity are also added to the change
management plan.
9. Explain two aspects of organizational behaviours that can impact on organizational
1. Organizational structure- an organizational structure such as functional and matrix can force
an organization to change its operations.
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This document is Briefing Report Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment of BSBINN601.
2. Leadership and effectiveness of management- leadership styles such as transactional and
transformational can drive the organization to make a change
10. Describe five components that may be included as part of a change management plan.
1. Stakeholder analysis
2. Risk analysis
3. Budgets.
4. Communication and communication planning.
5. Coaching and manager training for.
11. Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organization may resist
change. Include at least one suggestion of how resistance can be overcome for each of the
areas you identify.
-People or groups may resist change to avoid losing their jobs in their workplace. The
resistance can be overcome by motivating employees and creating an engagement and
commitment environment.
-Poor Communication and Engagement- a creation of effective communication channels and
frequent communication can solve the change resistance.
-Lack of Trust and poor timing. Creating a conducive and open climate for ideas contribution
can help employees create trust and thus overcome their resistance.
12. Discuss at least three barriers to organizational change.
1. Lack of Effective Communication Strategy- without little communication on vision f
change employees tends to reject the change.
2. Inadequate budget or resources- When there is not enough budget and resources are
sufficient to change implementation becomes difficult.
3. A bad Culture Shifting Planning- bad cultures such as group norms or established roles
becomes hard for them to be amended.
13. Discuss at least two strategies to address barriers to organizational change.
1. Effective and timely communication- communicated in a timely manner to help employees
to be aware of the change and to prepare for it psychologically. When employees are well
prepared, they accept change easily.
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