
Emerging Media Market Report 2022


Added on  2022-08-12

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Emerging Media Market Report 2022_1

Employer branding.....................................................................................................................2
Xing company profile................................................................................................................4
Xing strategy analysis................................................................................................................6
SWOT Analysis......................................................................................................................6
Emerging Media Market Report 2022_2

This report includes the analysis of the organization named ‘Xing’ based in
Germany.It majorly provides the digital platform for assisting individuals to connect with
people operating in a distinct corner of the country and the global world. The various digital
networks aids in seeking employment opportunities and promoting business organization.
Xing platform is leading in providing the platform for growth in Germany. This report
includes the information based on the employer branding of Xing with the application of an
appropriate model. This report also includes the Xing's company profile and other umbrella
companies. For the strategy analysis, Xing's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
will be analysed for analysing the market position of the organization. The key purpose of the
report is to emphasize the marketing of Xing Company.
Employer branding
Dabirian, Kietzmann, & Diba conducted the study on describing the concept of
employer branding and analysis, it is revealed that it is necessary to consider the long-
standing concept for the procedure of promoting the company (Dabirian, Kietzmann, &
Diba, A great place to work!? Understanding crowdsourced employer branding,
2017). In this approach, the employer of the organization targeted the focus group which
they want to recruit and retain. The study also revealed that it is the image of the company in
the mind of the current workforce of the organization and also key external stakeholders
which include customers, shareholders, etc. The employer brandings describe and reveal the
overall reputation and status of the employer (Tumasjan, Kunze, Bruch, & Welpe,
In this organization, the brand is using the overall procedure for linking the needs of
the organization with the requirements of the consumers. The brand is highly connected and
linked with the image of the product and services which the organization is offering in the
external environment (Theurer, Tumasjan, Welpe, & Lievens, 2018). The information
is gathered with the help of adoptingsecondary method by reviewing various existing
literature to take the opinions of different authors. The findings of the study describe that
employer branding is highly concerned through the strategies and initiatives for retention,
attraction and engagement is adopted by the organization for improving the reputation of the
company employer.
Emerging Media Market Report 2022_3

Gilani & Cunningham also describe that the management of employer branding
becomes a significant concept in the current year (Gilani & Cunningham, 2017). This is
due to the reason because it provides a clear and real experience of employment. Verčič &
Sinčić Ćorić also demonstrate that employer brand supports the organization to do external
recruitment so that accurate and right candidate is sought by the organization for
accomplishing the goals and objectives of the organization (Verčič & Sinčić Ćorić, 2018).
In this concept, employers reveal all the attributes which make them different and also
explain the strengths, importance, and opportunities for offering employment.
Biswas, Allard, & Pousette conducted the study to provide information regarding the
significance of employee branding for the organization (Biswas, Allard, & Pousette,
2017). The findings of the study describe that employer branding leads to increasing the
capabilities and abilities of the organization for recruiting the skilled and talented workforce
in the organization. It is due to the reason that it defines the organizational culture and
describes the overall channels of the employers which raise the brand image and provide the
idea to the employees regarding their expectations towards the company (Dabirian,
Paschen, & Kietzmann, 2019). This reveals the potential of the employees to fit in the
organizational culture and increase their motivation for applying for a particular job position.
The study reveals that employer branding leads in reducing the cost and expenditure
of the organization it is due to the reason because well-known brands should not spend more
on recruiting the employees (Mihalcea, 2017). Therefore, it can also choose from various
options and results in increasing the capability of the employer to hire more skilled in
conduct their operations in a competitive environment. Aboul-Ela also finds that through the
employer branding workforce of the organization become an ambassador and the majority of
the employees are recruited through referrals (Aboul-Ela, 2016). This supports in making
the brand stronger and reduces the advertising and marketing cost of the company.
Employer branding improves the marketing strategy of the organization therefore the
study was conducted to define the effects of employer branding (Ahmad & Daud, 2016).
The information collected is done through adopting the survey method that is a questionnaire
is developed to gather the perception of the recruiters and potential candidates. Through the
analysis, it is demonstrated that it leads to increasing the engagement of the employees
because through strong brand employee becomes more motivated and enthusiastic. This
Emerging Media Market Report 2022_4

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