
Desklib - Review of Documentary Tipping The Scales on Australia's Obesity Concerns


Added on  2023-04-22

14 Pages4919 Words169 Views
Leadership ManagementNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global Health
ORG20002: Business and Society
ASSIGNMENT 2: Team review
of documentary
Tipping The Scales
Maybe insert pic here??
Created By:
Kong Weng Fai - 102232669
Ross Laverty - 101740763
Emily Moore | 101964220
Eve Bransgrove - 6038743
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The report intends to review the documentary ‘Tipping the Scale’ which is based on
global obesity concern and especially highlights Australia for its critical degraded lifestyle
and unhealthy food habits. At first, it has been observed here from a close stakeholders’
analysis that investors are least interested to follow a nutritional guidelines and ignoring
their social responsibilities at ease. Their focus is strictly on profit and market share
more than anything else. While analyzing stakeholders’ responsibility a wide range of
responsibilities has been addressed regarding their contribution to make a positive social
transformation. Simultaneously, different perspective have been identified among the
stakeholders regarding the obesity epidemic in Australia. Here, the idea of collaboration
has been introduced for combatting the situation following the national nutritious
guidelines. Introduction of sugar tax is appreciable and at the same time the food
organizations’ association with the government can be considered as one of the major
step towards fit and active Australia. Secondly, this report has highlighted the role of
citizens to adapt a healthy lifestyle as well. Moreover, following the business concept of
creating a social value or CSV, organizations can accomplish their financial goals in one
hand and creating social value on the other at the same time. Creating shared value
means it will both serve the interest of various internal and external shareholders and
follow the nutritional guidelines allocated by the government. Apart from financial profit,
this will help to increase the market value of certain food and beverage companies in
front of consumer base. This report has elaborated such opportunities which the
companies can explore by following the CSR guidelines. The entire report has
emphasized the collective effort of both the citizens and government in terms of
responding towards the anti-obesity campaigns. Food industry across the world must
maintain guidelines to produce healthy alternatives along with restricting the scale of
calorie in every product they produce.
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The purpose of this report is to focus on the issue of Australia Obesity with the help of a documentary
named ‘Tipping the scales’ where the idea of degrading lifestyle in Australia has been highlighted
(Abc.net.au, 2019). In this documentary, the speakers have mentioned Australia as the unhealthiest
country as the rate of obesity and type 2 diabetes is higher than any other European countries. It has been
observed that along with adults, even children have been diagnosed with diabetes at very early age. Food
processing companies, restaurant chains and retailers are ignoring their moral responsibility towards the
health of society, and are merely focused on generating their own profits and becoming self-absorbed
with the progression of time. The documentary consists of some important yet shocking data like 60% of
the Australians have found to be overweight and soon the percentage is going to increase (Abc.net.au,
Apparently, the culture food industries are following has been accused for not maintaining social
sustainability guidelines yet the tendency of consuming processed food cannot be ignored totally.
Governing bodies has taken serious steps on planning to launch the sugar tax on produced food and drinks
to put restrictions on consumption of unhealthy amount of sweetened and high calorie food products.
According to (Abc.net.au, 2019), this documentary works as an alarm and asks what kind of lifestyle the
generation wants and how they want to see themselves 30 year from now. This degrading rate of health
statistics is frightening in terms of imagining the future where multiple issues of public health exist. This
report uses the stakeholder management theory to analyse the stakeholders involved in Australia’s
growing obesity issues. Using the Five Key Questions of Stakeholder Management, we will discuss the
key stakeholders, their stakes and the opportunities and challenges they present. We will also examine
key responsibilities of stakeholders and identify potential strategies to help address the obesity epidemic.
The report will also examine the concept of creating shared value, and will highlight how this approach
would benefit the stakeholders involved.
The stakeholder theory explores the relationship between organisations and the people that
have invested interest in its operations, while encouraging businesses to consider the shared
value and relationships they can create with stakeholders (Freeman, Wicks & Parmar 2004,
p.364). In this documentary, numerous key stakeholders highlight the two-way interaction
between stakeholders and organisations, with each affected by the actions, decisions and
policies surrounding Australia’s obesity epidemic (Carroll & Buchholtz 2015, p.66). Key
stakeholders in the documentary include local communities, such as Australian residents, local
schools, universities, workplaces and the general public. Suppliers and associated businesses
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