
Developing a Fire Protection Service Business in Riyadh


Added on  2019-09-22

14 Pages2798 Words187 Views
TOP 100 BUISINESS COMMUNICATIONFeasibility Study forTadaruck ConsultancyCompanyFire & Safety Consultancy ServicesSaad Naif Al Twaim 15AUG407MBAIM
Developing a Fire Protection Service Business in Riyadh_1

No. Part ATotal MarksObtained Marks1Executive Summary10102Introduction553Product or Service55Product mix in case of more than one product.Effectiveness of marketing and positioning plans.Raw materials, sources of raw materials, availability of raw materialProduct TestPlans to upgrade product or expand product line4Technology55Technical info about ProductOngoing reserch5Market EnvironmentTarget MarketBenefits of product to customersLevel of demand for productIn case of B2B53Target mkt industry, key players, purchase frequency, purchasing process, mkt size, initial targeted geo area, targeted mkt shareIn case of B2CDemographic, Psychographic, behavioral factors6CompetitionDirect , indirect competitorsCompetitor’s mkt share, goals, strengths and weaknessesBarriers to entryUniqueness of your product52Level of difficulty for competitors to copy your productCompetitors reaction to your product and your responseTime taken to copy your product7Industry50Describe the industry in which enterprise is.Size and growth rateDemand and supply trends1
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Describe the forces that drive the mkt i.e. innovation, cultural change, regulation etc. 8Business Model55How will the business generate therevenue(sell the product, charge licensing, retail sales)Will there be recurring Rev? 9Marketing & Sales Strategy4 Ps53Payment optionsBudget for first year10Production & Operating Requirements50From where the enterprise will manufacture, source, or create and deliver the final product or service to be able to estimate the costs.• Physical premises: location, size, age, condition and capacity of planned production and warehouse facilities and number of shift planned.11Mgmt & Personnel Requirements5512Intellectual Property5013Regulations & Environmental Issues5514Critical Risk Factors50SWOTPorter’s Five Forces• PEST15Financial Projections5516Recommendation & Finding5017Referencing 5218Report Format 55Final Total9560Table of ContentsDeclaration2Executive Summary3Introduction4Services4Technology5Market Environment5Competition52
Developing a Fire Protection Service Business in Riyadh_3

Business Model6Marketing & Sales Strategy7Management & Personnel Requirements8Regulations Issues8Financial Projection9Referencing11DeclarationI certify that this assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research, and that I have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation of this assignment whether they books, articles, reports, lecture notes, any other kind of document, electronic or personal communication.I also certify the assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment in any other course or at any other time in this course, unless by negotiation, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarized the work of other student and/or persons. I have read the GBS policy an plagiarism and understand it is implications3
Developing a Fire Protection Service Business in Riyadh_4

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