
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry


Added on  2023-06-10

12 Pages3456 Words338 Views
(Impact of total quality management practices on
customer retention and satisfaction within the UK
automotive industry)
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry_1

Table of Contents
Relevance of the Proposed Research to Business Research.......................................................4
Place the proposed study in context............................................................................................4
Justification of the chosen topic..................................................................................................4
Value of this research..................................................................................................................5
Research aim, objectives and questions......................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................7
What is the concept of total quality management along with its practices used within the UK
automotive industry?...................................................................................................................7
What is the impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and
satisfaction within Roll-Royce....................................................................................................8
What are the advantages of customer retention and satisfaction for improving business success
of Rolls – Roy's ..........................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................10
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry_2

The main criteria of the following research is to study the impact of total quality
management practices on the satisfaction and retention of customers in the automotive industry.
The current research mainly includes about the concept of the total quality management and how
it helps the company in retaining and satisfying the customers in order to achieve high growth
and success in the business market. To identify the various benefits related customer retention
and satisfaction for improving the growth and success of the overall business. In the present
ongoing research, the researcher has collected and analysed quantitative data. The researcher has
chosen primary and secondary data both for carrying out the following research by using data
analysis and questionnaire.
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry_3

Relevance of the Proposed Research to Business Research
The current research is based on the concept of total quality management as it plays an
important role in the company for offering better quality products and services to customers.
Total quality management helps the organisation in ensuring that every employee is working
towards improving the work process, culture, system and services in order to achieve success in
the long term. Adopting practices related to total quality management is useful for the company
as it helps in managing the operations effectively and efficiently for increased performance and
productivity (Chiarini, 2020). The main idea behind selecting total quality management practices
within the company is to ensure that they are delivering better quality of goods and services for
gaining high growth and profitability in the competitive market. The chosen organization in the
present research is Rolls-Royce, which is considered as a British luxury car established in 1904
in Manchester, UK.
Place the proposed study in context
The investigator mainly focus on improving the customer satisfaction and retention by
adopting total quality management practices in order to achieve high growth and success in the
highly competitive market (Brata and Soediantono, 2022). The following present research is
based on defining the impact of total quality management practices and its importance in
improving the performance and productivity of the company. This helps the investigator in
getting full and detailed knowledge about the selected topic which is beneficial for other
researchers also in carrying out the future research. The present research helps the researcher in
increasing their level of knowledge and skill about the given topic so that proper and effective
understanding can be developed so that personal growth can be achieved in the future.
Justification of the chosen topic
The present research conducted is based on a very important topic which is known as
total quality management as it helps in improving the working capability of the employees in
satisfying customers. Total quality management practices helps the company in retaining
customers towards buying the products and services so that the sales also gets increased with
time (Talapatra and Uddin, 2019). The selected topic helps the company in enhancing the quality
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry_4

Research Proposal Form
Student Name: ______________________ Student ID: ____________
Centre Name: _____________________
Tutor: ________________ Date: ___________________
Unit: ____________________
Proposed Title: Workplace Discrimination
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of the research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Title: Impact of total quality management in improving business operations.
Research objectives (e.g. what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn
how to do? What do you want to find out?):
Research Aim
To analyse the significance of Total quality management within enhancing business
performance of an organisation. A case study of Unilever..
Research Objectives
To understand basic conceptual framework of Total quality management.
To explore the ways in which Total quality management can be used for enhancing
business efficacy.
To analyse the way for overcoming barriers associated with implicating Total quality
management practices.
To determine the barriers which are faced by Unilever during implicating practices of
Total quality management?
Research questions
What is the basic conceptual framework of Total quality management?
What are the ways in which Total quality management can be used for enhancing
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry_1

business efficacy?
Analyse the way for overcoming barriers associated with implicating Total quality
management practices?
Determine the barriers which are faced by Unilever during implicating practices of Total
quality management?
Impact of total quality management practices on customer retention and satisfaction within the UK automotive industry_2

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future
plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):
The current investigation is relying on the impact of Total Quality Management in improving the business
operation in an appropriate manner. The major reason behind selecting the investigation project is to analyse
the problems and basic conceptual framework of Total Quality Management as well as the ways in which
total quality management can be adopted by the organisation in order to enhancing business efficacy. Along
with this investigation is going to concentrating on developing effective skills of investigator so that they can
conduct the investigation in an authentic and appropriate manner. There are several kinds of skills which are
going to considered in this investigation and that will be time management skills decision making skills data
collection and skills communication skills and many more. This kind of system will support me to improve
my skills and achieve my goals and objectives in an appropriate manner. In context of Unilever organisation
this investigation will going to support them to analyse and understand the rules of Total Quality Management
and the different strategies which is associated to the same. For the more this investigation will going to
support me to enhance and shaping my skills which is associated to the literature review critical thinking and
many more.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis:
What is the basic conceptual framework of Total quality management?
. According to the viewpoint of (Gianni, Gotzamani and Vouzas, 2017), Total quality management is the
Framework which is relying on the concept that help the organisation to achieve their goals by having all of
their members from entry-level employees to top executive and concentrating on increasing the quality and
effectiveness of the company in order to deliver customer satisfaction. The basic concept of total quality
management is to satisfy the customer and they are much customer orientation like internally as well as
externally (Madzík and Chocholáková, 2016). It also helps the organisation to improve their costing by
delivering an appropriate framework to evaluate several approaches in order to improve the Optimisation
decisions which are made by the managers and employees.
What are the ways in which Total quality management can be used for enhancing business efficacy?
According to the viewpoint of author (Cound, 2020), TQM's emphasis on reducing errors and improving
process efficiency announces a direct approach to issues like absenteeism, like as counselling and other
corrective measures. TQM increases productivity, which translates to higher earnings for the company and, as
a result, higher salaries. It's utilised to improve customer service, optimise supply chain management, and
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guarantee that staff is properly trained. The goal is to enhance the quality of an organization's outputs, such as
goods and services, by improving internal procedures on a continuous basis. In order to implement the ways
in which the total quality management is used by the organisation so that they can improve the business
activities as quality inspection it is very important for the organisation to identify their quality that it is
appropriate or not and control the quality and assurance the quality and then conduct the total quality
management so that they can evaluate and monitor the entire procedure.
Determine the barriers which are faced by Unilever during implicating practices of Total quality
According to the viewpoint of (Datta and Vardhan, 2017), There are several variables which are analysed in
the Unilever organisation while implementing the total quality management and that is inadequate and not
much effective human resources development and management activities. Deficiency of planning for quality
is the another major bigger which are facing by the organisation. The another area which are facing by the
organisation is deficiency of leadership for quality as it is very important for the company to maintain the
leadership so that they can build teamwork and monitor the quality of their performance as well as their
activities so that they can get more positive outcomes for the organisation and improve the efficiency of the
company (Burawat, 2019). The another barrier which are facing by the Unilever organisation is inadequate
and improper resources for the total quality management and this will create huge impact on the organisation
because it create impact on the total quality management and it create efficiency in customer focus as well.
Analyse the way for overcoming barriers associated with implicating Total quality management practices?
In viewpoint of, (Aithal and Kumar, 2016) By using quality management system and their tools like a
mapping benchmarking cost benefit analysis the organisation become capable to achieve their improvement
and enhancement in their work flow process and also become capable to improve their productivity so that
they can get more positive outcomes. Along with this the organisation is also focusing on the improve the
workers engagement in the organisation and collect to the appropriate and relevant resources so that they can
monitor the quality of their resources as well as the performance of their workers in order to overcome the
barriers which are facing by the only other organisations and improve their efficiency so that they can become
more successful in the Marketplace and get more opportunities Lock, 2017).
Books & Journals
Gianni, M., Gotzamani, K. and Vouzas, F., 2017. Food integrated management systems: dairy industry
insights. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.
Cound, D.M., 2020. A leader’s journey to quality. CRC Press.
Datta, K.S. and Vardhan, J., 2017. A SERVQUAL-based framework for assessing quality of international
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