
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight


Added on  2023-01-19

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Tourism Consumer Behaviour
and Insight
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
P1 Investigate the different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence
consumer behaviour and attitudes with a tourism context.....................................................3
P2 Explore how consumer trends are changing due to the impact of digital technology......4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P3 Examine the stages of the consumer decision making journey and map a path to the
purchasing for a given tourism service...................................................................................6
P4 Explore why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand
consumer decision-making in the tourism sector...................................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P5 Compare and contrast key differences of hospitality decision-making process in context of
B2C and B2B..........................................................................................................................9
P6 Evaluate the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for
understanding the decision making process.........................................................................10
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
P7 Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of tourism decisionmaking
process giving specific tourism examples............................................................................11
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_2

Hospitality industry is category of various fields within service that includes food, drink,
lodging and so on (Ayik, Benetatos and Evagelou, 2013). In today's era, this sector is growing at
higher speed out of which travel and tourism is the most developing field. Here, it is the
responsibility of business to provide good experience to tourist in proper manner. The
organisation chosen for assignment is Thomas Cook which was established in 1841 at London,
United Kingdom. This is British company which has two separate entity such as airline and tour
operator. In order to survive at marketplace, it is essential for service industry to provide high
quality facilities to tourism sector. The report covers factors that influence tourism consumer
behaviour and attitude along with path to purchase in tourism context for decision making
process. It also highlights about tourism consumer decision making process and their stages.
P1 Investigate the different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence
consumer behaviour and attitudes with a tourism context
Consumer behaviour is defined as study of group, individual and organisations where
activities are related with purchase, disposal and use of product and service that includes mental,
emotional and behavioural response of users (Bruwer, Lesschaeve and Campbell, 2012). It is
very important to know about consumers so that services and goods can be provided accordingly.
Consumer attitude is defined as feeling of favourable and unfavourable decision of an individual
towards products and services. It is comprises of feeling, belief and behavioural intentions
towards things.
It is the responsibility of Thomas Cook to analyse consumer behaviour and attitude in
order to provide them service related with tourism so that they can get better experience. The
different factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes are described below:
Cultural Factors- This factor plays an effective role in determining consumer behaviour.
It is divided into culture, sub-culture, social class (4 important Factors that Influence Consumer
Behaviour, 2019). Under culture context, belief of human behaviour and their roles which they
play in society is included. The sub culture means people group where they share customs,
values, traditions in terms of nation, racial group, religion and so on. Similarly, social class
people focus on income level of individual. This consists of human behaviour, customs,
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_3

traditions, values and so on. The individual lives in society who has different need and demand
and influenced by others. The consumer attitude and behaviour are influenced because each and
every user has their own culture and traditions which change their mind set for buying of
Social Factors- These factors are divided into reference group, family, roles and status
(Cheng and Edwards, 2015). Here, reference group can influence consumer which impact on
brands and products. It includes opinion leader to take their view and review regarding services
as well as products. For example, if reference group has avail services from Thomas Cook and it
was good then they suggest it and similarly, in lack of services they advice their group to avail
services from other tour operators. Even the family change mind of uses as individual live
together with their parents. People belonging various groups, organisations, club members,
families has to maintain their roles and status at society. This can influence consumer behaviour
for purchasing products and services.
Personal Factors- The different types of personal factors are age group, occupation,
financial situations, life style and personality. These all helps in influencing consumer for buying
products and services in effective manner. For example, Thomas Cook is providing services to
tourist for airline and operator. If they have small children as tourist then they need gaming
facilities, in case of old age people they required secured and high class availability of rooms. If
high income group people are availing services then they should be provided with premium
quality services. In this way, this factor influence consumer behaviour and attitudes.
Psychological Factors- It includes motivation, perception, experience, attitude and
beliefs (Couture and et. al., 2015). These factors influence consumer attitude and behaviour for
buying products and services. For example, if consumer has gain good experience of travelling
and availed serviced from Thomas Cook then they make plan for next visit too. If there is bad
perception of individual regarding tour operators organisation then they will not make any plan.
In this way, attitude and behaviour of consumer is influenced.
P2 Explore how consumer trends are changing due to the impact of digital technology
With rise in technology, there is is change in need and demand of people. The digital
technology plays an effective role in life of people and made it more easy and simple for
achievement of goal and objectives. Similarly, in context of tourism sector, digital technology
has impacted consumer trends which are described below:
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_4

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