
International Travel and Tourism Consumer Behaviour


Added on  2023-06-16

13 Pages3696 Words233 Views
International Travel and Tourism Consumer Behaviour_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................4
P1. Investigate different cultural, personal, psychological and social factors which create
influence over consumer behaviour and attitude in context of tourism industry .......................4
P2. Exploration of reason of changes in consumer trends due to impact of digital technology 5
P3. Examination of different stage of consumer decision making journey and a map path of
purchasing for tourism industry .................................................................................................6
P4. Exploration of important for marketers to map path to purchase and understanding of
consumer decision making process in tourism sector.................................................................7
P5. Comparison and contract among difference between tourism decision making process in
context of B2B and B2C tourism example ................................................................................8
P6 Evaluate different approaches of market research and method of research used for
understanding of decision making process ................................................................................9
P7. Evaluation of ways in which marketer includes different stages of decision making
process along with tourism examples ......................................................................................10
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................11
International Travel and Tourism Consumer Behaviour_2

Consumer behaviour can be described as study for individual, group and organisation and their
different activities that liked with use, disposal and purchase of goods and service. Consumer
behaviour asses different ways in which emotions, preference an attitude of customers create
impact over buying behaviour of customers (Cho, Khoo and Lee, 2019). Consumer insight on the
other hand is described as understand and interpretation of data of customers, feedback into
conclusion which can be used for purpose of improving product development as well as
customer support. This project report analyse study of Hilton Hotel which is a global brands and
American hotel chain. It was introduced by Conrad Nicholson Hilton in the year 1919 in
America. It is one of largest hotel chain as there are around 184 hotel under brand name of
company and has around 216373 hotels in different countries. This project report includes
examination of different factors which create influence over consumer behaviour and attitude in
tourism sector. It demonstrate ability of map a path to purchases in tourism sector and also
includes decision making process. It evaluate appropriate forms of research in order to
understand include over tourism consumer decision making process. It evaluate ways in which
marker influence different stages of tourism consumer decision making process.
P1. Investigate different cultural, personal, psychological and social factors which create
influence over consumer behaviour and attitude in context of tourism industry
Culture factor: There are different set of ideologies and values with which people are associated
that belongs to a community (Dryglas and Lubowiecki-Vikuk, 2019). A person that belongs to a
specific community, has different behaviour which is influenced with culture of community.
There are different factors which are related to cultural factors includes culture, sub culture,
social classes.
Personal Factors: Personal factors also create impact over buying behaviour of a person. These
personal factors are different from one person to another person and also result of different
consumer behaviour and perceptions. Some of factors includes in it are age, income, occupation
life style.
Psychological Factors: Human psychology is one of determinant of behaviour of consumer.
There are different factors to be included related to psychology like motivation, attitude and
International Travel and Tourism Consumer Behaviour_3

belief, perception and learning. These factors crate influence over buying behaviour of a
Social Factors: Humans are social people which are living around group of people and create
influence over buying behaviour of a person (Gibson and O’Rawe, 2018). Human are creating
influence over decision making process of other human. In order to made any decision relation to
purchase, they consider opinions of social group. These social people includes family, reference
group, roles and status.
P2. Exploration of reason of changes in consumer trends due to impact of digital technology
Consumer trends refers to habits, behaviour of consumer which is reflect by consumer during
buying of goods and service. These trends can be results of expectation, behaviour, attitude and
opinion of consumers (Inanc–Demir and Kozak, 2019). These factors alone is not sufficient for
managers to a company for understanding trends of customers, it is also essential for manages of
Hilton hotel to develop different ways for understanding these transfer and develop a marketing
Digital technologies are used in hospitality business for purpose of enhancing experience of
customers and also improving operation process. Digital technologies consist different resources,
tool, systems and electronic devices which are important for purpose of string, processing and
generating different types of data. There are different examples for purpose of digital
technologies including social media, mobile phones, online games and multimedia. There is
increasing use of digital technologies in business which create impact over customer experience.
Changes in desire of consumer: Digital technology create impact desire of customers in
different ways. Use of digital technology in hospitality industry allow consumer to access to
products and service at any time. It allow managers of Hilton Hotel to order products and service
of hotel at any time.
Easy ways of accessing information: Digital technology allow to access to different
information to a person from different resources. These informatory is require by consumer for
purpose of making choice among different brands (Khan, Chelliah and Ahmed, 2019). In order
to get information, consumer are able to online as well as offline source. It allow customers to
get new information which include expectation of consumer with a products and provide variety
to consumer of Hilton Hotel. Consumer of Hilton hotel can select a brand among available
options on basis of these information.
International Travel and Tourism Consumer Behaviour_4

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