
The Impact of Global Issues on Tourism Industry


Added on  2019-12-03

20 Pages5303 Words210 Views
The Impact of Global Issues on Tourism Industry_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................3Task 1................................................................................................................................3A) Analysis of visitor’s number and income generation.................................................3B) Present and future destination trends in visitor’s number and profile.......................4Task 2................................................................................................................................8A) Identification of cultural, social and physical features of Royal Borough ofGreenwich......................................................................................................................8B) Comparing the cultural, social and physical features with Barcelona.......................9Task 3..............................................................................................................................10A) Investigating and analyzing the economic and political characteristics of RoyalBorough of Greenwich.................................................................................................10B) Critically evaluating the effect of external factors on appeal to tourists..................11Task 4..............................................................................................................................13A) Issues affecting popularity of Royal Borough of Greenwich and its comparison withBarcelona.....................................................................................................................13B) How Royal Borough of Greenwich could sustain its appeal as a destination.........14CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................15References.......................................................................................................................162
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ILLUSTRATION INDEXIllustration 1: Increase in Visitors Numbers.......................................................................6Illustration 2: Visitors from different countries....................................................................7Illustration 3: Key Destinations..........................................................................................8Illustration 4: Key Destinations..........................................................................................8INDEX OF TABLESTable 1: Comparison of Barcelona and Greenwich...........................................................43
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INTRODUCTIONTourism is the most developing sector of UK which generate large amount ofincome in the country with generation of employment at rapid speed. This aspect ofcountry facilitates to promote its culture and natural beauty across the world byincreasing the number of visitors (Gautam, 2008). Present report is based on the touristdestination of Royal Borough of Greenwich and its comparison with Barcelona. Furtherreport covers analysis of worlds leading destinations along with its comparison withGreenwich. Furthermore, cultural, social and physical features which appeal to touristshave been identified. In addition to this, Eco-tourism and Responsible tourism havebeen discussed to determine sustainable appeal of Greenwich to customers or visitors.TASK 1A) Analysis of visitor’s number and income generationThe city which has been selected as the world's leading destination is Barcelona.This city is the capital of Spain's Catalonia region which is defined by the art andarchitecture, vibrant street life and mouth watering food (Chi and Qu, 2008). It is thefourth European city with the most tourist arrival each year. In some studies, it has beenanalyzed that tourists in Barcelona grew by 7% in 2013 and it is hosting 7.44 milliontourists in the hotel of this city. The reason behind world's leading tourist destination isthat the city consists of rich cultural heritage and house a great number of museum, artand architecture, works of Antoni Gaudi, etc. On the other hand, Greenwich is one among the four World's Heritage Sites.After becoming the Royal Borough of Greenwich in 2012, the tourist numbers gotincrease eventually. The Maritime Greenwich represents Great Britain's maritime historyalong with architectural excellence. This attracts a diverse range of tourists. As per thestudies conducted, in 2007, number of international tourist in 2007 was 15.33 millionand visitors did the expenditure of 8.2 billion. In 2009, the number of visitors rose by 2.3billion.Table 1: Comparison of Barcelona and GreenwichStatisticsBARCELONAGREENWICHComparison4
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