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Leadership Styles: Transformational and Servant


Added on  2020/03/16

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This assignment delves into a comparison of two prominent leadership styles: transformational and servant leadership. Students are tasked with examining the distinct characteristics, core values, and practical applications of each style. The analysis should encompass the influence of these leadership approaches on organizational performance, employee motivation, job satisfaction, and overall well-being within a work environment.

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Transformational Leadership Analysis Paper
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Executive Summary:
The report gives an overview about the role of Transformational Servant Leadership within
organizations in the context of employee satisfaction and empowerment in business. For better
explanation, a brief description about transformational leadership and servant leadership given
which also allows one to understand how transformational servant leadership works. There is a
brief analysis on Transformational Servant leadership that also mentions a personal experience
shared and attributes necessary for servant leadership mentioned. The report also puts forward a
compendium reflection on transformational servant leadership mentioned in the report
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Table of Contents
Role of Transformational Servant Leadership within Organizations in Context of Employee
Satisfaction and Empowerment in Business....................................................................................3
b. Role of Transformational Servant Leadership in Context of Business Empowerment...........6
Analysis on Transformational Servant Leadership..........................................................................9
Compendium Reflections on Transformational Servant Leadership.............................................10
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The report here discusses about the role of Transformational Servant Leadership within
organizations in the context of employee satisfaction and empowerment in business. To explain
this report gives a brief description about transformational leadership and servant leadership in
order to understand how transformational servant leadership works. There is also a brief analysis
on Transformational Servant leadership where a personal experience shared and the attributes
necessary for servant leadership mentioned. There is also compendium reflection on
transformational servant leadership mentioned in the report.
Role of Transformational Servant Leadership within Organizations in Context of
Employee Satisfaction and Empowerment in Business
a. Role Transformational Servant Leadership in Context of Employee Satisfaction
Transformational leadership defines the leader as individual responsible for transforming
the focus of the followers to achieve the organizational objectives rather than achieve their own
goals (Van Dierendonck et al., 2012). The transformational leaders seem to inspire their
followers and thereby improve their performance through guidance and better understanding of
their requirements.
Servant leadership is considered as leadership philosophy that mainly address the
concerns of customer experience, ethics, and employee engagement thereby creating uniqueness
in organizational culture where both followers and leaders are united for achieving
organizational goals without authoritative or positional power(Parris & Peachey, 2013).

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Thus, servant leadership refers to a transformational approach to work and life because it
has the potential of creating a positive change throughout the society. This kind of leadership
does not depend on any kind of training but is a resultant of an internal transformation. Thus, the
leadership begins with a heart for serving people. Moreover, the servant leaders are not just
leaders but are those who implement values in their day-to-day life.
The servant leadership thus connects loosely to varied leadership styles and philosophies
that include ethical, transformational, charismatic and even authentic leadership. However, since
this leadership is the result of internal transformation and can help in bringing effective changes
in the society and organization so it can be termed as Transformational Servant Leadership(3).
The attributed characteristics of servant leadership include empathy, healing, awareness,
persuasion, listening, conceptualization, foresight, community building and commitment.
However, servant leadership has an emotional connection to employee engagement.
Transformational Servant Leadership characterized by empathy, listening, awareness,
healing, conceptualization, persuasion, foresight and commitment to growth of others. Here, the
leader tries to understand the core feeling behind their words (Kool & van Dierendonck, 2012)).
In this way, the leader listens to the needs and desire of the followers and is thereby being able to
identify what provides a motivating factor for the followers. Transformational servant leaders
believe that they are unable to succeed without the active participation of the followers. Effective
listening by the transformational servant leaders also puts across a message among the followers
that their opinions and knowledge are valued and that make them an integral part of both
strategizing and decision -making process.
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Healing and empathy are also one of the important characteristics of
transformational servant leadership (Mittal & Dorfman, 2012). Empathy refers to the emotional
aspect that not just refers to sharing someone’s emotions but at the same time also feel the same
with the concerned person. Thus, empathy is the emotional connection that exists between the
person empathizing and the person expressing. Therefore, empathy can also lead to healing
which is a unique aspect of transformational servant leadership. Transformational servant leaders
help their employees to heal through intent listening and expressing empathy. Thus, the
transformational servant leader and employee share desire for wholeness, as the leaders believe
that helping a person in distress requires trust building where the feelings of person hurt becomes
a priority. This implies that the transformational servant leader also plays the role of a counselor
who helps an employee to heal. Healing however starts with awareness and self-awareness
strengthens a leader to identify not his personal strength but also the area for opportunity for the
business. Not only do these leaders strive for their awareness but they also strive for the
awareness of the employees. True self-awareness helps employees to acknowledge their
imperfections and personal flaws and thereby act accordingly (Diddams & Chang, 2012). In this
regard, leaders can be aware of his followers by getting to know the person that is beyond the
surface level. Understanding the employees leads to the creation a connection that is able to
persuade them to action. Transformational servant leaders believe in building cooperation and
consensus within group to persuade employees rather than using authoritative or positional
status. Persuasion based on conceptualization that the leader has created for the follower and the
organization based on interactive knowledge. Conceptualization is thus the ability of
transformational servant leader to not only envision the future but also create and communicate
the path for reaching the final goals. The transformational servant leaders also possess visionary
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qualities that are necessary for leading and guiding their followers. The visions derived from the
dreams combined dreams of both the employees and the leaders. Therefore, communication of
the vision is an important factor on the part of the leaders in order to fulfill them. Another
characteristic of the transformational servant leaders is the foresight that helps in encouraging
ethical and moral behavior. In this context, the example of the Enron failure mentioned where
the lack of foresight of the leaders in anticipating the results that led to the collapse of the
organization. Stewardship is another characteristic that the transformational servant leaders is
expected to have. Steward can be defined as a person who is look after the needs of others.
Similarly, the sincerity in carrying out this characteristic helps in the growth of the employees
and enhances employee satisfaction. The leaders must also be committed to ensure the growth of
others. Thus, transformational servant leadership helps in the growth and development of the
employees, as leaders are more interested to see their followers being more successful. Thus, this
kind of leadership is people-focused as they contribute to the growth and development of the
followers. These leaders also ensure providing developmental aid and coaching to the employees
in improving their performance while at the same time having a concern for employee’s growth.
Here one can draw in an example where investment made in an employee for developing his
personal communication or writing skills. This not only benefits the organizations but also the
employees who can applicable the skills even outside of the concerned organization (Choudhary,
Akhtar, & Zaheer, 2013). Therefore, this reinforces the importance of the employee towards the
organization. Thus, employees emotionally connected to the organization thereby enabling them
to better perform through community building and lead to success of the organization. Thus,
Transformational Servant Leadership happens to have a positive influence on employee
engagement and thus can enhance employee satisfaction.

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b. Role of Transformational Servant Leadership in Context of Business Empowerment
Leadership Practices in Organizations identified as a key factor of success of the service
firm because of environment based on learning, cooperation and customer relation. Moreover,
the competitive nature of the service industry requires more effort and time for commitment in
leadership activities. Leadership traits and styles considered important for attaining success in
unstable environments include support to members, being participative and transformational.
Thus, by using transformational servant leadership business can also get an empowerment as
leaders tries to create a culture that ensures empowerment of its subordinates through guidance
and proper training (Clavelle et al., 2012). Additionally, the leaders also possess the capacity of
satisfying external customers who are responsible for empowering the business. Thus, the
transformational servant leaders ensure the following so that businesses or organizations can
achieve their required goals.
1. Ensuring that subordinates have sufficient training to achieve goals
2. Providing the subordinates with adequate resources for achieving goals
3. Ensuring employees have professional growth.
4. Sharing necessary information with employees
5. Ensuring empowerment of employees through a good working environment
8. Clear explanation on the expectation from the employees.
Thus, employee fulfillment related positively to the performance of the business. There is
also a significant relationship drawn between financial performance, employee fulfillment and
customer satisfaction (Wang, Chen, & Chen, 2012). The Transformational servant leader
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however believes their followers acts to serve the interest of the organization. Thus, the
organizations that are able to create a servant minded and healthy culture will not only maximize
the skills of the workforce but also the leadership thereby leading to its empowerment. However,
Transformational Servant Leaders influences in a non-traditional manner thereby allowing more
freedom to the employees in exercising their own abilities. Thus, Transformational Servant
Leadership is a process oriented and participatory leadership style and this kind of leadership
holds the antidote toward the corrupt ridden corporate scandal.
Transformational Servant Leaders look for the interest of the organization and its
employee thereby ensuring mutual responsibility sharing that leads to necessary feedback from
the employees resulting in developing a vision (Boone & Makhani, 2012). As the leaders helps
in building leadership potential amongst its followers therefore the subordinates are likely to take
up informal roles of leadership in their group that in a way helps in meeting the needs and
objectives of the organization. This kind of leadership style thus helps in building a working
climate that helps in generation of feelings for employee empowerment thereby resulting in
superior performance. Organizations that follow transformational service leadership are more
likely to have employees who are more committed to the values of the organization. In other
words, transformational service leaders help in developing followers into servants who act as
autonomous moral agents. Thus, under this kind of leadership the employees not only become
healthy, wise, free and autonomous thereby leading to empowerment of the organization. The act
of persuasiveness of the transformational servant leaders in a group also influences an individual
commitment towards the organization. An organization or business however follows several
positive outcomes under Transformation Servant Leadership that includes focus on value and
mission, innovation and creativity, flexibility and responsiveness, employee loyalty and respect
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for employees, commitment to both external and internal service and celebration of diversity.
Thus, Transformational Servant Leadership has the potential for improving the productivity and
financial performance of the business or organization.
Transformation Servant Leaders believed to possess attributes like empathy, healing,
awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship and community building. In
addition to this, these leaders also possess attributes like credibility, competence, visibility, better
communication, teaching persuasion and listening. There the concept of Transformational
Servant Leadership is a concept that can not only potentially change societies, business or
organizations but at the same time also ensures organizational and personal metamorphoses.
Thus, this leadership follows a distinctive kind of characteristics and behavior. The attributes of
these leaders helps in defining five factors that includes, emotional healing, altruistic calling,
wisdom, persuasive mapping and organizational stewardship. Altruistic calling refers to the
deep-rooted desire of the leader for making positive difference in lives of other. Here, since the
final goal is to serve therefore these leaders will put the interests of others ahead of their own and
thereby work towards meeting the needs of the followers. On the other hand, emotional healing
refers to the commitment of the leader in ensuring spiritual recovery from any kind of trauma or
hardship. Thus, transformational servant leaders use emotional healing and are therefore
considered great listeners and highly empathetic. This enables them to create safe environments
for employees for voicing professional and personal issues. Wisdom referred as combination of
anticipation of consequences and awareness of surroundings. Servant leaders possess this
attribute and are efficient at picking cues from the environment and thereby understanding their
implications. The transformational servant leadership also possess persuasive mapping that helps
them to use mental frameworks and sound reasoning to persuade employees in achieving the

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business or organizational objectives (Sun, 2013). Therefore, these leaders also prepare an
organization in making positive contribution to the society through outreach and programs on
community development. Thus, Transformational Servant Leadership help in developing
community spirit in a workplace thereby lead to business empowerment.
Analysis on Transformational Servant Leadership
Transformational Servant Leadership should be able to synthesize features of both
transformational and servant leadership. This type of leadership is responsible for bringing in
dynamic and new passion to the organization but is also involved with the concern of the team
members and their performance (Northouse, 2016). Thus, transformational servant leadership
refers to the ability of casting a collaborative moral vision while concerning about the people
participating in moving the vision into a reality. For better understanding, a personal example
cited as follows:
The example mentions a person was an intern in a securities company but he is not working
presently. The person therefore mentions that provided the company had a transformational
servant leader in his company then it would have been much easier for him and his colleagues
who would not have to give an explanation their wives for working overtime.
However, it is very difficult to be transformational servant leadership already because the first
thing that is required is passion with the help of which the leaders are able to transfer positive
energy to the team members (Parolini, 2012). This will enhance their confidence and thereby
make them set higher goals. The transformational servant leader also needs to be caring and
empathizing and think from the perspective of the teammate that will enable them to build a
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strong bond even beyond their work responsibilities. Such a leader also needs to have a
charismatic appeal since it will help him make potential followers.
Compendium Reflections on Transformational Servant Leadership
Transformational servant leadership meant for inspiring and guiding followers in order to
engage and bring a change in the work process. Four primary behavioral characteristics of
Transformational Leadership include inspirational motivation, charismatic influence,
individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. These attributes enable them in
transforming the followers’ mindset and thereby providing them support to participate in
fulfilling the goals of the organizational goals (Gregory Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2004). Such
leaders also help in developing people ensuring that they have the necessary skills sets for
gaining credibility (Allen et al., 2016).
Transformational servant leadership recognized as the best among all the existing leadership
styles since it promotes and upholds not only the ideals of leaders themselves but also the society
Boies, Fiset & Gill, 2015).Transformational Servant leadership thus helps in promoting an ideal
environment and enhances political stability.
Transformational servant leadership also helps in promoting a psychology of leader-
follower where leaders and their subjects work for greater gain of the organization (Van
Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010). Under, such leadership team members also become productive
when they realize that the team is working in unison. This particular leadership style also helps
employees to work with inspiration and passion thereby enhancing their productivity than what
is expected. Thus, transformational servant leadership helps in fulfilling an organization mandate
with comfort at any given time without any failure.
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Suppose if was a leader in organization then I would have demonstrated transformational
servant leadership through intrinsic development and motivation of my team members.
Therefore, my primary focus while interacting with the team members would be to share the
goals and vision of the organization so that they understand what they need to do in achieving
the goals. I will also ensure they receive proper guidance by taking feedbacks and understanding
the challenges that they face at work (Hammer, 2012). . Through this interaction, I will try to
support them by addressing their challenges so that they can easily achieve the organizational
As a transformational servant leader, I will try to demonstrate and define services to the
employees as a visionary. Further, I will communicate with the team members in defining the
purpose and goals of the organization. This will enable employees in achieving the goal of the
organization. Therefore, effective communication is very necessary for such leaders.
However, as servant leader I will ensure that the process of decision-making is takes
place after communication with the team members so that everyone’s interest indentified. As a
transformational servant leader, the ultimate goal of decision-making would focus on achieving
good for all and driving sustainable changes in the organization. The empowerment of the team
members will depend on understanding the factors that are responsible for motivating them
which would enhance their job satisfaction (Choi et al., 2016).I will also ensure that I take
regular feedback from the teammates in order to understand their perception of the job.
The report ends with a compendium reflection on transformational servant leadership
mentioned. There is an analysis on transformational servant leadership with a mention of a

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personal experience and the attributes necessary for this kind of leadership style. Primarily the
report gives an overview on the role of Transformational Servant Leadership within
organizations in the context of employee satisfaction and empowerment in business along with a
brief description on about transformational leadership and servant leadership.
Document Page
Allen, G. P., Moore, W. M., Moser, L. R., Neill, K. K., Sambamoorthi, U., & Bell, H. S. (2016).
The role of servant leadership and transformational leadership in academic
pharmacy. American journal of pharmaceutical education
Boies, K., Fiset, J., & Gill, H. (2015). Communication and trust are key: Unlocking the
relationship between leadership and team performance and creativity. The Leadership
Boone, L. W., & Makhani, S. (2012). Five necessary attitudes of a servant leader. Review of
Business, 33(1), 83.
Choi, S. L., Goh, C.F., Adam, M. B. H., & Tan, O. K. (2016). Transformational leadership,
empowerment, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of employee
empowerment. Human resources for health
Choudhary, A. I., Akhtar, S. A., & Zaheer, A. (2013). Impact of transformational and servant
leadership on organizational performance: A comparative analysis. Journal of
Business Ethics, 116(2), 433-440.
Clavelle, J. T., Drenkard, K., Tullai-McGuinness, S., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2012).
Transformational leadership practices of chief nursing officers in Magnet®
organizations. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(4), 195-201.
Diddams, M., & Chang, G. C. (2012). Only human: Exploring the nature of weakness in
authentic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 593-603.
Document Page
Gregory Stone, A., Russell, R. F., & Patterson, K. (2004). Transformational versus servant
leadership: A difference in leader focus. Leadership & Organization Development
Gregory Stone, A., Russell, R. F., & Patterson, K. (2004). Transformational versus servant
leadership: A difference in leader focus. Leadership & Organization Development
Journal, 25(4), 349-361.
Hammer, D. (2012). Servant leadership. [Place of publication not identified]: Pacific Creek
Kool, M., & van Dierendonck, D. (2012). Servant leadership and commitment to change, the
mediating role of justice and optimism. Journal of Organizational Change
Management, 25(3), 422-433.
Mittal, R., & Dorfman, P. W. (2012). Servant leadership across cultures. Journal of World
Business, 47(4), 555-570.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Parolini, J. (2012). Transformational servant leadership: a workbook with a fresh approach to
leading well. Xulon Press.
Parris, D. L., & Peachey, J. W. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership
theory in organizational contexts. Journal of business ethics, 113(3), 377-393.
Sun, P. Y. (2013). The servant identity: Influences on the cognition and behavior of servant
leaders. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(4), 544-557.

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Van Dierendonck, D., & Patterson, K. (2010). Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.
Van Dierendonck, D., Stam, D., Boersma, P., De Windt, N., & Alkema, J. (2014). Same
difference? Exploring the differential mechanisms linking servant leadership and
transformational leadership to follower outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3),
Wang, C. H., Chen, K. Y., & Chen, S. C. (2012). Total quality management, market orientation
and hotel performance: The moderating effects of external environmental
factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 119-129.
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