
Desklib: Understanding Chain of Responsibility and Risk Management in Transportation


Added on  2023-06-03

11 Pages3436 Words419 Views
Table of contents
Exercise 1 3
1. What is a CoR? 3
2. Locate the policies/procedures regarding managing risk; How is legislation relating to and
managing risk incorporated into these? 3
Exercise 2 3
1. Complete table re job role and descriptions 3
2. Explain (summarize) CoR and Risk Management, their generic purpose and why they are
useful 4
3. List potential recognised parties in your workplace (Job title) that are involved in the
supply chain and CoR responsibilities 4
4. Research each of these HVNL acts (in table) and detail the below information 4
Exercise 3 5
1. Review the HVNL regarding duties and: Summarise the principal duty of each party in the
chain of responsibility or applicable state/territory law and regulations; Summarize some
reasonable steps to be followed by each party to comply with chain of responsibility as
outlined in either of the above regulations; Summarize 3 examples of the principal
obligations relating to own job role in the chain of responsibility or applicable state/territory
law and regulations 5
2. Utilise your job role table you completed in Exercise 2 of this workbook and research
potential penalties you could face as a result of HVNL breaches. List at least 5 samples. 6
3. Open NVHR link and summarise the general process in: how CoR breaches are
investigated? What happens in a CoR investigation? 7
Exercise 4 7
1. Briefly summarise/describe the following: Your workplace policies, procedures or
documents that include CoR regulations; Location / access, version control and List CoR’s
as it applies to responsibilities of your own job, as per your Workplace policies and
procedures 7
2. Briefly summarise/describe: Your workplace policies, procedures or documents that
include CoR, regulations and state/territory regulations regarding the management of speed
and fatigue, Method of management and systems. 7
3. Briefly summarise/describe your workplace methods to: Calculate vehicle dimensions and
mass limits, as described in your policies and procedures, Loading procedures to ensure
secure and safe, as described in your policies and procedures 7
Exercise 5 8
1. Review your current workplace policies and procedures regarding communication
strategies. Identify 4 examples of communication activities conducted as per your
procedures, these can include external and internal examples 8
2. Review your workplace CoR policies and procedures and summarise 4 examples of
monitoring practices/requirements (reports, audits etc) across your own job role plus a
supervisory role and a chosen (your choice) additional, as per CoR responsible parties 8
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3. Utilise the 4 examples of monitoring practices/requirements (reports, audits etc) of your
chosen supervisory role and list processes and results across a 4 week working period.
Details can be listed below or a separate live sample report (confidential details can be
blanked out) can be provided: 8
4. Refer to your workplace CoR policies and procedures, describe the following procedures
in a supervisory role: What action/process is to be taken when non-compliances have been
identified? If breaches have been identified and investigated, what action/process is to be
taken to rectified? 9
References 10
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Exercise 1
1. What is a CoR?
The chain of responsibility is a type of policy that has been implemented in the Australian
transportation legislation in order to put legal obligations on the seminal parties involved in
transport supply chain. The chain of responsibility was conceptualized initially in order to apply
in the heavy vehicle segment for regulations like speeding, fatigue as well as mass, dimension
and loading (Mirowski & Scanlan, 2018). This concept was undertaken in order to minimise the
unlawful behaviour by truck drivers who are controlled by the parties involved in the transport
supply chain. The chain of responsibility provides Stern warning to the elite parties that they
cannot increase or create incentive that may lure the driver to take unlawful actions.
2. Locate the policies/procedures regarding managing risk; How is legislation relating to
and managing risk incorporated into these?
Zenith Low Loaders takes the issue of risk management very seriously. In order to deliver the
promised efficient transportation without compromising on safety the drivers and operators are
thoroughly trained before they are taking an assignment. The company policy also dictates that
the drivers and operators can take longer periods of rest in order to eliminate the chance of
fatigue. The heavy vehicles operated by the company are also monitored by a GPS in order to
adhere to the prescribed speed limit on the basis of Road conditions, weather and load. Work
safety is Paramount at all the time and in order to take an assignment the drivers and operators
are required to have a commercial vehicles drivers medical as well as the fatigue management
self assessment test (O'Neill, 2014). In addition to that Zenith Low Loaders has also developed
the system that identifies as well as assesses the responsibilities of the different involved parties
in the supply chain under the chain of Responsibility in order to develop a system that can
enable in managing fatigue. The company also regularly maintains the vehicles and checks the
dimensions and weights that fall under the compliance as well as the Assurance conditions that
have been made in the commercial arrangements. The chain of responsibility enables to
improve safety and compliance by making the involved parties manage the risk which will create
a fair market which in turn will increase the productivity and protect infrastructure. It will also
protect individuals against the demands of the offroad parties.
Exercise 2
1. Complete table regarding job role and descriptions
I am the prime contractor and i am responsible for engaging the drivers with heavy vehicles
under service contract. I am part of the supply chain system and can be prosecuted under law
for actions, demands or inactions.
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2. Explain (summarize) CoR and Risk Management, their generic purpose and why they
are useful
Chain of responsibility is useful for identifying the pressure points made by off road parties that
can influence a driver to undertake any unlawful activities. On the other hand risk management
can be define there is identification, prioritisation and evaluation of the risk which is followed by
coordinated application of several resources for monitoring controlling and minimising the
effects of risks. The chain of responsibility is necessary because it holds the Offroad parties
accountable for their actions and decisions. Risk management is also necessary as it helps in
minimising the impact of unfortunate events (Walker, 2014).
3. List potential recognised parties in your workplace (Job title) that are involved in the
supply chain and CoR responsibilities
Zenith Low Loaders interacts with alot of recognised party which are involved in the supply
chain and have obligation towards fulfilling the chain of responsibility. Apart from the employers
and company directors, the company also works with consignor and consignee or transported
goods. Davc company is also involved with exporters importers as well as primary producers.
The drivers are also considered an important party. Other involved parties include transport
operators, schedulers, loaders, unloaders and loading managers.
4. Research each of these HVNL acts (in table) and detail the below information
HV fatigue This act provides an idea of the maximum
work requirement as well as minimum rest
requirements. The act also analyses the work
diary requirements, risk yes contravention for
different working hours.
HV general This regulation helps in clarifying the
performance based standard provisions along
with identifications of approved examiners.
The regulation also deals with enforcement
along with provision for annual reports. The
oversight of the board and regulator along
with several other miscellaneous provisions
has been also discussed in this legislation
(Kannan, 2014).
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