
Leisure Time or Luxury: An Analysis of Travel and Tourism in the UK


Added on  2019-12-04

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Leisure Time or Luxury: An Analysis of Travel and Tourism in the UK_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1.1Key historical developments in travel and tourism sector of London..................................1P1.2 Structure of travel and tourism industry of London............................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2.1 Function of government, sponsored bodies and international agencies in travel andtourism UK..................................................................................................................................3P2.2 Local and national policy influence on success of travel and tourism sector of UK..........4P2.3 Implications of the political changes on travel and tourism sector.....................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P3.1 Factors affecting demand of tourism...................................................................................6P3.2 Supply changed to meet the effects of demand...................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P4.1 Main positive and negative impact of tourism on economy, environment and society......7P4.2 Strategies which can be used to minimize the negative impact and maximize positiveonce..............................................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Leisure Time or Luxury: An Analysis of Travel and Tourism in the UK_2

INTRODUCTIONIn current corporate scenario, travel and tourism sector has been considered as one of theemerging and potential sectors around the globe. However, this is due to the fact that level ofcompetition within this industry is increasing day-by-day and entrepreneurs are investing high toestablish the place. Herein, researcher aims at developing the understanding of the globalenvironment within which the travel and tourism sector operates (Clarke and Chen, 2012).Further, report examines the historical evolution of tourism, current structure of the tourismsector, external influences on tourism and the impact it has on host communities and theenvironment. The main purpose behind carrying out this study is to gain understanding on traveland tourism, the influence of government, effect of supply and demand and its impact on tourism(Bernick and Boo, 2013). In the current study, researcher evaluates the key historical development in the travel andtourism sector of London. Along with this, report also demonstrates the structure of sector withinUK and the functions of government and other regulatory bodies associated within the sector.Lastly, investigator will analyse the factors that affects the supply and demand of TUI group intravel and tourism sector.TASK 1P1.1Key historical developments in travel and tourism sector of LondonIn the present world, London is considered as the most popular place in terms ofattracting tourist from around the globe. However, this is the destination which hosts over 30million tourists every year. London’s vibrant culture and mind-blowing monuments attractpeople from around the globe. Considering the travel and tourism sector of London, it can besaid that, it began from the ancient era when moving from one country to another was not socommon. People only visit to new destinations because of holy places (Lashley, 2007). Butcontradicting to this, in the modern era, travelling is done with the aim of spending leisure timeor for any corporate work. However, the time is changing and meaning for the people abouttravelling is also changing. Now-a-days, lot more people are visiting different parts, just for thesake of leisure time or luxury. Further, the major reason behind this is the increase in spendingpower of people that encourages them to invest more rather than saving for future. In the periodfrom 1660 to 1840 when people started moving to different places except for the reason of holy1
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places (UK Tourism facts and figures, 2013). This encouraged the travel and tourism sector toorganise the first grand tour which belongs to only high level income people. However, this wasthe biggest turn around the history of travel and tourism sector as people were highly attractedtowards and started saving money for travelling to new places so that they could see the world. In context to London, industrial revolution is considered as the period which transformsthe entire course of travel and tourism sector of London. During the period of 18th and 19thcentury when companies like Thomas Cook, Cox and Kings and TUI group entered into themarket and changed the level of travelling for the people (UK Tourism Statistics, 2013). Due tothis, several new destinations were developed as well as lot more number of people startedtravelling to/from London. Further, in order to attract customers, companies started developingaffordable packages which were as per the expectations of middle class people. Through themeans of the target audience get wider and companies have more people to attract from. Duringthe period, first ever act related to the travel and tourism was developed which helped people inavailing reliable and suitable services. After this, people started to visit new places with thecuriosity to see their culture, food and festivals etc. Thereafter, development in infrastructureplayed significant role as better facilities of roads and transportation helped in reaching to newand attractive destinations for the people. Lastly, in the middle of 20th century, online bookinghas helped several companies to establish themselves at international boundaries with morereliability and ease (Manente, 2000).P1.2 Structure of travel and tourism industry of LondonLooking at the travel and tourism sector of London, it can be said that it consists of sixmajor components which includes visitor’s attractions, accommodations, transportation, travelagents, tour operators and development authority of tourism. In context to visitor’s attractions,London has several places which are either man made or natural. However, Lake District andBlackpool beach are some of the naturally developed places for the visitor’s attraction(Theobald, 2013). While on the other hand, manmade attractions in London are Alton Towerswhich are highly popular among the people. The second major component of travel and tourism sector of London is its transportationor logistics facility. However, having such convenient transportation facility in such prominentplaces helps tourist in moving from one place to another with ease. The major logistic sources2
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