
Travelodge Hotel Employability Skills - Doc


Added on  2020-12-09

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Professional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityHigher EducationTeacher DevelopmentLanguages and Culture
Employability Skills
Travelodge Hotel Employability Skills - Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Develop set of own responsibilities and performance as product and service manager atTravelodge...................................................................................................................................1P1.2 Evaluate your effectiveness for defined performance objectives........................................3P1.3 Give suitable recommendations for improvement...............................................................4P1.4 How motivational techniques can be used to improve quality of performance..................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................72.1 Develop solutions for at least two work place based problems.............................................72.2 Letter to senior management and memo to staff members to communicate in various stylesat different levels..........................................................................................................................82.3 Evaluate suitable time management strategies with work-based experience of a linemanager at Travelodge Hotel.....................................................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................113.1 Define various job role and their importance in a team to achieve shared goal..................113.2 Analyse team dynamics.......................................................................................................123.3 Alternative ways to complete task and achieve team goals. ...............................................13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................144.1 Evaluation on tools and methods to develop solutions to problems. ..................................144.2 Develop a strategy for resolving a problem of workforce turnover.....................................144.3 Explain potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy to avoid employeeturnaround..................................................................................................................................15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................17
Travelodge Hotel Employability Skills - Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONEmployability Skills are the traits and qualities that are possessed by an individual whichhelps it to carry out their business operations and activities within organisation. The effectivehandling of employability skills or qualities will not only encourage an organisation to have asustainable growth but also to improve their personal skill set and qualities which are been takenin context by the firm. Especially, in the travel and tourism sector, it plays a very important roleto improve chances of getting employed and meet customers needs or demands. For the presentreport, Travelodge is been selected. It is a travel and tourism service provider enterprise thatoperates in UK.The report will cover the proper assessment of business operations along with roles andresponsibilities as a product and service manager within the selected firm. Also, the challengesprevailing and effective recommendations to meet them are taken in consideration by a firm.Effective solutions to various work based problems and communication styles with proper timemanagement strategies are been analysed and evaluated, the role playing within a team and itsdynamics are evaluated with alternate goal achievement measures are analysed with details ofdifferent tools and methods of solution development with labour turnover and potential impact ofstrategy on both financial and non financial impacts on business is evaluated.TASK 11.1 Develop set of own responsibilities and performance as product and service manager atTravelodgeSuitable roles, responsibilities and performance objectives are been set within the firm,which will guide me and set suitable employability skill development goals to improve orenhance the quality of services. Personal responsibility can be termed as the set of roles andduties that are to be fulfilled by an individual to sustain its employability skills within a firm. It isvery important as it increases the quality or skill sets that are been possessed by an employee orme as a product and service manager in order to have a good employability within the firm(Spence, and Hyams-Ssekasi, 2015). This will also help the other managers of firm to set itsperformance objectives that improves the quality of services and thus, guides the organisation toenhance the quality of services which are been taken within the firm. As the product and service manager, I will have certain roles and responsibilities such asmanaging the working staff in production and service department of Travelodge. I will also1
Travelodge Hotel Employability Skills - Doc_3

personally look after the proper assessment of product and service quality amnd their properdelivering. The setting of my own responsibilities and performance objectives will improve highqualities and will help in improving overall self as well as organisational performance within thefirm. Some major responsibilities that are taken within the consideration by the project managerfor proper management of his job role and functionalities setting up performance objectives are:Personal responsibility: The product or service manager at Travelodge will help insetting up of vision and developing suitable strategies that will help the firm to improvetheir operations related to organisation. For developing and launching a product, suitablestrategies are required. Direct and indirect relationship: Product manager will perform suitable marketresearch to identify the feasibility to the proposed product and services by Travelodge.Will also improve the quality of services offered by the firm (Minocha and Tudor, 2017).This will help in proper guiding of the employees and building a good relationship witheach other.Decision making: This is the most important responsibility related to launching ofproduct. All the success and generation of revenue is based on the proper management ofstrategies and following its operations in much suitable way. It involves the effectiveevaluation of different roles and responsibilities to improve ability to learn and developwork role (Ayoubi, Alzarif and Khalifa, 2017).This will help me as a manager or an individual to improve their performance andenhance the quality of services for given job description within the enterprise. Managers willfulfil its services and responsibilities in order to improve its performance objectives effectively.It will help the firm to guide their workforce to carry out operations related to productdevelopment within the selected travel and tourism service provider (Peet, 2016). It includes themanager to develop and set proper goals and set initiatives behind the product. Some majorperformance objectives are:Improving the objectives setting ability.Increasing communication with subordinates and sustain their rights and giving themproper appraisal.Maintaining productivity of the firm by following ethical approaches.Enhancing effectiveness of the firm by following different employability legislations.2
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Some set of personal responsibilities are that will be followed by me as product andservice manager are as follows:Adaptability and flexibility: As a manager, I am required to be adaptable and flexible towardsdifferent changes that takes place within an organisation. Then flexibility towards the changeswill help in improving my performance.Decision making and career planning: As a manager, this quality is important as it will help incarrying out the operations and other activities within the organisation.Ability to learn and develop: as a manager, I have to improve my knowledge and skill sets onregular basis in order to improve my and other's performance.Following legal ethics and laws of employment: as a manager, I will follow all theemployment laws and legislations that will help in proper management of business operationsand actions.Manage your own time: This will help me to carry out the productions and service developmentrelated operations in the best possible manner. This will help in proper assessment of the timeconstraints that are taken within the firm. Communicating with staff: This will help me to identify the issues and develop their solutionwith the help of proper interaction with the workers in department.On the basis of this assessment, certain strengths and weaknesses are required to beanalysed. As a manager my strength is good communication skills and ability to learn whereasthe lack of proper time management program will impact my performance as a manager. Thiscan be effectively improved by proper guidance and training.P1.2 Evaluate your effectiveness for defined performance objectivesAs a manager at Travelodge, the performance objectives that are being set are required tobe effectively followed out in order to improve the quality of services and thus guides anorganisation to set up proper action plan which will improve the quality of services and thus willlead an organisation to enhance level of performance of the organisation. Various objectives andskills like suitable communication, time management, problem solving etc. that are been set willhelp in improving the quality of services and products manufactured by the firm (Hanna and et.al., 2015). The management of the organisation will look after proper assessment of the businessoperations that will improve the quality of services and thus, lead the organisation to enhance3
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performance of firm. The effectiveness of various performance objectives at Travelodge are asfollows:SkillsI amconfident, Ican do thisI can stillImprove I need towork on itwellTime and Self-managementI know how to organize my time in order to meet allthe deadlinesXI know exactly where to get Support in order tocomplete difficult taskXProblem Solving and critical thinkingI am able to find solution to for any problemXI can consider the best alternative from range ofsolutionXOral CommunicationI am confident that I can contribute my suggestionsand ideas for group activitiesXI would be confident for giving presentation to othersin front of everyoneXWritten Communication SkillsI am confident that my written work or documentationwill have the least number of grammatical mistakes orany other kind of errors.XI am able to product meaningful written notes formpresentations, lectures or meetingsXInformation literacyI can gather required information for variety ofsources such as books and make useful use of thatinformation for any purposeXResilienceI have high capacity in order to overcome anyX4
Travelodge Hotel Employability Skills - Doc_6

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