
Impact of UK Government Strategies on Childhood Obesity


Added on  2023-06-10

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Data Science and Big DataDisease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and ResearchLanguages and CultureStatistics and Probability
Impact of UK government strategies to deal with childhood obesity
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Impact of UK Government Strategies on Childhood Obesity_1

Performing this particular research has been most knowledge gaining experiences of my
academic life. This research is sure to increase my knowledge base and analytical skill. It also
provided me the opportunity to experience the new challenges in research work. All this, would
be impossible without the dedicated support that I have received from my professors, seniors and
friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisor ----------------------- for his
constant guidance and support and encouragement. Moreover, I liked to extend my gratitude to
library staffs for their kind help and support.
Lastly, I would like to thank the health and social care staffs who gave idea regarding various
obesity prevention campaigns launched in UK. The constant support received from all these
persons has been extremely inspiring. It has enlightened me with the thought process of the
Warmest wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
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Introduction and background:
Obesity is a major public health burden and health care of UK has been facing great
burden due to obesity epidemic. Obesity prevalence rate has tripled in last 30 years and it is
estimated to reach 11 million by 2030. With the increase in prevalence rate, despite
implementation of several policies by the UK government, evaluating the strength and weakness
of past government strategy is essential.
The main aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of government policies implemented
in UK to reduce the rate of childhood obesity, identify gaps and strength in past government
strategies and recommend innovative solutions to improve efficacy of government strategies to
prevent obesity.
Narrative review method has been used to explore past strategies and campaigns in an
effective manner. Thematic review method has been used to present research findings.
The narrative review of research articles gives idea about the strength gaps in government
strategies like social marketing campaigns, population based strategy, food marketing and food
tax policies, nutritional strategies and school related obesity prevention programs. The narrative
review describes results of each campaign.
On the whole, majority of past strategies were found to be ineffective in reducing the
prevalence of obesity. Apart from various environmental factors, gaps in implementation process
were also found. Increasing the scope of advertising restrictions and narrowing focus of social
marketing campaigns were some recommended actions to have wider impact in the future.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Background and Rational...............................................................................................3
Chapter 3: Methodology..................................................................................................................5
Chapter 4: Presentation of main findings from the literature review:.............................................8
Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion:..........................................................................................21
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Obesity is defined as the abnormal accumulation of fat resulting in health issues for
people (Williams et al. 2015). Childhood obesity is one of the major concern for public health
department currently as the issue is prevalent globally both in developed countries and many low
and middle income countries (Patrick et al. 2013). Based on World Health Organization report,
the global prevalence is understood from the fact that in 2016, more than 41 million children
under the age of five were overweight (World Health Organization 2016). Apart from developed
countries, the prevalence rate is also increasing in developing countries. Majority of obese
children continue to be overweight during adulthood and they are most likely to suffer from
chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the future (Patrick et al. 2013).
Hence, identifying the cause of childhood obesity and evaluating government strategies to tackle
the epidemic would have long consequences.
The problem of weight gain and obesity mostly arise because of the imbalance between
energy intake and expenditure. Although genetic background of an individual significantly
increases the risk of childhood obesity, however child specific risk factors for obesity include
sedentary behaviour, dietary intake and physical activity. These factors differ based on age and
gender. Family characteristics such as parenting style and environmental factors such as free
space and lifestyle also influence eating behaviour of children (Sahoo et al. 2015). Patrick et al.
(2013) argues that parents facilitate positive eating patterns and their parenting style significantly
influence risk factor of obesity. Reviewing parenting practices such as limiting screen time and
focus on physical activity may help to evaluate the cause of obesity in children. Several
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government policies and strategies in different countries target the risk factors and implement
interventions accordingly to deal with the problem of childhood obesity.
In UK, childhood obesity prevalence is going to epidemic levels. Prevalence of obesity
in UK has tripled in the last 30 years and the considering current rate, it is estimated that the
prevalence rate may reach up to 11 million by 2030. Hence, obesity is one of the leading
preventable diseases in UK and in Europe, it is the leading contributor of obesity epidemic with a
contribution of about 24.9% (Renewbariatrics. 2017). As this may have long term consequences
on the health of UK population and increase the burden of the health care system too, evaluating
government’s action taken so far in UK may help to identify the future action that can resolve the
issue of childhood obesity. The main aim of the dissertation is to conduct a narrative literature
review to understand the impact of UK government policies related to childhood obesity and
understand the strength and weakness of government’s action to deal with obesity. This may help
to identify gaps in current policies and future amendment needs to efficiently deal with
challenges of obesity.
Chapter 2: Background and Rational
Childhood obesity is turning out to be an epidemic in developed countries. UK is also one
of the countries that are currently experiencing childhood obesity. This is evident from the fact
that about one in every five children in primary schools is obese (Royal Society for Public Health
(RSPH) 2017). The health survey data for childhood obesity prevalence in England revealed that
one in every five children were obese in 2015/2016. The prevalence is also linked with level of
deprivation as children living in the most deprived areas were most likely to be obese than in the
least deprived areas. Difference in prevalence rate also differs based on ethnic diversity as the
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health survey data for England revealed high prevalence rate for Black/Black British children
(15%) compared to Chinese children (7%) (National Statistics 2017). In the long term, such
prevalence rate can have significant impact on the long-term future of the NHS (National Health
Services) and physical and mental health consequences for affected children. The burden for
NHS will increase due to prevalence of a number of physical health issues associated with
obesity such as cancer, asthma, respiratory problem and diabetes. It may also increase risk of
psychological problems such as anxiety, poor self-esteem and poor body image among children
(Sahoo et al. 2015).
Obesity is one of the preventable diseases has that increased the burden of the health care
system in UK too. Due to the increased diagnosis of childhood obesity and its long term impact
on physical health, UK government has spend about 48 billion pounds a year to take preventive
action against obesity. With the increase in rate each year, the NHS cost may double to 10 billion
pound a year by 2050 (Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) 2017). To save the extra expense
spend of health issues related to obesity, implementation of effective intervention to lower the
rate of childhood obesity would be needed. Diagnosis of obesity increases many risk for affected
individual compared to a healthy individual. For example, obese people are five times more
susceptible to type 2 diabetes and two time more likely to develop blood pressure compared to
healthy individuals (Toplak et al. 2016). This in future can increase the likelihood of
cardiovascular disease and reduce life expectancy of the population. Hence, to increase the life
expectancy rate of the UK population, decreasing BMI can reduce life expectancy, promote
health and reduce health care associated cost too.
The main rational for reviewing and critically evaluating UK policies related to childhood
obesity by means of a narrative review is the increase in childhood obesity prevalence each year
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and little evidence of cost reduction due to implementation of policies or campaigns to prevent
obesity. Jebb, Aveyard and Hawkes (2013) states that obesity as health threat to the nation was
identified long back by the Conservative government in England. Since, then formal government
strategies were implemented in 2008 and 2011 to prevent childhood obesity. These targeted
active sports participating in schools, fruits and vegetable intake in children, eating habits, diet
status, park use and walking levels in children. Many new government policies for marketing
restriction in foods high in fats, sugar and salt, nutritional standards in schools, weight
management and sport programs were also developed. Annual surveys shows reduction in
obesity rates in recent years, however the problem has not been reversed. Hence, review of
research papers investigating about the impact of different government policies in UK may help
to determine gap in current child obesity prevention initiative and find out more about ways to
reduce issues found in past government strategies related to childhood obesity. It may help to
improve the implementation process and other challenges found in implementing government
Aim and objectives:
The main aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of government policies implemented
in UK to reduce the rate of childhood obesity and other challenges associated with childhood
The main objectives of the narrative review are
To identify and evaluate different policies implemented in UK to prevent and control
childhood obesity
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