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Changes in UK Healthcare System since Implementation of NHS


Added on  2023/06/09

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This report discusses the changes in the UK healthcare system since the implementation of NHS in 1948. It covers the Acts that led to the development of NHS, changes seen after its implementation, correlation between NHS (1948 act) and NHS (2012 act), and evolution of nursing training since 1948.

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Health and community

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Table of Content.
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Different Parliament Act lead to NHS ACT ...............................................................................1
Changes seen after implementation of NHS................................................................................2
Correlate NHS(1948act) NHS (2012act).....................................................................................4
Evolution of nursing training since 1948.....................................................................................5
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
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The health care system used in UK is the National Health Services which was
implemented in around 1948 with the aim to provide free health services to overall population.
Before there was poor law which provide essential services through workhouse and in return
labour work has to be done. Limited hospitals were present which can only e accessed by rich
people. Low healthcare facility leading to more deaths and early deaths lead to discovery of law
by ministry after second world war(Jessop, 1993).
Different Parliament Act lead to NHS ACT
NHS was set to provide basic medical, dental and nursing care to everyone irrespective of their
financial status and gender. Different act which lead to develop of NHS are described here. It
includes the changes which occur in between 1941-1944 where after the Second World war,
ministry of health planned to provide health services to entire populations. Around 1944, health
policy. In 1945, Water Act was passed which was implemented was implemented to provide
water resource to all population. Main aim is to provide clean water as it will reduce the health
issues in population. Also the labours has won general elections which favours more towards the
free will hospitals. In around 1946, NHS received proper recommendation for comprehensive
health. In around 5th July,1948 National Health Service was created to provide free health
services according to the need of patient nor on the basis of patient status or the amount they can
pay for the treatment. During that time pregnant women spent around 14days in hospital and now
the duration decline to around 1.7days.In around 1958, a polio and diphtheria vaccinations
programme was launched as both the disease were epidemic before 1958. These changes lead to
importance of prevention of disease, major changes were brought in trends for health. 1960, lead
to the expansion of new hospitals buildings. The 1970s was known for cooperate approaches for
the management of health. In around 1982, area tier management was removed to manage cost
for reduction and around 1984 lead to more advance and flexible team structure were made and
better leadership quality was emphasised.
From 1990- 89 more patient based approaches were formed as nurse were provided better
training facilities, secondary care was starting improving during that time. During this time
community based care was promoted. On 1st July new MHS plan was published significant
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changes were done to modernising the services to provide potential benefits to patients. Around
2001, reporting concept for ADR was launched. Addition to this 2004 was targeted to establish
around 20 diagnostic centres.
By 2006 strategic health authorities reduced from 28 to 10. under NHS on 2007, smoking
were banned in England. Around 2009 NHS constitution sets new guidelines for patients and
staff about their responsibility. The Health and Social Care Bill is introduced into Parliament on
around 2011 and was passed by 2012. NHS has also experience a huge underfunding since 2010-
2019. Growth is seen in health budget by 2019-2022.
Changes seen after implementation of NHS
After implementation of NHS, since the health services were free to all, population have
access for treatment which lead to increase in detection and cure of medical condition in
population. Before NHS, health service was only available for rich people who can afford to pay
and to whom those can avail the services through funds or insurance.
In around 1911 'National insurance act' was passed in which the minute amount from the
salary is cut, the cut amount will benefit the employee for free healthcare service but the problem
was at that time service benefit was only profitable to the employers(Sayce, 1998).
1949- Local Government Act was implemented to provide treatment to poor for free.
This laws stays the one who can afford treatment will be charged and those who can't afford
there treatment, ratepayers(government body) will pay for them. The nurse act was passed to
introduce the role of nurses in NHS. Later in 1949 patient has to be charged for prescription
because of the Mounting.
1951- Charges for dental treatment started.
1952- implementation of day nurses has started after the charges for treatment and
hospital appliances re-correct again. The proper training program started in around 1952 as there
was increase in nursing numbers in UK.
1954- It provides the direction for the policies for administration of hospitals.
1957- Investigation for the NHS mental health sector which lead to the new ways to treal
mentally ill people.
1961- Human tissue act passed which provides the health care practitioner the direction
to diagnose patient body. The access to these new systems has been provided to everyone from
urban to rural areas making it affordable. Decreased number of urinary catheter infection along

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with optimization of sepsis care. This has also caused a significant decrease in the number of
medication administrative errors.
1967- The act was passed for pregnant women they can aboard their kid only Uptil 6
months. The act is abortion act.
1970- The National Health Service and community health was passed which aim to
provide better healthcare service with less waiting time for patients as after this hospital care was
conducted or ruled by the the self-supported trust.
1973- Lead to the modification in NHS organization on traditional manner. July 1973, the
NHS reorganisation act came in force.
1974- Nurses pay range for their work and ordination increased till 40%.
1978- Till now human rights are considered as a fundamental right of the individual. The
access provided to the health care in 1978, is now class as a fundamental human right.
1983- Mental health act passed which provides extra support and benefits to mentally ill
which basically means there treatment is done after their permission. It allow those mentally ill
patient who is to be delayed with consent or without their consent. This act faces a lot of
criticism from those who believe delayed without consent is against the human fundamental
1990- Embryo act was passed to ensure the clinical hygiene of pregnant women.
Modification is seen in abortion act, now abortion is only allowed till 5 months of Pregnancy.
1997- Primary act was passed, to improve the hospital practises in favour of patients.
1998- Different organization is set to provide the guidance to health care workers for use
of advance technology.
1999- Advancement is seen in primary act, it is further run through different trust groups.
It is aimed to provide more advance care to patients.
2000- A 10 year plan is introduced while focusing to reduce the patient waiting time.
2002- National health service reforms while motivating staff to provide better care.
2006- Health act 2006 passed by parliament which also dive in that particular age groups
are not allowed to take the tobacco from the shops.
2009- An individual commission is hired to analyse the care provided to patients under
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2012- Health and social care act is passed with innovation in practise to patients. But later
it is seen that doctors payment decreases, its negative impact is shown through the strike.
2018- Mental health units act is passed which provides the regulation for the treatment of
mentally ill patients. Treatment is continued under the government body examination.
2020- NHS funding act is desisted which takeover different provisions need to followed
prior to 2024.
2021- National health care levy act which aim to provide NHS more funding through
various national insurance.
Correlate NHS(1948act) NHS (2012act)
NHS (1948 act) NHS (2012 act)
Purpose of NHS was to provide
comprehensive and universal free
health service. The early years were
significantly difficult for the UK
government due to increase in demand
of health treatment but later in 1970s
control was seen when help was taken
from ministers.
During that time smallpox was the
epidemic during the 1938, victims
during the epidemic were either blind
or were distinguished.
During that time the training for nurse
just started and healthcare started
investing on the research about the
human body.
Poor sanitation and hygiene conditions
were seen as there were less availability
of hospital and services to patients.
NHS has changed to Health and social
act 2012. IT contains clinical
commissioning groups, there role is to
ensure that proper NHS services are
avail local population according to their
needs. These groups are consist of
health care workers, nurses that are
supported by the local authorities.
In around 1980 proper eradication
program for small pox came.
Eradication was done after the
vaccination discovered.
Now the more procession is seen during
the treatment. Now treatment is more
focused towards the patient-centric
Now the more concern is provided
towards the hygiene and cleanness in
the hospital premises as these are the
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Hospital service were accessible to the
limited public. After NHS the more
focus was done towards overall public
Minor doctors were available.
There was decrease in the quality of
life, person diagnosed with diabetes or
hypertension have mac life of 3-4
years. Before,the baby birth was done
in home which lead to more mortality
rates. NHS was designed for the
improvement of good health which help
to improve the quality of living. There
was reduction in death rates as
treatment was widely available with
benefit of better immunization services
were also seen in late 90s. This also
lead to the discovery of vaccines and
new drugs for prevention of
health(Bebbington, and et. al.,1999).
factors which can also lead to further
Specialised doctors are accessible to
every patient now and even they have
the choice to select the doctor they
want to get treatment from.
Evolution lead to more patient centric
approach which means patients were
now been more updated about there
medical condition and treatment which
they will be given. Patient now have
right of 2nd choice.
Now there are reduction in infectious
disease are seen & evaluated treatment
are provided. Before providing
medicine, the focus is to analyse it
benefit risk ratio. Patient care is utmost
duty to save them from undesired
ADRs(Agnew, 2013).
Evolution of nursing training since 1948
Nursing have changed drastically from 1948 to now. Earlier when it was begin,there was
no appropriate training or degree required to perform as women were considered as the
caretakers, to perform nursing was in there genes as they learn medical skills from their mother
and passed that to their daughters. However, now it consist of wide training programs, degrees,
certificates for the extensive patient care and support. Previously there was only home care
available but nowadays nurses are treated as respected professionals. Training is necessary as to
ensure that required care is provided to all patients, all patients are treated equally, to counsel
them according to stress they feel, to evaluate weather treatment is effective for patient or not. It
is also required to ensure patients that your rights and decisions have the first
preference(Suphanchaimat, and et. al.,2015).

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From the above studies it has been concluded that there was significant changes seen in
UK healthcare after NHS calmed and till now. This report also defines the Act which lead to the
changes in NHS and the changes which have be seen in healthcare since 1948. Also compared
NHS structure from 1948 to 2012. This report also defines changes in nursing training seen.
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Books and Journals:
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