
Leading Change Management


Added on  2020-10-05

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Understanding and leading change
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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK1.............................................................................................................................................3P1. Comparing different organisations where there has been an impact on organisationsstrategy and operations...........................................................................................................3P2. Internal and external drivers of change............................................................................7P3. Measures required to minimise the negative impact of change behaviour in anorganisation. ..........................................................................................................................9TASK2...........................................................................................................................................11P4. Different barriers for change and determine their influence on leadership decision making...............................................................................................................................................11TASK3...........................................................................................................................................15CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................22REFRENCES.................................................................................................................................23
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INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding and leading change prepares participants to overcome the obstacles thatcome with initiating and implementing change. Leading other through change effectively is anessential leadership capability because it allows organisations to accelerate change initiatives andinvolves entire organisation in identifying and implementing changes. Organisations undertakenin this report is Victoria secret which was founded in 1977 and deals in women clothing andbeauty products. Another organisation taken for comparing changes is Ann Summers which wasfounded in 1970 which deals in women clothing. In this report, impact of change onorganisations strategy and operations is explained by comparing two organisations. It furtherevaluates the drivers of change on organisational behaviour. This also determines the variousbarriers of change which influences leadership decision making. For initiative change in anorganisation, it uses various leadership approaches. TASK1P1. Comparing different organisations where there has been an impact on organisations strategyand operations.Understanding and leading change has become permanent characteristic of businessorganisation. To overcome the challenges of change management, organisations have becomemore sophisticated in the practice of the changes (Aguirre and Alpern, 2014). The main benefitsof understanding and leading changes are that it gives greater awareness of change in the life ofan organisation and provides frameworks and tools to initiate and implement changes.Organisation taken for comparison are Victoria secret and Ann summers and both deals inwomen apparels. Women's taste and preferences changes very rapidly and fashion industry isvery dynamic and must have the ability to deal with such changes. In this, drivers for change is: Social: This is concerned with the needs and wants of customers as their taste changesvery quickly and organisation must have the ability to deal with such changes. Also thesechanges are uncontrollable as they are external to the business organisation. Competition and Business growth: To increase the profitability, goodwill, etc. whichwill contribute in overall business growth, organisation will focus on minimising cost ofproduction, adopt strategies which will increase their customer base. Due to increase incompetition in retail sector has forced organisations to adopt innovative techniques.
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The women fashion and apparel industry has significantly evolved and the pervasivedynamics have forced retailers to hope for low cost and flexibility in design, quality and speed ofmarket, to maintain profitable stability in the increasing market demand. With this change infashion industry of women, it impacted both the organisation to deal with such changeseffectively and efficiently. Retailers will have to produce quickly innovative clothes with uniquedesigns so that they can meet the changing demands of customers. Today's fashion market ishighly competitive and the continual need to refresh the stock means that there is inevitablemove by many retailers to extend the number of seasons which means the frequency with whichthe entire merchandise in store is changed. These changes will have impact on strategies as theyare made for long term durations so instead this short-term strategies are to be made (Alvessonand Sveningsson, 2015). They must be like sense and respond strategy which will be useful inforecasting and immediately accepting the changes. Similarly, operation management of theorganisation will be affected by the changes and they will have impact on various policies andprograms set by them. Therefore, Victoria secret and Ann summers will implement changes in itsstrategies and operations in the following manner discussed below:Driver for changesVictoria secret Ann summers Impact of social , competetionand business growth drivers ofchanges in organisationsstrategiesFor coping up with thechanges, this company will usevarious strategies like:Promotional strategies:Every organisation usespromotional strategies forpromoting their products andchanged services. Earlier thecompany used mass mediapromotional strategy whichmeans it advertises itself ontelevision, magazines, radio,films, etc. but now becauseVictoria secret is a premiumbrand so uses anotherVarious strategies used by thiscompany to overcome theproblem of dealing withchanges are:Promotional strategies:Earlier the organisation usestraditional form of advertisingto grab customer attention butwith the changes in thestrategies for implementingchanges quickly they will usepromotional techniques likedigital marketing which will bebeneficial in targeting peopleby promoting its changed
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technique to deal with changeslike online advertising andsocial media as they are thegreat way to communicateabout the changes in fashiontrends to the public. Advertingonline through banner ads,keywords, social media, etc.Also, by using social networkslike Facebook, twitter, etc. willbe very useful technique inpromoting the company. Pricing strategies: Beforeimplementing changes, thecompany used the premiumpricing strategies but withchanges, have effect on pricesas well and retailers are forcedto keep cost low so for thispurpose organisation will usepenetration pricing strategiesto capture large market share.services and products throughcompany websites, mobilepromotions, using you tubechannels, etc. Pricing strategies: Thisorganisation used pricingstrategies like skimmingpricing methods but due tohighlycompetitiveenvironment and overcome thechallenges, it adopted thepsychology and bundlingstrategies so that they can sellsits products and deals withchanging fashion industry. Impact of changes in businessgrowth, competetion driverand social drivers for changeinfluences the operations ofthe company Before implementing changes,the organisation usedtraditional methods ofproductions but foraccomplishing successfulexecution of changes, it usesvarious innovative methods forquick production of womenEarlier company focussedmore on labour intensivetechniques but implementingchanges with minimum timerequired the company to adoptcapital intensive techniquesbecause labour techniques aretime consuming. Apart from
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apparels. Apart from this, theywill hire specialised fashiondesigners who can designunique clothes for women ataffordable prices. this, it also focussed more onproviding training andguidance to the people toimplement change effectively. Bohner and Arnold change impact analysisImpact Analysis model for changes was proposed by Bohner and Arnold which is aquantitative research method which is concerned with the impact of an error have on other partsof the plan. This deals with investigating the possible consequences of a change within acomplex product development (Anderson, 2016). This will result in the improvements of therequirements. The various types of impact analysis are discussed below:Traceability: Thisvariant established connection between requirements, specifications, design, elements and test. Inthis people understand the impact of changes and enables teams to respond more rapidly andaccurately.For instance, organisation will asses and trace the demands of the market which willbe useful for them in identifying which techniques to be used, what kind of products are to bemanufactured, etc.Dependence: In this, links and connections between parts and variablesbecome clear. When it is understood in advance that who and what are dependent then it givesclear picture of effects on changes. For instance, after analysing and tracing the demands andneeds of people, organisation will focus on factors which are dependent on one another. This willhelp them in maintaining the balance between the supply and demand, also increasing sale isdependent on promotions to attract customers by using various techniques like advertisements.Experiential: Its emphasis on the fact that impacts of changes are strongly connected to howexperts will experience this. Therefore, a team will be able to predict and determine theconsequences of changes. For instance, organisation will experiment the product before finallypublishing it into the market. For this purpose they can conduct market testing and throughsurvey and feedback forms can analyse whether the customers liked their new designs or not. P2. Internal and external drivers of change.Driver for change are those factors which brings change in the whole industry. Theseforces induce industry players to modify their actions due to which industry changes (Bascia andHargreaves, 2014). Victoria secret will face various drivers for change while implementing
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