
Understanding and Leading Change: Assignment Solution


Added on  2020-12-28

19 Pages5364 Words350 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Understanding and Leading Change: Assignment Solution_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1TASK 1...............................................................................................................................1P1 Different organisational examples to show impact of change on organisationalstrategy and operation...................................................................................................1M1 Drivers for change in each example and types of organisational change theyaffected..........................................................................................................................4D1 Conclusions and recommendations with valid justifications for planning changeeffectively.......................................................................................................................4TASK 2...............................................................................................................................5P2 Various internal or external drivers of change impacting leadership, individual andteam behaviour .............................................................................................................5P3 Measures to minimize negative impact of change on organisational behaviour.....6M2 Appropriate theories and models to evaluate organisational response to change.6TASK 3...............................................................................................................................7P4 Different barriers for change and their influence on leadership decision making ...7M3 Use force field analysis to analyse resist and driving forces...................................7D2 Critically evaluate the use of force field analysis in meeting organisationalobjectives.......................................................................................................................8TASK 4 .............................................................................................................................9P5 Different leadership approaches to deal with change in organisational context.....9M4 Extent to which leadership approaches can deliver organisational change...........9D3 Evaluate effectiveness of leadership approaches and model of changemanagement..................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................9REFERENCES................................................................................................................10
Understanding and Leading Change: Assignment Solution_2

INTRODUCTIONChange is referred as a process where business organisations undergoesoperational methods, structure, technologies, organisational structure and strategies sothat competitive advantage over rival companies can be attained. The impact of thesechanges can either positive or negative depending upon the manner in which it isimplemented. These changes can either be continuous or take place after time interval(Alavi and Gill, 2017). This assignment is written in context with Burberry which is aBritain based luxury fashion house dealing in clothes, accessories, cosmetics etc.Organisation was established in 1856 and headquartered in London, England. Atpresent company is operating at more than 500 locations. This report will cover differentorganisational examples which get impacted due to changes along with the manner inwhich internal and external drivers impact organisation. Different barriers of change andthe manner in which they impact leadership decision making is discussed. At last,different leadership approaches to deal with changes are mentioned. TASK 1P1 Different organisational examples to show impact of change on organisationalstrategy and operationOrganisational strategy is a long-term procedure which is used to identify andadopt those actions that can benefit a firm in achieving its aims and objectives. Itdefines the way that will help a company in achieving competitive and monetaryadvantages against other companies. Changes associates with organisational structureand strategies will allow Burberry in adopting new strategic directions which will resultsin high profitability. New strategies will benefits in fulfilling the desires and needs ofcustomers in an appropriate manner. To understand changes in operation andstrategies, some organisational examples are compared with each other. In this context,Burberry and Marks & Spencer are mentioned below:Burberry M&S Politicalchange After Brexit, UK has faced differentpolitical changes due to whichBrexit has impacted big retailorganisations in a negative manner1
Understanding and Leading Change: Assignment Solution_3

country faces political instability.This has resulted in change ofrules, policies and regulations inUK. These changes has impactedhospitality sector in a majormanner. In this context, Burberryhas adopted some changes in itoperations and strategies. Strategies: Brexit has resulted ineconomic instability and downfallin UK. Due to this, people residingthere have stopped buyingluxurious products or services. Inthis regard, company has changedtheir pricing strategy. Earlier firmhas premium pricing strategy asthey sold luxurious products butnow Company is adopting priceskimming strategy in whichproducts will be charged highduring introductory phase but thentheir prices will be reduced so thatsales and revenues of companycan be high. Operation: Due to these politicalchanges, other companies arealso changing their work patternso that impact due to politicalinstability can be minimisedconsiderably. In this context,Burberry has carried out somethat acts as a hindrance in theirrevenue and profitability. In thisregard, these organisations arerequired to change their strategiesand operations so that lessdisposable income of people cannot impact their revenues andprofits. In context with this, M&Shas formulated some change intheir strategies and operations. Strategies: Earlier company usespremium pricing and skimmingpricing strategy so that they canearn high profits but now companyhas changes their strategy toeconomic pricing so that morenumber of people will buy theirofferings and products. Thisstrategy will help company inmanaging stable sales so thatstrong presence in market can bemanaged (Cameron and Green,2015). Operations: Company hasenhanced its social presence sothat promotion about discounts andoffers can be carried out properly.By this, large number of people will2
Understanding and Leading Change: Assignment Solution_4

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