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Understanding Employees' Job Satisfaction: A Study of an Oil Company in Assam


Added on  2024/07/04

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This study investigates the level of job satisfaction among executive employees of an Oil Company in Assam. Using a survey method and a 5-point Likert scale, the research found a high level of job satisfaction among the executives. The study highlights the importance of a positive work environment and its impact on employee satisfaction and productivity. The findings provide valuable insights for employers and employees to foster a harmonious work environment.

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Understanding the Employees’ Level of Job Satisfaction Among the Executive
– A Study of an Oil Company, Assam
Article in International Journal of Management Studies · February 2019
DOI: 10.18843/ijms/v6si1/11
2 authors:
Subhadeep Mukherjee
M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Seema S Singha
Dibrugarh University
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International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Vol.–VI, Special Issue 1, February 2019 [89]

DOI : 10.18843/ijms/v6si1/11


Understanding the Employees’ Level of Job Satisfaction Among the
A Study of an Oil Company, Assam
Subhadeep Mukherjee
PhD-Research Scholar,

Centre for Management Studies,

Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.

Dr Seema S. Singha

Department of Commerce,

Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.


Job satisfaction is one of the major challenges that managers faced regarding managing
employees within the organisation. Preceding studies have shown the remarkably large impact on
organisational performance by the level of job satisfaction, especially on the worker's motivation.
Since the level of job satisfaction has an impact on productivity, it affects the performance of
business organizations. Therefore, the objective of this study is to understand the level of job
satisfaction among the executive employees of an Oil Company and the respondents were limited
to 125 No’s of employees working in an executive level of a selected Oil Company only and the
data was collected through a survey method in random sampling technique.

To understand the level of Job satisfaction descriptive analysis has been used by using the
percentage method based on the 5
-point Likert scale and the results were obtained accordingly
which shows that the level of Job satisfaction is high among the executive employees. This article
aims to provide an intermediary between employers and employees to find common ground for the
level of satisfaction to ensure a harmonious work environment.

Job Satisfaction, employees, workers, business, organisation, satisfaction.

Job Satisfaction among the employees within the organisation has been always a widely focused and concern
area and it has been found by researchers from various literature. Satisfaction among the employees from their
job is always a motivational factor for them which enhance the quality of job performed by the employees; in
turn, it will affect the company’s turnover and productivity. Many definitions have been provided by the
researchers with a different viewpoint by stating that job satisfaction as perceptive, affecting and evaluative
responses or approach. Many researchers have stated the term Job Satisfaction as a pleasure and optimistic
emotive state ensuing from the job appraisal or experience.

Job satisfaction becomes major research in recent days for all organization and business. Job satisfaction has
linked to employee performance, absenteeism and turnover. A satisfied employee tends to work harder than the
employee who does not satisfied. Furthermore, job satisfaction gives an image to the company about how their
employee perceives about their work. It is a very crucial issue when the level of employee job satisfaction in the
low level because it could make high absenteeism since the employee who does not satisfied naturally will seek
reasons to do not work or even worse they will seek for the other work opportunity.

In this study, the level of job satisfaction has been analysed to understand the satisfaction standard of the
executive employees within the work environment towards their job.


The reviewed literature for this study is as follows:

Singh, J.K., and Jain, M. (2013) have stated that employee satisfaction is very much important to meet the
Document Page
International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Vol.–VI, Special Issue 1, February 2019 [90]

energetic, growing and challenging task of upholding the efficiency of the organization by maintaining and
encouraging its workforce. In addition, environmental stresses causing the rise of health costs and different staffing
also needs a challenge for the management. They also said that this can be overwhelmed by forming a positive
working environment which sustains employee satisfaction and encourages individuals to achieve outstanding
performance in the workplace to balance work and life. This document also describes that the several variables are
accountable for employee satisfaction and the different means in which staff satisfaction can be increased.

Chatterjee, S. and Priya, S. (2016), have chosen a multispecialty hospital to conduct their research and an
attempt has been taken to understand the level of job satisfaction among the employee of the selected hospital,
through which they found that a positive relationship does exist among the employees in participation in
decision making and with Job Satisfaction and on the other side employees productivity with employees
commitment. The results of the study have indicated that this positive relationship with employees’ participation
with job satisfaction and employee productivity, commitment and turnover created a positive impact on the
overall growth of the organisation.

Bakotić, D. and Babić, T. (2013) have stated that the concept of job satisfaction is very complex in nature which
is influenced by many factors, the aim of their paper is “to analyse the impact of the working condition to job
satisfaction”. Researchers have conducted empirical research in the selected industry ‘Croatian Shipbuilding
Company’, where its results show that there is no statistically significant difference between in the overall job
satisfaction and the working condition where the employees work for it. Employees are more satisfied with the
working conditions than employees who work under difficult working conditions. In their study, it is
highlighted that working condition is one of the major factors that influence the overall job satisfaction.

Swarnalatha, C. and Sureshkrishna, G., (2012), has examined the various management practices by which they
introduced teamwork, management leadership, teamwork, employee compensation, employee empowerment by
which it formed a research model for studying employees job satisfaction at automotive industries in India. 234
No’s of employees were selected from the automotive industries in India and the results of the study were
highlighted accordingly “the job satisfaction level of employees are medium and the top management
leadership need to take attention to enhancing the employee job satisfaction level”.

Sinha, E. (2013), has undergone the study to measure the satisfaction level of the employees by which they have
selected 150 employees based on systematic sampling. Data was collected by distributing the structured
questionnaire based on 5 points Likert scale, from major 23 variables it was reduced to major 5 factors as
“Empowerment & Work Environment, Working Relation, Salary & Future prospects” and it was considered for
the further study. As a result, the researcher has found that “the employees to be satisfied on the basis of the
above said five factors”.

Msuya, O.W. (2016), has undertaken a study on the role of extrinsic factors and socio
-demographic factors in
determining job satisfaction among the teachers in public school in Tanzania. For this study, the researcher has
done the mixed method of data collection and after the analysis results were found that “job satisfaction among
teachers in public secondary schools was not homogeneous; socio
-economic and demographic factors had a
great contribution on varying job satisfaction levels”.

Gap of the Study:

The above reviews have examined the Job Satisfaction in the significant background in contrast with employee
commitment, job stress, employee productivity, the work environment of a relationship with job satisfaction and
employee satisfaction at the workplace, and so on. Therefore, there is a great need to investigate in this area to
understand the level of Job Satisfaction among the employees working at the executive level of the selected Oil
Company of Assam. This will help the organization to adjust its policies and procedures to address the growing
interest of the workforce in this phenomenon. This can have a positive effect on the overall work culture among
the employees within their working environment.

In particular, this research focuses on the following research questions:

What is the level of job satisfaction among the executive employees of the selected Oil Company of Assam?


The objective of the study is as given below:

To understand the level of Job Satisfaction among the employees working at the executive level of the
selected Oil Company of Assam.
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International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Vol.–VI, Special Issue 1, February 2019 [91]


The methodology for the study is as follows:

Research Design: In this study, sample respondents of 125 No’s of employees working at an executive
level of a selected Oil Company of Assam has been considered during the pilot survey.

Method of Data Selection: The Primary data was collected in a survey method by the help if the structured
questionnaire and random sampling method have been used for selecting the sample respondents.
Secondary Data has been collected by referring to various journal, books, magazines etc.

Instruments/ Technique Used: The data is collected by the distribution of questionnaires. The closed-
ended questions were used when the selected employees have specifically limited answers to response and
ask them to choose the answer closest to their points of view. A self-administered questionnaire has been
used for the survey; the questionnaire has been adopted as an instrument to gather information by collecting
feedback from the selected respondents within the organisation in a standardized manner.

Questionnaire Design: Job satisfaction was measured using the Minnesota Satisfaction Survey Scale
(MSQ), which was developed by Weiss et al. (1967). The MSQ measure was the measure of employee
satisfaction with 20 subjects taken for this study. The scale was designed on the 5 point Likert scale from 1
(very satisfied) to 5 (not very satisfied).

Statistical Analysis: To understand the level of Job Satisfaction among the employees working at the
executive level of the selected Oil Company of Assam. descriptive analysis with a percentage (%) has been
used for measuring the level of job satisfaction and to measure the reliability of the measurement scale, the
Cronbach’s alpha test (Cronbach, & Meehl, 1955) has been used by running the test in SPSS 20.

Table 1: Demographic Representation


(Year Wise)

Participants Percentage (%)
-35 26 20.8
-45 43 34.4
55 41 32.8
56 & above
15 12.0

114 91.2
11 8.8
- -
Marital Status
Married 106 84.8
19 15.2
Educational Level

- -
- -
58 46.4
Post Graduate
37 29.6
26 20.8
4 3.2
- -
Job Nature
Administrative 72 57.6
53 42.4
Employment Status

104 83.2
13 10.4
8 6.4
Service Length

Less than 5 years
31 24.8
Less than 10 years but more than 5 years.
28 22.4
Less than 15 years but more than 10 years.
41 32.8
Less than 30 years but more than 15 years.
16 12.8
More than 30 years
9 7.2
Source: Survey,

N= 125 respondents

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Vol.–VI, Special Issue 1, February 2019 [92]


Job Satisfaction was measured by using the Minnesota Satisfaction Survey Scale (MSQ), which was developed
by Weiss et al. (1967) which assesses job satisfaction among the employees within the organisation. The job
satisfaction scale was designed with 20 items which were scored through 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1
(very satisfied) to 5 (not very satisfied). The internal consistency for the scale of 20 items estimated through
reliability test (Cronbach’s Alpha) was 0.925, showing that it is highly reliable. (Table: 2)

Table 2: Reliability Statistics of Workplace Spirituality(WS) Measurement

Job Satisfaction
Cronbach’s Alpha

= 125 respondents.
: Field Survey.
The alpha coefficient for the twenty (20) items is
.925, therefore, it suggests that the measurement scale items
are having relatively high internal consistency, so it is considered to be scale for measuring Workplace

Spirituality is reliable and the questionnaire
is accepted for the study.
(Note: Accordi
ng to Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient thumbs rule of 0.9 or higher is considered as
“Excellent” in research.)

3: Represents the measurement of the scale for constructive validation for each twenty (20) items by the
scale used during the
pilot test is mentioned below:
Table 3: Scale Measurement Statistics for Item Validation

Scale Mean if
Item Deleted

Scale Variance if

Item Deleted

Corrected Item
Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha

if Item Deleted

32.7760 93.530 .059 .933
32.9840 90.629 .327 .927
33.1200 87.268 .566 .922
33.0720 85.245 .711 .919
33.0000 84.871 .674 .920
32.8880 84.487 .684 .920
32.9840 87.274 .526 .923
32.9280 85.551 .642 .921
32.7680 87.228 .481 .924
33.0240 85.943 .630 .921
33.1680 86.109 .684 .920
32.9840 83.403 .680 .920
32.7600 85.103 .617 .921
32.8080 83.737 .666 .920
32.8320 84.125 .702 .919
32.9200 84.784 .652 .920
32.9840 85.661 .672 .920
32.9840 86.226 .628 .921
32.9520 86.256 .646 .921
32.8320 84.576 .679 .920
= 125 respondents.
: Field Survey.
To understand the measurement of the scale for the validity of the twenty (20)
statements used within the
questionnaire regarding Job Satisfaction (JS), path analysis has been performed by observing the
alpha value for proofing the validity of each
item. According to alpha thumb rules, 0.9 or higher is
as “Excellent”. Therefore, it has been observed that all the alpha values of twenty items are higher
than 0.9 and there is a high internal consistency among each item.
Document Page
International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Vol.–VI, Special Issue 1, February 2019 [93]

So, by this observation, it can be considered that twenty (20) statements for the scale of measurement regardin
‘Job Satisfaction’ are valid in nature.

Level of Job Satisfaction:

To understand the level of Job Satisfaction among the employees working at the executive level of the selected
Oil Company of Assam, descriptive analysis with a percentage (%) has been used for measuring the level of job
satisfaction. The range has been considered for measuring the level of job satisfaction, if the maximum
respondents are between extremely satisfied to satisfied the level has been considered as ‘High’ or if it is in
neutral then ‘Medium’ or if it lies between dissatisfied to extremely dissatisfied it has been considered as ‘Low’
and the results were obtained accordingly as mentioned below in table 4:

Table 4: Descriptive Analysis to understand the Level of Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction ESA SA NE DSA EDSA Level of

Engagement at work 29.6 57.6 6.4 6.4 - High
Happiness in Job Execution 40.8 49.6 9.6 - - High
Seeking new Job Opportunity 56.0 32.8 11.2 - - High
Feeling as a Part of Business Organisation 52.8 34.4 12.8 - - High
Treatment by supervisor and colleague 49.6 35.2 13.6 1.6 - High
Job Achievement 42.4 38.4 17.6 1.6 - High
Job based on Moral Sense 46.4 39.2 13.6 0.8 High
Regular Employment 42.4 42.4 13.6 1.6 - High
Dealing Job Matters with Colleague 32.8 47.2 17.6 1.6 0.8 High
Communication for performing Job 49.6 36.8 12.8 0.8 - High
Using abilities to perform job 59.2 31.2 9.6 - - High
Pay at Job 52.8 29.6 15.2 0.8 1.6 High
Organizational Policies 31.2 51.2 14.4 1.6 1.6 High
Growth Opportunity 37.6 44.0 14.4 2.4 1.6 High
Decision Making 38.4 41.6 17.6 2.4 - High
Working Condition 43.2 42.4 10.4 4.0 - High
Working Environment 44.8 42.4 12.0 0.8 - High
Job Appreciation 45.6 40.0 14.4 - - High
Working Style within the Workplace 41.6 44.8 13.6 - - High
Overall Satisfaction 37.6 42.4 19.2 0.8 - High
N = 220 Respondents

Source: Field Survey

- * ESA: Extremely Satisfied, SA: Satisfied, NE: Neutral, DSA: Dissatisfied,
EDSA: Extremely Dissatisfied. Level of Job Satisfaction rated as High / Medium / Low

Operational Measurement Level

Extremely Satisfied Satisfied = High

Neutral = Medium

Extremely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied = Low

From the above
-mentioned table, 4 shows that the majority of the employees are satisfied with the overall
aspects of the Job Satisfaction such as Work Engagement, Pay at Job, Work Environment, Job Achievement,
Moral Sense within the Workplace and many more. It has also been observed during the survey employees are
very much dedicated and eager to state their feels of satisfaction which is reflected in term of their opinion from
the selected respondents for the study.


Based on the above analysis and results it can be considered that there is a high level of job satisfaction among
the employees working at the executive level of the selected Oil Company of Assam. In this study, it is very
clear that if the working environment within the organisation has a proper positive condition then the
Document Page
International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Vol.–VI, Special Issue 1, February 2019 [94]

satisfaction level is higher among the employees within the workplace. The above results highlight that the
fundamental changes that are taking shape within the workplace by creating positive work culture within the
organisation, it enables lots of opportunity for the employees and the management as well. Job Satisfaction
helps the organisation to create a positive and holistic working environment, where it will help the employees to
search the real meaning in their work with a clear vision. It helps them in enhancing their productivity within
the organisation and also gaining peace of mind as a result, it provides a sense of happiness among the
employees which forms the workplace as a holistic environment.

By this study, it is clear that high
-level job satisfaction among the employees, this will help the management
and the employees to deliver meaning to their work and the productivity level will also increase by this holistic
momentum within the workplace of the selected Oil Company of Assam.


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