
Diversity in the Workplace: A Study on Food Retail


Added on  2023-01-19

32 Pages8319 Words27 Views
Unit 11 Research
Diversity in the Workplace: A Study on Food Retail_1

Table of Contents
TOPIC .............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Produce research question, objective and literature review ..................................................1
Overview of research .................................................................................................................1
Background of the study ............................................................................................................2
Research Aim .............................................................................................................................2
Research Objective .....................................................................................................................2
Research Question ......................................................................................................................2
Rationale of research ..................................................................................................................3
LITERAURE REVIEW ...............................................................................................................3
P2) Evaluate suitable research methods and secondary research?..............................................1
P3: Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods ...............................................4
P4. Analytical tools to analyse research findings and data.........................................................4
P5: Research outcomes in an appropriate manner....................................................................16
(Covered in PPT).......................................................................................................................16
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods ...............................................................18
P7. alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes................18
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Diversity in the workplace. A study on Food Retail”.
The aspect of globalisation empowered every form of organisation to invite diverse
workforce to carry out the desired goal an objective in an effective manner. However, for
maintaining a better working culture and healthy relationship among employees the concept of
diversity plays a significant role. This is because, the term diversity refers to those business or
management activity in which organisation make an effort to employ different background
manpower without showing any sort of discrimination in terms of placing and delegating roles or
responsibilities. Some of the differences which diversity involves national origin, physical
appearance, religion, education, age, gender, sexual orientation. In relation to food retail
industry, it's core purpose is to deliver high quality of product and service in order to acquire
increased level of customer satisfaction in an prompt manner (Harvey and Allard, 2015).
However, the concept of diversity is regraded as an important element in Food Retail because it
is a marketplace where different kinds of customers arrives with an aim of achieving high level
of satisfaction. In this regard, an organisation must make an attempt to manage or maintain a
diverse working environment so that employees can render best service to its targeted audience
in an impressive style. In context of this research report, it is wholly supported on the role of
diversity within Food Retail. For understanding this aspects in a deeper manner, the present
report covers research objective, aims, question, literature review. Moreover, identification of
different research methodologies, interpretation of data, presenting overall findings and
suggesting relevant recommendation which enable researcher to produce reliable outcome in a
desired time period.
P1 Produce research question, objective and literature review
Overview of research
According to the current research report, it is mainly centred over determining the
challenges which occurs within an establishment while maintaining diverse organisation culture
in the context of Food Retail. However, as per existing scenario of marketplace, it has been
signified that an organisation success and competitiveness is depend upon its potentiality or
capability in embracing diversity at workplace. This is because, the diverse background talents
Diversity in the Workplace: A Study on Food Retail_4

are able to provide novel ideas or perception and also help firm to strengthen the relationship
with customers. Due to which, it lead an organisation to enlarge its overall sales performance
and also can acquire best positioning inside industry. On the other hand, diversity incurs huge
challenges over organisation such as differences in culture, language, issue of acceptance or
respect, generation gaps, gender equality and many more (Saxena, 2014). Henceforth, creating
better relationship and providing equal opportunities, fair decisions enable association to enrich
its brand image and also can easily cope up with all current or emerging market competition in
an effectual mode.
Background of the study
This current research report is about Food Retail which is one of the increasing industry
among competitors in terms of acquiring high level of sales growth and productivity ratio. Along
with this, Food Retail is establish within UK marketplace and serve its product and service
across the globe. Moreover, it main purpose is to obtain improved level of profit margin by
offering high quality of products and adopt innovate or advanced technologies into functional
units. However, it take an initiate in inviting diverse manpower who belongs to various cultural
background. Due to such initiation, it help them to enlarge its market share and also to improve
its brand image in an effective manner. Additionally, they also make an attempt to met out all the
requirements of market and help them to gain competitive advantage in an amended mode.
Research Aim
'To analyse the challenges arise in maintaining organisational culture due to diversity in
the organisation” . A study on Food Retail.
Research Objective
To understand the concept of diversity in the organisation.
To determine the several challenge faced by management in managing organisational
culture due to diversity in Food Retail
To identify the strategies for managing diversity within Food Retail
Research Question
Do you have knowledge about the concept of diversity in the organisation?
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What are the several challenge faced by management in managing organisational culture
due to diversity in Food Retail ?
What are the strategies for managing diversity within Food Retail ?
Rationale of research
The main reason behind selecting this topic is that increasing demand of globalisation
and millennials customer motive companies to embrace the concept of diversity within its
business premises. The primal advantage which diverse business culture render is that it enable
an organisation to make an effort to analyse the industrial competition and threat as well as
encourage them to implement best strategic decision for attaining sustainable growth. Moreover,
another factor which drive researcher to choose this area is that handling of diversity at
workplace impose various difficulties that directly impact over company's proficiency ratio.
Hence, by organising such study assist researcher to understand the concept of diversity and also
enable them to identify the employees need or requirements in a better manner. Moreover, it also
empower them to take corrective course of action for acquiring increased level of employee
engagement and motivation towards personnel. Apart from this, by conducting this report, it
assist researcher to gain detailed information about research methodologies that lead them to
deliver valid and authentic report in present market. Additionally, with the help of this research
report, investigator is able to obtain different scholars or publishers opinion regarding managing
diversity in organisation which aid researcher to give suitable suggestion to industry with an aim
of improving overall performance in an amended way.
To understand the concept of diversity in the organisation.
In the views of Neil Kokemuller, In this modern era of global market, the term diversity
is considered as an essential element because it enable them to grasp or generate innovate ideas,
help them to understand the situation of local market as well as drive them to acquire talents
from various backgrounds. However, diversity is related to those aspect which signifies that it is
a process of combining different cultural background irrespective of gender, language, culture,
beliefs, age, nationality, ethnic, education many other (Patrick and Kumar, 2012). The main
intent of diversity is to avoid the occurrence of discrimination and respect every employees
views or perception for generating positive working culture. However, due to the intense level
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of competition and threat between industries to industries and companies to companies, the
component of diversity is valued as an important determinate. This is because, it assist Food
Retail to encourage different background employees within the business premises that help them
to handle customer in a smooth manner. Moreover, it also lead them to understand each
consumer needs or wants and motive personnel to take corrective course of action by delivering
the appropriate service. With the help of such contribution, Food Retail can enhance its
productivity ratio and also can enlarge its market share or size to a new geographical regions
without any obstacles. Apart from this, another benefit that Food Retail can acquire with the
implication of diversity at workplace is that it help them to adopt innovative and advanced
technology inside its functional unit. Due to which, it enable Food Retail to offer the service in
an easy mode and also to minimise the delivering time. Along with this, it help organisation to
gain the benefit of less time consuming, reduce the unnecessary cost, and less energy required. In
addition to this, with the adoption of diversity, it empower Food Retail to understand and
identify current or emerging market trend and competition as well as drive them to make best
strategic decision in order to place the brand in an aggressive position within prescribed time
limit. Along with this, by practising diverse organisational culture, it aid Food Retail to impose
increased level of collaboration and cooperation from manpower towards an accomplishment of
organisational goal without nay obstacles . In addition to this, it aid workforce to put their full
potential towards an achievement of business goal and also motivate each personnel to work with
high level of team spirit. With the help of such initiation, Food Retail can benefit by acquiring
improved degree of employee engagement and strengthen the overall sales performance among
competitors in an innovative style.
To determine the several challenge faced by management in managing organisational culture due
to diversity in Food Retail
As per the views of Angela Hood, 2019, With the introduction and execution of
economic globalisation the demand of diversity has been increased at rapid pace. The main
rationale behind this, diverse working environment enable an organisation to acquire several
benefits such as invite highly skilled personnel, adoption of innovative technologies, enhance
market competition, foster productivity ratio and many more. But on the contrary, to maintain
diverse working environment becomes the huge threat for managers and organisation as it
directly impact over the potentiality of company in attaining sustainable growth and
Diversity in the Workplace: A Study on Food Retail_7

development. However, the major challenge that Food Retail come across is that cultural
difference because each manpower belongs to different cultural background and also their beliefs
varies from each other. Due to which, it create an issue of acceptance and respect among
employees towards each other perception or views (7 Biggest Diversity Issues in The Workplace,
2019). Moreover, with the absence of acceptance and respect it generate conflict of interest,
miscommunication, misconception, misunderstanding between employees and it arise an issue
of reducing personnel involvement in business activities. Apart from this, another challenge that
an organisation undergoes is that recruiting or hiring candidates in a suitable position with an
intent of filling the vacant job position. This is because, HR finds difficulty in identifying each
manpower skill or abilities and also face issue in delegating roles or responsibilities on the basis
ODF their abilities and potentiality. However, inappropriate placement of candidates may lead
Food Retail to face huge problem in acquiring satisfaction and motivation from manpower
towards brand. Moreover, It also negatively impact over establishment overall profit margin ratio
and its capability to gain competitive advantage in a stipulated time limit without any hindrances.
In the views of George Steward, 2016, The concept of diversity plays a significant role
within a business premises as it help them to enlarge its market division and also drive them to
explore its productivity ratio in a desired time limit. However, for managing diversity at
workplace is also become the biggest challenges in majority of the establishment. This is
because, it impose different problems like cultural difference, linguistic barriers, gender equality,
and so on. In relation to Food Retail, the major threat that organisation undergoes due to the
practise of diversity is that difference in languages that creates miscommunication and confusion
among personnel and it influence organisational culture in a negative manner (Chrobot-Mason
and Aramovich, 2013). However, Food Retail is a sector where enormous customer arrives with
an aim of acquiring consumption of food. Therefore, differences in language may restrict each
personnel to interact or communicate with each other due to it arise confusions and ambiguities
in regard of fulfilling the requirements of customer in an improved manner. Henceforth,
providing equal opportunity and giving best training programs help Food Retail to motivate its
employees to give their best contribution towards and achievement of goal and also to enhance
the brand image among competitors in an innovative or impressive style in a stipulated time
To identify the strategies for managing diversity within Food Retail
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